My faith in economy, money; the dollar bill, comes to a complete halt when I see pedophiles and drug dealers working hand in hand, getting away with complete and total immunity, seemingly provided by law enforcement, and praised in our society for it.
Some would say that giving my land back to the people I bought it from, might be crazy. Maybe. But I would offer, that when the acts of Pedophilia and the nature of lifestyles that have and do impose the climates for foundations of it's permissibility and further growth of it's ' environments ' growth, then the ' land ' as future ' dream,' or dollar as representation of ' faith,' in spirit of ' The American Dream,' has failed.
Some would say that giving my land back to the people I bought it from, might be crazy. Maybe. But I would offer, that when the acts of Pedophilia and the nature of lifestyles that have and do impose the climates for foundations of it's permissibility and further growth of it's ' environments ' growth, then the ' land ' as future ' dream,' or dollar as representation of ' faith,' in spirit of ' The American Dream,' has failed.
I don't want or need to be part of this ' New Dream.' Pedophilia or murdering babies. I've already ' heard and seen ' enough of it. And tryed to stop it, knowing full well what I was up against.
Value is just that, VALUE. Worth, in my opinion, is the amount of action as a representation in faith, in duration of ' economy ' seen and experienced by ALL as action against that which has been and is harmful to our children. As a whole society.
I'm going to be fifty this year. In many respects, I don't feel it, yet, when one feels and experiences a ' system, ' or part of it ( ? ) that does not work, well one moves. No clear public distinction between what is right and wrong exists in New Mexico.
Some would say, all money is ' dirty ' money, that money is money. Maybe. I believe, to a certain extent that money is ' localized,' or it's value as a perception, in the ' Minds 'of the people within the local. I see no value in the ' local ' representation of monies that I see and have ' experienced ' as JUSTICE.
So, I will start over from scratch, in different lands of a country based on the ' notion ' of freedom and JUSTICE FOR ALL, AND NOT LIMITED TO ONLY ADULTS. Should I find ' her, ' I might want children too, in a different state that protects her young when the parents don't.
In New Mexico, one of the Clear and Present Dangers are the Ideas that if you pay your taxes, then what ever you do is legal, no mater your occupation. In combination with donations to your local police and or sheriff, then you are immune to all inquiries and implied illegality of law. Another notion is, If Jesus died for our sins, then anything you do is ' right ' and just, because in the end you are forgiven of your sins. This is not true. This is a lie. ( This is a force outside of the practice of the christen religion. Jesus gave of his blood for your sins, not the other way around, to induce ' behavioural traits ' in order to commit sins, mortal sins such as sell children, have sex with children, rape, murder, sell drugs knowing they are are harmful if not fatal and doing all of this as lessons in example and practice as ADULTS. The other perspective, is of course from the government, of the time and of the elders of a religion, to wash there hands of MURDER. This is history. For the benefit of whom, would these new rules of morality benefit? The pedophiles and peddlers of destruction, all for the pleasures of the children for the ADULTS. But who would enable this path of divide and conquer, to get to the children before the caring parental love and teachings. We all have allowed it in one form or another from those who WE WORK FOR. BLIND AMBITION AS DIRECTOR, IN ANY FORM AND BEHIND ANY MASK, as virtue. )
Five years is a long time to fight for children when you don't have any. My talent deserves more. My value exceeds weight and my faith deserves more. My value as a person exceeds weight and my faith deserves a better ' localized ' economy. You see, it was never about money. It has always been about ' value,' ethic's on a grander scale, and how to impose an idea for change. Perception in terms of value regarding ' paper,' paper that is a representation of one's faith in a complete ' localized ' economy in relation to a future environment, to raise a family, or not, but the ' option ' is ' soulfully ' and ' environmentally ' secure.
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