Wednesday, December 31, 2008

A vail of human communication

I met a young woman from Kuwait last night in a video store. She was in ' western ' dress. She told me she was muslim and that she moved here to the United States with her parents. I mentioned my blogspot in passing and in general how it came to be. We talked awhile as we looked for movies to rent. And I thought what a beautiful mind; she is well spoken in verse as it reflects her education. And with a sweetness of personality and spirt.
I mentioned the 58 year old man married to the 8 year old girl, a story in another blog that I posted. I found it difficult to mention in her presence. Her response was that it was probably an isolated incident. My response was that there were probably more of the same in this country.
In reality the cultural differences in the middle east when compared to the west are vast. Or so it would seem. We have so much to learn with the new found extension we in the west have regarding childhood that is take for granted. And to be as a world within that ' hope ' and much more important, ' faith ', to have a good education in regards to cultural differences. And yet when I was talking with her, with my limited use of the english language, I couldn't help but sense the beauty of her mind.
In the mind, ideas are conveyed and when given height above the body, conscience and peace can be found.
I didn't mean to put her on the defense. I was polite, as was she.
In the beauty of almond eyes are seen distant elders and the many definitions of childhood in times long past, out of need.' Property ' and survival, just like ours.
The United States of America is all about freedom, justice and equality. Some of her citizens are beautiful beyond compare, despite differences. We are a people that encompass the world, and want peace due our shared history; that which is now due for our children. A good childhood.

It is my dream in this world
Women seen equal
Equal without mimic
Equal to men
Both childhood's dream

Monday, December 29, 2008

important Web Sites:

This blogspot is very good and needs to be paid attention to.

Horrible story-look under REVIEWS.-Girl, 8, ordered to stay with 58-year old husband. 

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Liberty's Conscience

I stumbled upon this law a few days ago.
On January 20th, 2008 the Protection of Conscience Law will go into effect. This Act of Conscience is the best piece of law to go into effect for a long time, meaning about a century. The precedences it might serve our nation ( not to mention globally ), I hope will be applied with grace and as it will protect those in a time who are not able to protect themselves. We provide Protection; we provide. We are the only nation in memory who has tried to right our wrongs of our past within our nation. Yes, hard earned. We reflect on our misgivings and RIGHT them if at all possible. Japanese Americans and compacts with Native American's, not to mention Rights ( already given, not recognized until of late ) for Farm Workers. The groups of death organizations and movements and those who dismantle our Constitutional rights will finally be addressed by those of good conscience and faith in humanity for all. The right to choose for ALL ( Adults ).
This law ( Healthcare and providers ) address's individual responsibility Due Conscience. The RIGHT to make up your own mind ( As an adult ) as a matter of what YOU feel and know is RIGHT or wrong. The ramifications are revolutionary in terms of revisiting 1776.
Thank You President Bush and the republicans and democrats who all participated in the three plus decades it took to put CONSCIENCE to LAW ( Acts, I HOPE will follow ). And thanks to my father for his part.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

The Heart of the World is Seen

These pictures I took and chose to share with the world were not contrived. I chose to share them with the hope that those who view them might too see and feel that there is something greater then themselves. The reason things of this nature astound me is because we as a whole are taught ' what you saw is not real.' Tonight, on Christmas eve, I will tell of a story when I was about one. An experience.

