Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Important Web Sites

Tennyson Center for Children-Childabuse.org

Monday, September 22, 2008

Important Web Sites and The New Mexico State Fair

Child Abuse-Statistics, Research, and Resources (currently last revised 9/3/2008)
by Jim Hopper PH.D.


The Protection of Prudence by Conscience (sculpture) received a second and Literary Plot
(sculpture) received third-Hispanic Contemporary Exhibits.

Letter to Colleges-2007-Freedom of Speech and Expression

Thursday, September 18, 2008

The letter to the Mayor (8/13/07)-New Mexico State Fair-comment

In my letter that was hand delivered to the Mayor's office, I said I would give 25% of the sale
price for the creation of a national organization that would supersede all state and local agencies
that dealt with child abuse (or a closely related intended proposal with same intent). I will honor this commitment with Federal, any State and Local government and her agencies. I choose how-
ever to have drafted (with witnesses) if necessary an understanding as to how The Protection of
Prudence by Conscience (sculpture) will be represented in the private interest and the public at
large. This sculpture represents A Greater Need For The Protection of our Children (child abuse by adults) and Law regarding The Rape of Women as One Concern, Together.

I, as an Artist have learned in the past that some of the art I have made can and has been misrepresented by their collectors. This sculpture (and her image) will not. It is
too important (The Protection of Prudence by Conscience), and what it represents.

This will remain in effect until I chose otherwise (don't worry , the sculpture's image is all over
the nation and western society and who knows, maybe further). And I'm not done with my
mailings for the national law. Think Petitions.