Silent slumbers stir,
As if all dreams dreamt; the answer was kept. A dew drop seen above, a barren sky fell,
WHY CARE ABOUT MY CHILDREN?Upon a stillness of heart.
Women have now, the 'right' by LAW to earn the same amount of money for work done as men in The United States of America. This has of yet to be seen in this country, or truly experienced by the masses of women. Hard working women across this country might find an obstacle in there way in the form of Sexual Harassment by those that they trust and confide in at work and play. The power grab's the same, the 'friends' might be different, some are women. The goal's money, of course. Why worry, there harmless and so fun to be with and I might add, they ' Just seem to understand me, and listen to all my problems dealing with husband/boyfriend.' What is role playing?
Does your child have the same value to you when you discuss confidential topics concerning work, home and play? Do you need your job? Does your child/children need you to have your job? Does your daycare? Who should you really trust? Who's smarter? Does your husband/boyfriend need you to keep your job too?
The feminine man is not a woman. You had better remember that. In the back of your mind, remember who you are, a mother and who you gave birth to. Your husband/boyfriend was ( is ), your choice. Now it's about your family. Your 'confident' across from you might of been ' harmed ' early in life and you might not be aware of it. Idol worship? Mimic? Always in the back of your mind think of your child/children. Always remember who you are.
It's about power now; it's about money. It's not about lifestyle, it's about caring for children. Who are you? Were you the information spoken? Why is ' feeling ' always the tool for unemployment? Were you the chameleon? Why should I care about your children as a member of society, when you won't?
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