I remember, clearly, crying, screaming; afraid of the water. A river below. Rushing water. A rail of some sort. I was handed from one parent to the other. I saw a couple below, one holding a child. I looked up and the sky was ' alive.' Thousands if not millions of voices, meaning
languages that I almost understood. I too was somehow 'realizing' becoming, somehow ' aware '? My mind grown up? The languages that I almost understood, that I could almost 'see', all ( underline) were very familiar, yet my understanding just beyond grasp. It seemed to last for minutes.
Then I was handed to my other parent. I was with the feel, the voices I knew. The sky, or whatever was in the sky was beyond compare. I have tried to paint it, sculpt it and though others have tried to' take ' it, ' imprint 'over it, my memory serves me well. In ' my ' mind I have been told to leave it alone, it's ' unexplained,' a few years ago.
My father told me' that your mother told you that.' I only wish she did. One night before I left for Albq. we spoke for hours. The talk was dealing with her family, marriage, sex, kids, alcohol, work, being alone and everything else of her experience. God I wish I asked her of that night. I didn't go out and drink that night, I talked with her all night long. Maybe in another blog I will go further. I really do wish I had asked her.
I will always remember the sky and that which is still in my memory, my experience. And will be. How simple words are, how simple numbers are. Numbers that are somehow like letters. I've never seen or felt that again but in a few ' messages ' posted here. And everything so far in this world that I have seen, including in science has not even come close. I have told you what I heard within and without, " A little more heart ." A few degrees right of east. What I haven't told you is about a year before, in a strong ' male?' voice I heard something about ' Abraham ' from the west. Stick with the plan? Somehow ' he ?' sounded exterior.
My answer to those who played my ' mind ' don't know shit from door knobs.
I now know that what I saw below me is triad. One.
Triad, part of the title for the new sculpture.( This time without anger. )Loosely based by a distance past, lessons learned the hard way. The thirteenth month calender, a constellation and the gods their in. We are not listening. The universes and beyond and within the firmaments is watching.
I am not playing God here. That is what I saw, something that I can't explain.
'Equality' is earned by man and even now 'given' to women. Equality Has and Was already Given by that That Has No Name. Children mimic those who 'master' them.
When the universe is viewed as a whole over the period of four billion years, would it not seem as that which is in a petri dish? Alive and moving as if breathing. I wonder sometimes if the stars above are as the stars within, as seen in the eyes of a child within a mothers womb, waiting patently to look upon the face of the father. All those stars as if bolts of love felt; seen.-----------( all definitions of the word, through all known ages, all measurements of tone, all senses realized as commitment, as if one, from the first ' sound ' uttered by a human soul. Union.)
That which is watching. Merry Christmass! Happy Hoidays! Love your children and protect them as mother and father IN PEACE - Bart.

Important Web Sites: of person and What sort of people. Mac and Fannie Mae gave large donations to homosexual activists just before collapse? Why is NAMBLA still around? Why aren't all who were involved investigated, democratic and republican ,from the top down? Campaign contributions, both sides? ' Paper trail.'

Friday, December 19, 2008

Important Web Sites: Cultural Comparisons           

The importance of education beyond all barriers. Good information. 

Monday, December 15, 2008

Untitled Heart: This complicates things a bit. 12-15-08

On the spur of the moment I decided
to take photo's of 'conscience,' and came
upon this shot when I was through. I'm speechless, you decide.

Important Web Sites:

The reason I posted this web site is because of responsibility. In this site, there are a few interesting pages that I thought, are worth posting. Under the heading of: A European Model: The lessons Learned.>The facts: Europe & The United States - Why the difference? I found this information of value. I think you will find it's worth.

Friday, December 5, 2008

The Spirt Remains? Part 2

            FEAR AND INDIFFERENCE                                                                   From the time of puberty young women have the eyes of the world on them. So with the young men.  
           Pheromones. What do you think goes on in their subconscious and unconscious mind? 
           Young girls and boys who are traumatized ( child abuse ) early in life, some with a large degree of consistency. What do you think goes on in their subconscious and unconscious mind?
           The last week of elite training for various military units in this country, consist of sleep depravation-constant. Live round drills/training-battle field conditions-constant. Among other disciplines ' applied.' In other groups of our military the initial training is longer. Fear of the unknown breeds adaptation, also indifference. What else do you think goes on in their subconscious and unconscious mind?
                                                                 What is Unity?
                                                                 What is culture clash?
                                                                 What is the ' 100 monkey effect?
        How would this relate to children? How would the mentality of homosexuality and the swinger group mentality affect children as a whole, as a segment of the human organism ( age would be the commonality addressed ).
        Now think of the computer, a tool, alone in and of it's self (the internet ' can ' be bad enough). After sitting in front of the screen for hours, do you feel as though your brain is jumbled with useless (?) imagery; alot of ' static.' Did you feel a need to relax, ' decompress?'
Where did your mind go? Where did ' you ' go? What was your subconscious and unconscious mind doing? 
                                                                  Were you alone?
        Welcome to the early days of applied CRV and RV. The question is which? Who's applied technique or technology? Yours? Yours or others? The Act of Thinking is Technology In Use.
         The computer is a ' copy.' When you think, and teach your children; are you the leader? Are you thinking and in full use of your technology when applied to information? Information dissolute in substance as intent due neglect. If you are not, I can assure you that others are when your children are concerned. Were you alone? Think of your children. ( Another fact that you may not be paying attention to, We Really Are At War. )
        We as adults need to regulate children properly. The internet is in need of regulation too.
        Do you really want todays youth, a segment of the human organism forever linked with a mindset ( Which one? Mirror; ' copy ' or human, but not yours. ) that maybe completely out of your control. Are you really parents, or the child within? What is indifference? Would you know?

