Tuesday, September 15, 2009


ANOTHER THIRD Tonight at 9:25 ( 9-14-09 ), my landlord at 5413 Alice N.E., and I had a ' sharp, ' heated conversation in my front driveway, about past rent and that I was supposed to have been out of the house on the 6th of last month. I corrected him, it was the 16th. The near impossibly of moving tons of steel and trashing and donating furniture and about a thousand books, has played a factor in the delay, although no legal action has been taken.
He stated that I owed him 20 thousand dollars for back rent. I told him that I didn't. He later recanted his number figure to 16,000 instead of 20 thousand.
I stated that I didn't want him to bring young girls by my house. He stated that he had never done so. He later recanted that " that was years ago."
He stated that he would have the police kick me out. I'm sure ' history ' might repeat itself, if that was the case.
I told him that I didn't want him on the property. He and his friend's have never given prior written notice, for any ' entry,' in the last ten years. If you think about it, this is how millionaires make their money.
He also stated that my comment in my house ( 8-16-09 ) of me blaming or accusing him of setting his white truck on fire was crazy. None the less, it's what he said at the time of the young girl in his truck, a few years back. Thereafter I had to pay rent, if I had cash in the parking lot of a restaurant ( Popeyes's-10601 Central Ave N.E. ), close to Del Norte High School, at least once.
There was a morning afew years back, in which I ' felt ' that I was almost someone else, until I broke the trance. It took alot of effort. I was shredding my receipts for payment of rent, half of almost every receipt that I had, almost everything of a written nature of my existence in this house. My first lease was almost next. Too bad for some personal photos and writing. I almost even destroyed my high school yearbooks and all Art ribbons. It was a picture of and the ' voice ' of my father. A pen and ink drawing. I broke the spell of someone ' telling ' me to do this. If the night before, was like the rest, then I was ' told ' repeatedly to do so. I consider these people and their minds, some in unison, to be in support of, if not pedophiles themselves.
A woman pleading for help, " Please help me," almost a whisper, after being beaten mercifully and pleading for another person. " Please help me." A man and a woman, as if in the ' rafters,' speaking to each other in quite; softly, in observation? Then a climbing down, as if upon a ladder. The woman pleading " will you help me?" A woman's response, though not clear, not understood. The first, " Please don't hurt my baby..." Then the thunderclap of a gunshot. A very short, almost silent sigh, as if a last breath. It was so quiet afterwards.
I was on the ground with a thirty-eight in hand and something on my back, something not seen, in my hallway; heavy. For many years afterwards, in my mind, I've questioned ' the weight, ' the answer almost always " You would of been killed." " You might of gotten one, but you would've been killed." Threw the fear then and reflection now, I wonder if the heavy was my father."
That night was insanity. What people do. Another night, shortly afterwards, another woman beaten again, and taken away. The police were never called, yet the ' static ' was in the air. I ran out of minutes. Knowing that ' Downtown ' was somehow involved, lawyers; a complete loss of faith, yet I believe that freedom without law, is impossible.
A dispatcher once told me, never call us again ( The Police ). A Captain once told me, never call us again.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009


" The global and dynamic character of the perception of the child has been investigated by psychologists in many lands. The child does not perceive distinct objects. He sees an " ensemble of movements " associated with the object. He participates, probably unconsciously, in these movements. When he perceives, he really wishes to act, to join in some movement around him. Action precedes visual perception. It is as if the child played with his toys before seeing them. If he recognizes them, it is not because he recognizes the objects in and of themselves, but because he experiences again the repeated movements he associates with these objects. A box, even if it cannot be opened, suggests the action of opening. It is the objectified possibility of performing an act; in the case of the box, it consists of raising the lid.
Cousinet writes: " When a child holds out his arms towards a balloon with which a little girl is playing, it is not the balloon that he desires. He scarcely sees the balloon except as a detail of an ensemble. What he wants is the whole ensemble formed by the balloon, the little girl, her gestures and himself. To perceive is for him the wish to act, to make himself part of a more or less complex activity in which the balloon is only a ' pretext.' When one brings him the balloon, he does not recognize the ensemble that he had formerly perceived. One brings him exactly what he had not perceived."---------------Mind to Mind by Rene Warcollier, Preface copyright 2001, by Ingo Swann. Interpretive Introduction copyright 2001, by Russell Targ and Jane Katra, Ph.D. Postscript copyright 1975, by Arthur C. Hastings. Originally copyrighted 1948 by Creative Press. Pages 22-24.

" The effectiveness of political and religious propaganda depends on the methods employed, not upon the doctrines taught. These doctrines may be true or false, wholesome or pernicious-it makes little or no difference. If the indoctrination is given in the right way at the proper stage of nervous exhaustion, it will work. Under favorable conditions, practically everybody can be converted to practically anything."---------------Brave New World Revisted by Aldous Huxley, copyright 1958. Perennial Library, Harper & Row, Publishers.


