Thursday, December 3, 2009


" What neurofeedback begins with," John told me, " is valid neurobiological measurement. How it's used is a function of the individual practitioner. Some of it, frankly, is pretty questionable-and some of it is extremely interesting."

John warned me away from untrained therapists who simply bought a neurofeedback kit and taught themselves to use it ; he suggested that practitioners should be judged by their qualifications and credentials. Then he cited a number of studies showing how neurofeedback therapy can relieve the need for medication in children with ADD, help stroke victims regain mental functions, and treat moderate depression, alcholism, and sleep disorders.

" I think twenty years from now," he said, " it'll be a widely used branch of medicine."- page 194, second column, paragraph two. Gentlemen's Quarterly, October 2008, ' Train Your Brain,' by Kevin Conley, in the Self Improvement Column.


" The New Realness has found popular expression not only in so-called torture porn but also in the revival of the zombie film. The problematic distinction between dead and undead can, among other things, allegorize the ambiguous relation between analog and digital imagemaking."- page 218, Art Forum, December 2009, 21st Century Cinema: Death and Resurrection in the Desert of the ( New ) Real, by J. Hoberman.


The actual fact of a person's blood being pumped through the body, relieves all misconceptions of all misunderstandings of whether that individual is alive or not, body not withstanding; in actual fact the body and brain are doing well.

The reality of ' what is real ' is an understanding of dominance over ' states of mind ' given to the populace in forms of choice; often their ( populances ) control. The ambiguous nature of ' blood,' a new realization, or rather ' state of mind,' that only has an emerging ' mass identity,' as ' One,' but is rather, billions of eyes connected to brains and no clear ' identity ' of generation, other than ' mass,' all by design; weight.

What distinguishing ' attachments ' might a generation raise with little regard for anything other than ' techno toys ' in a New World ' othered ' from celebrities, now only digitalized in aftermarkets of ' proper ' measurements of chins, pined back ears and a nose hear and there, all pieced together to create a ' single ' beauty, a near living object, in beat with ' humanities ' rhythm of perception.

What has been taught as the value of our soul, as kids, when we were children, depends largely on who you are when you are born, and to whom you are born of, in this world. The lessons of imprint and histories as knowledge given ' impact ' of one's leaving the thread of life in final moments to younger minds in need of adaptive ' measure ' ( knowledge ) in order to survive as a ' human being,' can now, be questioned fully, in that which is left behind in various virtual realities, if others do not not have the key; a concern to succeed.


I have always known that I was an artist. I was told by my mother and father that I was born an artist; the Artist, as the description of ' terms ,' should always be capitalized.

My mother told me once that my father was afraid of me because of my talent. I think now, at the age of fifty, although mentally, I feel that I picked up from about the age of eighteen, or there abouts, of a ' time ' that I used to be. I've retained the value of asking questions and in doing so, rediscovered the questioning nature of ' my mind,' that which is of beauty. What is beauty? At what age is beauty determined to be a survival mechanism and for the benefit of who's biological or social organism concerning the individual ( ities )as to and of others; if taught, not breed?

The elemental concern as meme in ' determined ' volume, a ' value ' of soul as worth, when elements are observed and which, depending on degrees of use and applications that are to be used. The building blocks of societies and future economies to ' hold value ' in futures to be made 'real ' in mathematical expressions yet to be held in ' theories ' of expansion; of concern to a new ' individualism ' living or not. But, we do not question, what is beauty? What is the ancestral ' value ' of beauty when seen in younger eyes, or bared of this sight in youth, this observation in expression on ' any ' level of the biological, hence, the ' New Order;' a reality beyond the printed word, the book or the printing press, a ' real ' comprised of elements in ongoing psycho-bio-circuitry's in rehearsals comprised in a loose electromagnetic weave; of all fantasies shared in our species of history, and now, a new ' cleanliness ' approached in robotic virtual realities never in touch with ' a human heart.'

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