                                                                   Are you conscience? ( Right vs. Wrong )
                          You decide.
        The pedophile organization, NAMBLA, ( Left ), National Man/Boy Love Association promotes the elimination of all age-of-consent laws for all sex. This is violence under the cover of proposed law. Violence to childhood.

Important web sites:
        Sometimes it seems only religious groups know the difference between right and wrong. Important articles on NAMBLA. Inform yourself.           Within the context there is a warning. Obey it. I did. Important information. Article deals with NAMBLA, but from the women who prey on young girls.


Thursday, December 4, 2008

The Spirt Remains? Part 1

         This country (US) is a corporation. It would have to be to do business. What's the price of your soul? Your children's soul?
          As promised The Protection of Prudence by Conscience, a sculpture is being dismantled.
          One more piece will be made. It should take but a day to construct. I will utilize a sculpture that is already made. It will be altered. Remnants of the sculpture ' Conscious ' will be added.
           I was once told by an ex-patron about four years ago, that the pyramid represents sex. He is an atheist; he is a homosexual. This is his religion.
           While moving a sculpture in the company of  others and 
him, I ' witnessed '  direct influence by a stronger mind to a ' lesser,' weaker mind. A child. What his mouth produced in the way of words, was not what his ' mental projection ' was. Can this be proved? I don't know. You decide.
            The ex-patron also told me just before this period, within the space of a year, that Henry Ford said " it's all about perception. " I guess he could of told me this directly, " without the quote. I felt that I had been ' attacked ' in my sleep, his response was " it's all in your mind." I now know the loose determining constraint within the context of the conversation, fractals. Today I understand it's full meaning regarding human beings. Are there hidden agendas within this theory if accepted? You decide. ( A New Kind of Science, Stephen Wolfram, copyright 2002 -This book has nothing to do with the mind, I don't think. But can ideas be projected and retained on a subliminal level of the conscious? Do we as individuals have a choice? Or is it an illusion? )
            Far right fanatics ( left wing too, for that matter ) have never been people that I have admired. However, the honest ones who record lit. from various cultures and subcultures should be respected. No matter how graphic the opinions and information is. 
             Ms. Magazine, March 1974. Gloria Steinem-Editor. Number 7. " A child's bill of rights."
" Man's evil doings were not evil, but natural, considering the traumas of childhood and the conflict of the id and superego." Does the perception of the child ( not within ) have the same value as the perception of an adult? Are they the same level? What is a child in todays world?
             When I first studied self hypnosis I was soon bombarded with mental attacks and ' self examination.' The intensity was almost beyond my comprehension. I have now separated the identities, interrogations and memories. Some were outside, some were projections.
              A very short time latter, I was ' approached ' by a mind that spoke clearly, in english, with a vocabulary and use of words that I would associate with academia. I eventually looked where I was told ( this happened several times until I gave in ) in the holy bible to the chapter and verse. What little I will remember is a thousand years of light. That I was the one and don't you know who you are. ( he attacked my ego. I remember a female ' voice ' or projection too. ) And an argument in length supporting sexual child abuse with children. " If the child does not know it's sin..." I will say no more. I threw the bible down to the floor and broke the spell or state of mind.
              I have read bit's of the bible since. KNOW THY SELF. That is the first line of defense.
              Whoever that was, had a powerful mind. My ' perception ' served me well. I had a good mother and my fathers lessons served me well. The Bible has no value if someone is using it to project evil and false ideas. It can be thrown down and retrieved later. It is an important book.
               Whoever that was, he and his ' kind ' and like minded companions are SICKER THEN HELL. Do not be mislead. There are laws protecting children. I believe we need stronger laws. The ' higher mind ' ( if you can call it that ) in some people is not what you would expect.
                Major Ed Danes once stated in an interview " You don't want to be in the head of a Pedophile."
                Don't be afraid of them. Do not be afraid of them. The mental door swings both ways when opened. They can be tracked. Do not fear those who should be imprisoned and will.  
                I believe in God, the unnamed. I believe in Jesus Christ. I have seen all arguments for disbelief that one can learn. I still chose to believe. I am also a secularist, a realist. Pedophiles don't belong in ether world.
                 Also of note:
                 1. Blinders off: Getting a good look at abuse and assault.
                 2. Emergency Contraception
                 3. Saving Sarah? Or not.

