I bought a book a few years back; Mason. It's interesting because of the Antique store's location. What's also interesting is the number of my License plate, when I recognized it to belong to one of a set of numbers in the book. I told a friend who I trusted, not realizing my telephone was compromised at the time, ' perhaps local thugs,' height of power and influence, unknown.

I find all this interesting because this friend and his wife, put me up for a week after my old neighborhood's ' play ' and ' sneaked ' in concert with others, on me on Feb, 14, a few years back ( for those in the know ). Roughly, as to time framework, they received phone calls from people claiming or implying, to be me. Then taken for a good amount of money in an Internet scheme ( I hope the FBI, caught them ). I was asked by an old patron as to, "what happened to that old man that used to help you move the sculptors? " This ' old patron ' I wish I had never met.

I include this page of a book quoted prior*, a couple of posts back, as you can see, the page is 707. The diagram to the the bottom left is the main structure in design of business cards, the old patron, a person of which I wish I'd never met; his cards are also elongated in the manner of the graft, that this man would hand out. How can this happen, cards used are older than the book.
Of further interest, while working a number of years ago, after being ' played,' I removed a small dead tree, the roots of which formed FB. THE TREE WAS LOCATED IN BACK OF MY FRIEND'S BEDROOM WINDOW. The man of ' illusion,' the old patron used to address me as ' Fake Bart.' I might add, a Mac user from the very beginning, the reason I own one, I was showed what they can do by the old patron, years back, when I owned a new Doss based PC. I do not think Apple Computer Company promotes the enticement or ' enlistment,' a method of which can be addressed in argument as the promotion of Pedophilia. However, as promoted in use as tool for the education of the world, not to mention The United States of America, it is my hope that further safeguards in certain bands of radiation output be addressed, including, but not limited to the hz rate and other possible ' Binders 'of brain, then mind. Other than government contracts applied in research, I feel that Apple is on the forefront of these technologies. Footnote-I kept the root and shaft of trunk to branch for a year, then I destroyed it.
Technologies as observation, in Laue of, progressions given thought ( ? ) as compromise to standards in place, and future standards needed to safeguard protections for children, must be applied to the further marketing of ' product ' networking in the world of ' fractals ' as hook. To further enable dis-assemblage of family structure as a ' rule,' then you are placing machine above ' soul,' much like the atrocities of recent and past ages.
Furthermore, I am from a family of long association of The Knights of Columbus, and having said that, also of memory as a child, of two Sphinx's, a pair witness of Mysteries, as the Knights; today misused.** I might as well add, that for a Pope, of a church that I was baptized and confirmed, a church in spiritual leadership of untold millions, perhaps billions, I find it a BLASPHEMY that a Cardinal is allowed guardianship of a flock, who does not believe in the ATROCITIES of the JEWISH HOLOCAUST of WW II. WHAT FAITH OF WHO'S ' PROJECTION ' TO PROVIDE A FUTURE OF COMPLIANCE OF THE LIGHT AND OF THE WORD, AS INFLUENCE TO WHO'S ' FLOCK ?' REMIND YOURSELF. BY ' WHAT ' DESIGN OF QUARTER AND DARKNESS ? WHAT MAGNETISM COMPELS SUBMISSION TO A BOX ?-TO BELIEVE THAT YOU HAVE FALLEN IS TO CREATE THAT FUTURE. WHO'S LIGHT ' EMANATES, OF ' THE BOX ? WHO'S IMPLIED PEACE ?
World War Two's history is important, to change it while survivors are still living, is to construct as necessity in declaration for Future Genocides. Who's Necessity? Furthermore, to reconstruct vision's of ' Light And Their Messages ' ( through the ages ) as structure for encasement's of ' dweled ' Icons for the masses as prayer to the very ' Doctrines ' of proper behaviour sermoned AGAINST, AS WORD, such as rape, child abuse and murder ( all of which took place in the Nazi camps ), is also a blaspheme to the messengers of light that you have misused and guised as DEMONIC to serve your own PLEASURES IN BLASPHEMIES, all religions globally included. In the Faith I was raised, DID JESUS APPROVE ? This is against the law, how can this not be seen ?
Has the patterning of Homo Sapiens only goal been determined in the consumption of thoughtfulness, back to the ash where we were made, of the two; death before childhood. Experienced. Then there is no SPIRIT, thus no belief systems, globally.
* page 707, A New Kind of Science, by Stephen Wolfram, copyright 2002, Publisher: Wolfram Media, Inc.
" There are no warranties, express or implied, made with respect to programs, specifications, models, instructions or information contained in this book."
** It might be of interest to some, that during the time of the writing of the second letter to The White House, I was strongly ' influenced,' almost to the point of physical pain, not to send a copy, slightly different in composition to The Queen of England, or to the ' movers and shakers,' The Scottish Rite in Washington, DC. This ' occurrence,' more than once; I decided later, the UN. I thought of my uncle Cleofas Calleros, more than once to counter. The specific ' feeling, strong, ' was to keep it in Albuquerque, NM.-After thought, the friends of, or the children of The Anunnaki, have never been such, in this current misuse of power against children in abuse, rape and murder. Hint; ' Even the children were asked to carry the wood for the building of The Arc.' An implication made clear of God; even before hand.
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