"Devil Girl Choco-Bar, made by an upstart candy company, uses the reverse marketing tactic, boasting that the product sucks and that it's bad for you. Devil Girl is a cartoon-packaged chocolate bar covered with a bitchin' female charater saying " Eat me!" The so-called " nutritional facts " section on the back reads " 7 Evils in One!" and lists in order:

1. Delicious taste

2. Quick, cheap buzz

3. Bad for your health

4. Leads to hard drugs

5. Waste of money

6. Made by sleazy businessmen

7. Exploits women

Sound too nasty for you? The candy industry isn't the only business impressing youth culture with this reverse marking method. In a quirky new campaign, Miller beer introduces us to Dick, an underachieving advertising guy who apologizes constantly for not being creative enough, when you actually want to root for his honest, underdog style. Look for this marketing approach to appear on everything from cereals to ice cream to clothing and cars. Soon enough, reverse marketing won't be a tiny trend but a megatrend in advertising.

But how will freestyle and reverse marketing impact the future of traditional business? The big thinkers will think on their feet, not their seats-treading the streets, connecting to the mentality of youth. ( HERE, IT IS VERY IMPORTANT TO THINK FOR YOURSELF, INTERNATIONAL INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY LAW AS IT WOULD APPLY TO ' OWNERSHIP OF IDEAS ' AND AT WHAT AGE. ) Open up meetings; use brainstorming as a standard; celebrate ideas. Test in the trenches, not in the focus groups. It won't be about how big the company is, but how innovative, authentic and different the brand ' appears.' If the brand is number two or three or four-cheer it. If it's number one, play it down. This is what will get the brand accepted. Because a brand is an individual-it's all about the message. the packaging and the ' CORPORATE CULTURE THAT FUELS IT.' Get mental, get real, think small, think entrepreneurial. Better start now, because the DIYs are coming to your front yard."----------------Street Trends by Janine Lopiano-Misdom & Joanne De Luca, copyright 1997, HarperBusiness, A divison of HarperCollins Publishers. Pages 102-103.


The funny thing about allowing R.V.'s parked on private property, in the front of a dwelling, is that legally they seem to be an entity in and of themselves. They allow, depending on the owner of the dwelling, the possibility of all types of illegal activities from drug trafficking, prostitution and perhaps safe havens for wanted individuals, not to mention the vehicle for the flight of persons involved in human trafficking, sexual child abuse and kidnapping resulting from outstanding drug debts or ' snitching.' I'm sure this is not the case in all neighborhoods, but the possibility still remains; existing laws protect the main dwelling to some extent.

What is needed in our society today because of the growing problems of drug related abuse and child abuse as an exacting measure in need of societies concern, are laws that include the complete forfeiture of private property and not limited to the main dwelling, if a conviction is achieved in a court of law.

The reason this has not happened in New Mexico, Albuquerque in particular, is because, and perhaps only urban legend, the connection between the government and organized crime is almost without boundaries.

A public official who was recently tried, convicted and jailed, and though ' third handly ' heard to say, " I can have anyone 'offed ,' if I want." He was reportedly stated in laughter, but earnestly so. Yet his millions are safely stashed away and the public outcry of support was high before he went to prison, on both sides. What does this have to do with child abuse? You figure it out for your selves. Why should we care of children's balloons?

No one associates child abuse with Recreation Vehicles, yet many have been linked with illegal drug activities in other states. So it would stand to reason, that if this is so, then wouldn't statistics back up problems dealing with abuse, and then, perhaps child abuse also?

Not to mention the affliction of other problems dealing with other illegalities in some neighborhoods, until these neighborhoods ' prove ' themselves CHILD SAFE?

So, let me ask you a question, those of you who are of the reasoning type. When you were dating, what did you ' entice ' your date with in order to get her ( or him ) into the backseat? I bet it wasn't a house on wheels, coffee or porn and late night visits ' to go swimming in the neighborhood pool.'

How's that balloon doing? I beg your pardon,... adults? The absence of perception in relation to the size of the existence of abuse and Pedophilia in our neighborhoods.

The ' kidnapping ' of minds is an interesting idea, although an old one. In my neighborhood, it's the ' lifestyles ' and illegal drugs. Pedophilia is already here, it would have to be, statistics prove it's part of the mix, ' The American Dream.' Ask any ex-police officer or radio show host. R.V.'s are like refrigerators, harmfull and even deadly if ' left ' open for children.


I gave an example of one of the ' enticements ' or hooks; whispers in the night, in one of my posts. It wasn't " Eat me," and though I decided to post it, I did so with considerable thought as to how it might be perceived in example to today's youth, should they happen upon my blog. I considered an Adult Content Warning, but chose not to in order to give example in some public forum, simply stated, TO FIGHT BACK.

" It's because of Television that homosexuality is being excepted. So, what are you waiting for?" Bart Prince, 2002, a conversation. local architect. By gone patron. Beware of Pretext's lid. Money isn't everything, and neither is alcohol.