                  I'm fifty fifty in regards to this site, however I have known people when I was younger who might of benefited from a site of this nature. I am pro choice, but I don't believe in mid term and of course late term abortion, it is murder unless the mother's life is in extreme danger. My opinion. For what it's worth, based on what I read, the name of the site is in need of change. In my mind I refuse to refer to young women in terms of ' Scarlet ( A ) letter.' It is an important site based on what I read.
                   I haven't made up my mind with first term.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

The ' Fathers of Albuquerque,' in ' uniform ' and not; Al-Qaida ( terrorists ) and homosexuals

The Pedophiles won. The worst thing I did was include the rape of women with child abuse. All it did was frighten men and empower lesbians; feminist. I thought, silly me, ' mothers ' would take an interest! After all, feminist empowered them. Equal rights and all that good stuff. Oh well, Albuquerque's terrorists, drug dealers, dirty uniforms ( individuals ), Lawyers ( individuals ), some veterans ( individuals ) and 'God knows who else' have won. I'm not going to hold back any longer, the sculpture will be disassembled and destroyed.
The ' mind,' though recognized, will never be legitimatized by the government and those they employ. The brain is biological. The ' loophole ' between would be forever lost,' no control,' If anyone really cares.
The battle between the sexes, not to mention those who prey on children and ' ALL ' the fantasies therein read like pages from scientific lit. and the bible itself. Who's reality begins where ? Who's fantasies ends when ? Where is the line between reality and the projection ? This is important because projections have the potential of be coming reality. Who's monster is trying to get into your head or your children's. Who taught who? What is Heaven? The literature is there, it does work, but you will be called crazy. Most especially if you try to do good. We all ( most ), to some degree, know what Hell is. Terrorists have many masks. They do not know the word ' good.'
Over three years have passed since I tried to convey this need. No one listened other than those supporting pedophiles and all those involved in the disease's foundation, responsible parents? Only one reply. A list of established law. At least it felt positive; from The White House. Oh yeah, within my mind " there's an election going on." Three years ago.
Without fantasy there is no life, without an ' agreed ' reality there is no economy; money. We all supply the fantasy, who supplies the profit? I guess we are all ' goods?'
' That is your reality.' I turned two weeks ( at the very least ) of being used by ' assholes ' and having my head messed with, not to mention my own fear, into at least three years of addressing and trying to bring change. I lost everything. But, I'm happy with it. No one can erase the smile from my soul and heart. This includes Katrina too, NM State Fair. ( Whoever put that post, regarding my sculpture on Google can take it off. ) The Protection of Prudence by Conscience was the best sculpture I have built. So, I will put her back where she belongs, my heart. You earned your ' system,' you taught well.
I will publish the second letter I sent to The President and First Lady in a few days. I might also publish the list of all those I sent mailings to.
One more thing, what is porn? What is child porn? I believe about 75% of what I have come across on the net should be removed. Put out of business. SHUT DOWN. If adults can not regulate them selves regarding ' Ownership' and international property law regarding an image and representation of the human body due the ' Individual ' with regards as to what is ' DEEMED ' a child ( PROPERTY, WHO'S ? ), HOW IN THE HELL DID THE IMAGE GET ON THE INTERNET IN THE FIRST PLACE? THE CHILDREN ? If so, why do and why are children of all ages allowed cell phones with cameras? IF THE CHILD IS UNDER THE AGE OF 18, THERE IS NO POSSIBLE REASON FOR A CHILD TO BE IN NEED OF A PHONE WITH A CAMERA. CHILDREN, THE INTERNET AND CAMERAS DON'T MIX. ADULTS OWN THE NET.
If there is a question of age, why is there a photo? OWNERS. Try and report it sometime. In our state you are directed to pedophile registration. Unless, it's changed.-National, State and local hot lines are needed. Grow The Fuck Up! Or read your Bible. IF THERE IS NO ' INDIVIDUAL,' THERE IS NO LAW, NOT ONE, PROTECTING CHILDREN, IN REALITY. A CHILD IS NOT A DEAD FETUS. ADULTS OWN THE INTERNET. A suggestion, get the military out there off drugs ( prescription ) and oil interests for a short while and eliminate the people and or families that provide the child porn service. In prison for life; human ( child ) trade, Death penalty. Globally. Put their aggression to good use, learn from Vietnam.
I've got no problem with adult nudes. I've got no problem with child nudity within proper context due proper subject. EX.- Child Abuse. I have a real problem with child abuse ( child nudes, and in proximity with adult porn and child porn ) and all it's content and all sexual abuse to a child in the real world which it ' represents,' and is taught and dealt by adults.
Take Care, and keep up the GOOD FIGHT. And remember, I was raised to keep an 'open mind.' I was also fooled into saying " that I'm better off bisexual than dead." Oh well, self hypnosis and RV. I own my mind. Your dealing with me now and have been for awhile. I see nothing I respect much any more. Truth doesn't frighten me. Who ever you were by my window three years ago and whoever 'you' were in my mind...What were you looking for? An ally? I don't associate with pedophile druggy shit. And, I don't buy into social conditioning regarding one's sexuality, as it has been taught in our schools. Don't EVER try to recruit me again. I still have respect for human life.
Let all children decide when they are of age. And stop FEEDING them drugs. Who knows, you might end up with a better result( human being ), God knows you wont end up with a better consumer. Maybe that's the problem.
Outside of the letter I said I would publish, I am going to leave the blog alone for awhile. Watch over your kids, and research what happened in the late sixes and seventies as it will affect your children. You have no idea what you are up against.-Bart.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Important Blog page

