From the children of the well to do, the children of the less fortunate comes word of an indifference, perhaps of their parents only. Reflections of the imprints of their childhood's and of peers of the expressions and the ' mimicked ' opinions of an uncaring society based solely on ' left ' dollar bills to be found, and of course, of those who picks them up.
I found a ' million dollar ' bill in a parking lot recently, and gave a chuckle in response to it's placement and it's new ' owner.' I almost immediately gave it away to a youngish mother with a child in arms and a ' kinda ' teen at paces side. " Don't spend it all in one place," the ' kinda ' teen said. They were on their way to the dollar store.
The ' placement ' of assumed value, based on color and size of any ' object,' whether it be paper or not, whether it be left on pavement or placed in hand and then looked over by a younger person and determined a certain ' worth,' is, well, worth observation.
I once dated a doctor, who in the middle of the night, left me in the guestroom alone in bed, with a book entitled entitled ' Worth.' I pondered the ' awakening ' in the moment, and then returned to bed, in her bedroom. Gee, I must of had a headache, and alas, was unable to ' perform ' again, as ' duly ' expected. It must of been the books of Rome and Greece and Picasso in her bedroom, as in mine. I find it funny, that in the moments which one should find serenity and that ' feeling ' of what most intelligent people would call serin, is now only a name ' for ' a tile ( another doctor's choice for a tile used in a bathroom. At least the makers didn't color it brown ).
The transparent nature of peoples and their societies can often be found in bathrooms and if lacking of one, then nature herself. ( I for one, used to have soft porn, books, tapes and various science magazines, no computer though, and plants. ) We all ' shit,' Thank God ! But, where's the love? Toilet paper. Labels. Well, Thank God for toilet paper and societies class structures.
What is terrorism? Shit. Yes, just that, shit ( for those who are under the age of 21, ' poop ' ). We create it. We create it all the time and don't be fooled by a simple ' flush.' I was recently asked by a man, who is letting go, dying, if you will, " Who where those ' people ' who abducted us? Who were they? I know this man, I know the meaning of his question. "In this moment of lucidity, I thought ' before ' the entry of mind, a thought, old hags and old goats. This is what I know of now, the ' werewolves ' of legend, yet I wonder of the young who now process the ' wavelengths ' as taught by teachers and tools given. As to how this abduction was induced; I wonder of members of staff at the hospital or maybe the patients themselves? At this time I had found myself in nightmares and had awakened in the mist of a ' given,' a question of " what's your social security number? " From another mind. My ' feeling ' was and is, within a close proximity of the observed family. So much for legends.
Terrorism is an interesting transparency in a world where almost and probably more than half has not experienced toilet paper. I can't help but wonder of the expectations of parenthood in environments of exacting expectations due our current understanding of worth.
How much are your children worth? How much are your neighbors children worth? There not yours. What's the value of this mirrored quality? I was once given a mirror by a ' friend ' with forty dollars atop it. I trashed the mirror and have forgotten the valued paper spent. But I know I bought toilet paper.
Daughters and sons are an interesting ' commodity,' given the educations, thongs and ' Masks,' if not imprints of their mothers, if not both parents; those who would dress there child in a blouse labeling her as ' pimp,' sorry, I saw this again. What is the value, the real worth of education and mirror as imprints given to life, a whole ' species ' in earnest worth, in order to, not just to survive? As pimped? A ' broad band ' of youth ' pimped ' in a ' rewind.' WHY?
What would it be like to have 7 years of PEACE, worldwide and constant. Who's peace, that is to say, who's idea of peace? Would there be war after this peace as reminder for future generations as to the ' correct ' meaning and definition in application of this ' IDEA ' of PEACE. What NEW constructs in design for all, meaning the world, would be, if it enabled us to experience absolute peace. I have faith it will not be the aftermath of war that enables this experience. Lets hope that ' humanity ' will work together in order to achieve unity in the coming Earth Changes in order to gain abit more comfort than mere survival. Abit more than nero linguistic mind tricks of language in order to work as a whole in this transitory earth transition we all are facing. You will not survive if you don't; mirrored in children. When Rome hit bottom the temprature change in climate was about 7 degrees, plus or minus a degree.
The War of Terrorism is only a reflection of ' our ' children. At least, for now, they have the luxury of toilet paper in this ' war,' in a digital age, rewound.
To be genius is to be able to rise above all realms of terrorism in any given ' chord.' But even ' chords ' are of the human voice ' hear.' Here to listen to mother earth and all that is above; to hear as if sight. I believe that every child has the right to, at least be given the chance to try, globally. This is the REAL nature of VALUE, not worth. TO FIND MUSIC, if not to create it.
Proof of mailing to ' OUR ' President, the ' ruling class ' and bureaucracy, not to mention, victims of our Patriot's Act and those who employ it ( lawyer's soldiers ), of a letter meant to help to further the protections of children in a WORLD of Pedophilia and Terrorism. This the second of which was sent to The White House, our Nations Capital; The United States of America and THE WORLD.

The Proposed Laws are soon to come, including a few more ideas. The imprinting of law is necessary for our children's value of freedom's worth. MEMORY. Some histories are best left alone until either asked about or until the age of 18. We have to be careful of what is taught and in what order due age. We as adults owe this and it is not easy.
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