And then there's innocence.
The amount of mental aggression you might encounter upon your education dealing with the brain and mind and how some think it might work and those you will meet may surprise you. Think of your childhood, think of your children if you have any. At which point does innocence vanish? Are you prepared to discover other minds back to when you yourself were a child? If indeed they were there. If so then these are a few good books, without having to read between the lines. I would suggest a basic education first, at the very least.
All my life I have tried to tell my parents some of the things I've felt and seen. For some I've been punished, other's laughed at. Almost everything I've ever said has been turned against me until one day my mother let me read a book by a german author on ' visitor's in the past ', this put my brain to work. Since then, to the present.
I've found a painting on a RV site with an image in it, painted by an artist at the turn of the century. A cloaked figure writing something down in front of her face, hidden from view. I saw this figure years ago in a dream, twice. I thought ' she ' was a nun. The writing was between letters and numbers. It, the paper, a perfect square with the writing, I've never seen the writing before but it seemed familiar, tuned into a star and she placed it threw my chest into my heart. That was the last visit.
I mentioned the painting because it relates to dream's, flying dreams, I was being taught to fly by a woman holding a star, a sun, in prayer. She was atop a green hill, the countryside was lush with vegetation, hills everywhere and lakes reflecting blue skies. Lakes, everywhere. Every time I had this dream my grandmother would call and say brother I was just thinking of you. I always knew she was praying. I can't remember how many times I had this dream. I flew and I saw from a distance. I know that I had a ' vampire ' on my back, so to speak, as lit. directs. I was about ten. A few years earlier in Jurez I remember being pulled back from the collar of my shirt with extreme force from the curb as I was about to cross the street. A dump truck blew through the stop sign. My grandmother Ochoa saved my life. I remembered almost nothing after that for a few days.
Purple Fables ( Quartet ) by Ingo Swann.-Copyright 1994. This is one of the best on the market, it has conscience. Listen to what this man has to say.
The User Illusion-Cutting Consciousness Down To Size by Tor Norretranders-Coppyright 1991.
Remote Viewing Secrets by A handbook-Joseph Mc Moneagle-Copyright-2002. If memory serves, this book has an experience of great value. Shopping list, dish soap, bacon, three cans of beans, kill barbra, potatoes, WAIT! What?-This after a days work tracking terrorist. He prayed for an hour after he stopped his car. It is my hope that this example will
enlighten you. I believe this is an example of ' transference.' If the ' door ' is opened, who is being observed?
Listen to your children about monsters in the closets. These authors are good people, I feel. Sometimes you have to know what it is that you and your children are fighting.
Remote viewing is but one of the methods information is obtained and ideas exchanged without your knowledge. Don't answer questions in your sleep or otherwise. Protect your children.
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