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Oh, Say Can You See?

Is it possible that statistically speaking , out of 40 million abortions (1990), we as Americans murdered our " Best and Brightest." After all, who can afford one? Does that matter? And the world cheered, or did she? Was she saddened? I'm proud as an American that our authorities and military are protecting those who can not protect themselves.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Death of motherhood. Fathers are no more. Both have been replaced.

The sculpture The Protection of Prudence by Conscience was offered to the Tennyson Center for Children Colorado, for free.
The offer was declined.
She will be dismantled. The idea of a National Law to Protect women against rape and children against child abuse as one law will never come into being because of that which you have empowered to rule your destinies. You were given the right to murder (now kill), you fought for it, you received it; are you still making the same amount of money per hour as your counterparts? This was hard earned.
My original post had to do with RV, and the mind and given examples, as it relates to pedophiles and society. This was disallowed by those in power, the ' underground. ' Privacy has never been the issue in our society, that is only a scapegoat. Parenting is not born of money. Responsibility is hard earned. It should of been taught in our society. Privacy is earned out of respect. There is none in America. It is not taught in schools today. Who do some children look like?
' Hard earned ' by all belief systems are all races and genders, including those who see themselves in the singular race as it pertains to sex. Those who will do anything, by any means to drug children ( by any technology or belief system available ) and empower themselves only to enrichen themselves at the expense of all else; think of children of all ages in blenders worldwide. We ' earned ' it.
I was mistaken to think we in New Mexico, the Nation were better than this. I was wrong.
Dirty cops, drug dealers, some veterans, and fathers everywhere are all the same. Pedophiles. The Patriot Act itself, those for and those against are the enemy within, to be utilized by the singular idea; a gateway. Greed and self gratification allowed the enemy to flee, or did it? ' Children are ours to feed upon and ours alone.' We allowed this to happen.
I was mistaken to attach a greater need for protection of children to a natural observation that compassion is due to a greater need against the rape of women because of a hard earned labor; hope requires no action; foresight with no responsibility as adults due children is murder . And we are copied. Women copy women as well as men.
We in New Mexico and the United States revere and elevate pedophiles to the highest degree as we are lead by the 'singular' we have empowered them to do.
We have been brainwashed not to be adults.
What I have learned from remote viewing is perception as it would reflect as if a dictionary. The door is 'all'. The objective is the singular; you won't like what you find. Look in your children's eyes and ask yourself, " Do they belong to you? "
Hollywood and those who own her, own your children and 'those' who raised them.
And those who rebelled in the sixties empowered those who pray on children openly and privately in the eyes of all to see. How do you feel? And now there is no one to call for help. Children are ' aborted ' to the streets and alleys because we ' earned ' the right to do so.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Thoughts on Child Abuse revisited?-A suggestion, a thought.

