Friday, August 21, 2009

GHOSTS-' Arlington Road,' A ' woman ' told me it was a good film.

I'm not a smart person. I have found that I can be ' directed,' but I WILL speak up and voice my opinion and give what knowledge that I know of, in order to protect children. If you are born homosexual, that's one thing, but to recruit children into a lifestyle that most would consider to be, not natural, in as much as, to dominate those who can not protect themselves from others (adults ), what can I say, other than that is OBSCENE. As far as ' FALSE ' technology goes ( look up the word technology ), the ' recruitment ' process has got to come to an end. Feminism has come to an end because the welfare of ALL CHILDREN has been over shadowed by the ' NEEDS ( ? ) ' of the few.
A person that I know ( friend ? ) who is gay, once told me that DIVERSITY is best. I think now that the label ' gay ' is just that, although she might be a feminist. No one's perfect. Men are by far the worst when it comes to predators. There are exceptions to the rule, believe me. Feminism is killing ' motherhood ' at an ever so rapid rate, that pretty soon all women might be seen as men as example and the idea of childhood and family will fall to the way side as refuse. And the only memory and example of the woman's suffrage movement will be the ' taste of ghosts,' in water supplies across the country of aborted children's laughter. Children that might of been, once. What might of been, never to be, now of feminist laughter.

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