The only method of abortion that can be accepted in a civilized world is the consent of
both sexes ( biological female and male, in writing, with the doctor, and the parents of both parties if age of consent is at issue ) before it is performed and adoption services are provided by the civilized world without exception or question of ' creed' , if decided against or abortion is denied. Furthermore, retribution is not retroactive on those who have enabled, performed, received and accepted ( both parties ) this ' deed ' , if legal in the eyes of the law; past present and future, if this suggestion is made legal. Would ' age of consent ' apply and be accepted within this framework if made legal ? Would the rights of both parties be represented and respected and the rights of the child be accepted as the rights of ' the parents ' are understood to be, or HAVE WE AS CITIZENS OF THE WORLD - NO RIGHT TO LIVE.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

What is illness?-Excerpt from the book - Romanced to Death by Paul DeParrie

A little known fact in todays world is that the sexual revolution has
not and never did come to an end. It is on going and doing well as you
can see by my recent post. You might ask your selves, those of you in 
the know, why post old news (20 plus years) in 2008, when your lives 
are now content and your objective is near achievement. Religion all but 'made' to be falsehoods by example of those who mirror 'their' examples
of sacred texts. Who's right? A 'new' religion based on the old idea that
the child (real living children-academia) are to be 'prayed' upon by adults is not parental. This is my belief. 

My idea of the sexual revolution is one within the boundaries of one's own mind. In today's world technology has enabled pedophiles to cross all boundaries as the printing press made books (ideas) available from the 1470's ad. onward. The internet is in need of regulation. The 'bridge' between the television set and computer (and everything that has been embedded within the signals) screen is almost complete. The ' linked imprinting ' that we have enabled is in need of regulation regarding all information (images and otherwise) of children. A new approach  must be found or a old idea revisited. The Will. Faith resides in the Will, not hope. Faith requires ACTION. Hope is only 'wanting'.

The illness that I posted as an example of a society that is sick, is a representation of us all, if you disagree, it is my opinion that we as a society, ' just don't get it'; Repetition.- FAITH.    

Friday, October 24, 2008

Nothing is Scary (Except Fear Itself!), A letter I sent to an acquaintance (10-8-08).

You have no idea how many people are blind. Tell all your friends about it and keep safe, there's more going on then all of us know. Freedom without laws (*rules) 'is' the animal. Sometimes you have to cut ties with people who don't or can't show proper restraint or judgment (*including myself, depending on your perception and judgment). The idea or movement of the 'animal', 'anti-christ', 'devil' or what ever you chose to call it, is the 'masses'. The uneducated and greedy under the guise of idealism, who are led by the insane notion that one want supersedes all ( I'll give to you, all you want and need , and furthermore, nothing is wrong, because 'I' will fix it all). Don't be fooled.
I was fooled in a big way awhile back. Stay away from ' Fanatics' on both sides.
It is my belief, that McCain/Palin will protect our country (*both within and without). He has gone through hell and remained civilized and still serves the good of the people of the United states of America. He has experience that 'can't be bought'. Palin is a MOTHER of five and (* with her husband ) CHOSE not to kill her last child despite handicap. She had five months to THINK and FEEL about it.
My concern is 'Late Term Abortion'. I believe in a woman's right to chose. However, I feel and think that late term abortion is murder. Google late term abortion sometime.
(* Sarha Palin ) She chose life above all. I think people haven't thought this out when applied to other belief ( 's * systems ) and or actions. ( And she knows how to hunt! Ha!) She has a mothers instinct, PROTECT my young ie. HUMANITY. Teach them yourself, then educate your children well within the family. * Then send them of to school. If life is a continuation of the conscious, are we not killing the ( idea of ) living God? Convenience of sex should NOT determine the convenience and the consequence of DEATH as a result of the actions of the parents. The idea of the underling foundation of Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States of America is based in the understanding of a higher authority
'Under God' that decree's ' All people are created equal ( by God ) under the law. Are we not people? If we as a people, as a nation, can not or will not protect our children in the womb and into the environment that we bring them in to, how can we possibly send our young into harms way when we as a people, as a nation never protected them in the first place. The 'convenience' of sex in todays world and the acceptance of loose norms as practiced by adults in the presence of children ( internet, TV, ect. ) without social justification regarding consequences determines fractured economies, thus the death of the underlying foundations within the nation itself. The precedence of life determines the end result; presence of mind. How far can we as a people, as a nation be pushed in the absence of conscience.? Do we cherish our children.
I am a minority as long as ' I chose ' to keep my name. I am a mix of different races. And so is every one else. What we are led to believe who we are, is not ' what ' we are. As a Mexican American I have been spit upon in the face as a white, by a Mexican American and turned down by ' whites '(* and ridiculed; women, jobs ) because I'm Mexican American.* I was raised in part by both my parents and by my mother ( German American ) and father ( Mexican American ). I am now better for it. I give my mother a great deal of credit; five kids and what she had as a person of limited education. Should I chose to change my name or ' Americanize' my name, I am still a minority within the construct of God and our founding fathers and I am my own person too, I give respect when and where it is due; when it is earned.
My father once ' protected ' our house from hoodlums next door by sitting in front of the house with a .22 rifle ( empty chamber ) single shot, and drinking beer. This is how I envision Barack Obama, minus the beer and probably the rifle.
My father did a lot of good for The Chicano Movement. He helped ' his ' people as a lawyer. A lot of people where helped by him and others better equipped then him.* He wore the uniform of which he earned from The United States Navy and along with a friend fought off ' low life ' whites because they would not serve him in a bar. Navy Whites; on leave.
Barack Obama is not my father and does not yet have the backbone my father had when the idea of protecting our house from the evils of the world entered his mind that day. Empty chamber or not, both men are a credit to their named identities, those they serve and the ideals they wish to protect, that is a fact. However, what is being taught by example?
Any man ( Obama ) who states that " I don't want my daughters to be punished for a mistake latter in life ", regarding abortion ( late term he pushed through and sighed on ) when the very right to ' exist ' as women and children, and when rape and child abuse is reported , women and children are met with severe beatings and/or death, from family male( s ) and the state, in the other half of the world ( and sometimes here in the United States ).
Any State, Race ( all ), Culture or person and those who support this behavior trait should not be allowed to take on any leadership capacity.* A ' mistake ' within the context of the 'right to chose' allows for only the worst of possible out comes regarding the consequences of ones actions and does not allow for the possibility of life. This reasoning can be applied to society in general and the handling of disputes overseas without regard to human life. This ' Mistake ' lends itself to genocide; intent.
A ' mistake ' is not a round in a chamber to protect ourselves from life. Anywhich-way you look at it, what you are aborting is a life derived from a behavior, the question is, does that life have the ' right ' to exist, most especially when vocal cords are present,* but unable to speak, or can they? Doctors were never meant to be soldiers, and soldiers need leaders who respect the lives of children unless under their attack: a clear and present danger.
Muslim fanatics have written and voiced and set their ideals and concerns to actions. The unborn and late term survivors until killed never had the chance to make a ' mistake '. We are a nation at war for our survival, for our ideals survival and for our children's survival.
Who are we protecting and who are we protecting ourselves from?-Bart.
*--- What was added or more thought given to, at this point in time.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Important Web Sites

Tennyson Center for

Monday, September 22, 2008

Important Web Sites and The New Mexico State Fair

Child Abuse-Statistics, Research, and Resources (currently last revised 9/3/2008)
by Jim Hopper PH.D.

The Protection of Prudence by Conscience (sculpture) received a second and Literary Plot
(sculpture) received third-Hispanic Contemporary Exhibits.

Letter to Colleges-2007-Freedom of Speech and Expression

Thursday, September 18, 2008

The letter to the Mayor (8/13/07)-New Mexico State Fair-comment

In my letter that was hand delivered to the Mayor's office, I said I would give 25% of the sale
price for the creation of a national organization that would supersede all state and local agencies
that dealt with child abuse (or a closely related intended proposal with same intent). I will honor this commitment with Federal, any State and Local government and her agencies. I choose how-
ever to have drafted (with witnesses) if necessary an understanding as to how The Protection of
Prudence by Conscience (sculpture) will be represented in the private interest and the public at
large. This sculpture represents A Greater Need For The Protection of our Children (child abuse by adults) and Law regarding The Rape of Women as One Concern, Together.

I, as an Artist have learned in the past that some of the art I have made can and has been misrepresented by their collectors. This sculpture (and her image) will not. It is
too important (The Protection of Prudence by Conscience), and what it represents.

This will remain in effect until I chose otherwise (don't worry , the sculpture's image is all over
the nation and western society and who knows, maybe further). And I'm not done with my
mailings for the national law. Think Petitions.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Important Web Sites

Friday, August 8, 2008

Important Web Sites

American Bar Association-Young Lawyers Division

' Get'em while they are young ' in order to change and enact laws pertaining to Rape and (sexual)
child abuse. Take an interest in how our system of laws affect us all. Education and values start
within the family as it applies to you and the world as a whole. Change the world through your
children's perception and the universe will follow.