My sister's voice reverberates in background, while ' demon's voices call in ' playback,' as if on a Sony Walkman. My landlord is speaking to a man man with white hair, somewhat taller than him, on the sidewalk, in front of 5417 Alice St., a house that I once lived in. I ' saw ' this threw a door, covered with VHS tapes from top to bottom, as I never used it as an entryway to my home. Upon later reflection, I realized, ' magnetic tape.' ( The blanket, was one that I used to own. I threw it away when I discovered various other items that my ex-girl friend owned and had tucked away at the end of our relationship during her remodeling of her house, were the same and exact in all ' titles.' I could never shake the idea that my landlord or police might of allowed her access to my home.)
" What are monsters daddy ?," a child asked it's elder, and many examples where given to this child. Heard and warded off with all my mind and heart, five to six years ago, while riding my bike home from a friend's place of business; a job I had. An on going dialogue heard to this day, but not in the original ' vision,' just various ' demons ' of various skin tones and agendas, trying to ' utilize ' a voice that they have found.
I remember this and many more dialogues, within, what can only be described as an ' inner ' blinking of the eyelids, that somehow somehow see in an endless ' perpetual vision ' that is beyond my understanding of 360 degrees. The eyes of white light. I must emphasize that in this description, this is not just one ' race,' but all races of man and woman; mankind. It felt as if ' all ' that is meant to be the ' Ideal ' of humanity, given by example, a teacher, the teacher of ages.
Part of ' me ' was left somewhere else in light, as guidance ( ? ), I can only wonder of ' my ' sun and her mate, so many light years away, the ancient collision of solar systems that brought a continuation of life to Earth and planets in ' our ' future, not yet seen.
Accidents of travel, and ' mental rape ' from others, may explain this abundance, though hardly understood in any definition of a correct comprehension of the words, our countries or world's responsibility, and for my part, in the telling, maybe...To know that a world is being judged and examples given, Bangkok and New Orland's, not mention major areas in China; a knowing that is profited by Hollywood's investors only. The giant's eye is wandering again, as exampled in global pattern of social engineering and ' knowingly understood,' as being observed.
I ' watched ' my landlord talk to this man, a stranger? I heard him ask, " Is he in there now? " Then I heard, " What figure? " The ' melding ' of what was said and what was spoken ( of the mind ), are sometimes so closely related as to no clear boundary between the two and many realities to yet take shape, derived there of.
I think of my viewing of this small event, in my life about five years ago, seen ' through ' a closed door, with bookcases in front, filled with VHS tapes and DVDs of Hollywood's best offerings and worst, as I stated earlier. I never questioned as to how I was able to ' view ' this through a solid. I simply, did. Without question...and in doing so ( after the nights prior ) almost went insane. I pushed my mind to the very limit within that moment. I remember even turning on the cameras
( erected to protect the sculptures, mainly ) to check ' reality.' Enough said, there they were, the meeting now ending and departures taking place, my landlord pulling a small white trailer and the other person apparently already departed. My mind left to questioning as to ' HOW ?'
The intermingling of my ' sister's ' voice and those of other ' women,' " Something happened in El Paso, you don't want to know about," they said. They said this for years, often. To this day I don't know what, other than some family members might of been in Albuquerque, during this time.
To see yourself through the eye's of those observing you and their minds content, as if a dissection of time, until a ' grid ' is placed upon ' space ' of the memory ( moment ). More later...Oh, and yes once again, someone censored this post.
My sister's voice constant in my head, the only rational being with exception to ' another ' and a few minds below, lying in wait, some for encounters they can profit from. " It's not your fault Bart " she said as a reminder for years. I think of my younger brother, praying.
I see all ( that was and to be; that which ' is ' ), I understood in the telling of the story, this reality, to myself. I met myself in the minds of others, of who ' we ' once were, in the lives lived in our past and today, and have met those, who in the boundaries of time ( as it is taught ), the personalities speaking to me then ( when I was child and young ), many fractalized in digital encasings of bits against the organic fabric of ' all,' and to sense, separate the footprints of ' blowback.'
( I've had this key on my key chain for about 25-30 years, when I had the misfortune to represent management of a 30 unit property )
Ingo Swann once stated that there were 17 separate realities or dimensions to this ( his perspective universe or perhaps 16 major political and economies civilisations of the past and one dreamt of ) and all worlds. I beg to differ and state that no matter the current theory there is only one, if that. That which is based on the primary sense of ' being ,' that of the mind. Or, only five, but then we would have to discount religion and science and all thought in between. An argument for the ' mind.' The ' mind ' above the brain, the one true idea of ' sense ' depending on how the experience is taught, and to whom and of what ' experienced lessons ' to those under the age of seven, or the current ' legal ' definition under international intellectual property law 12-13.
As I stated above, there is only one and it is between the ears, behind the eyes. To do away with all law was never the intent of the ' light of the world,' perhaps those who encompassed the power structure of the then, known world.
As for the power structure of the 30's-the late 70's and the early 80's, that which we know of, I feel that the real mother's of those whose children where agonized at the very least, deserve a better explanation from our government and our military in The United States of America as to the hiring of a man who once wrote ' sex ' novels for the mafia for 200.00 a book and then was hired on to the the countries Intelligence Services.
Prior to the national elections in The United States of America, there was an internal and external attack to this country from without and from within. The necessity of the attack is incomprehensible in light of our freedom to vote with a clear conscience. To know right from wrong. But this is just politices. NOTE: I had another photo to insert here, but my card to my camera was stolen, from the camera, but not the camera. I had taken a couple of photo's of the salvation army's parking lot, as an accident happened in the client's ( homeless ) parking lot and the staff's side is always near vacant. I took the pictures because the woman driving the truck which ' outsizes ' her tremendously and her capabilities to control it, might of blamed me as her friend's car has a ' gay equality ' sticker on it. We pack our vehicles in like sardines and only ' security ' parks with us from time to time, for what reason, I don't know. I also had a debt card stolen a week or so before, so I'm sure whoever is censuring this blog and networking a different belief system, which I'm sure includes adults and children engaged in sexual situations and it's promotion, is to blame.
" If a child knows no sin then wouldn't sex with an adult be not sinful ?" I then threw the Bible to the floor. ( Telepathic overlay ? ) This seemingly endless dialogue went on for weeks to months, along with everything else that was happening at the time, as I've expressed in the past on my posts in this blog.
The ' projection ' was from the direction of Barton Prince's house, about half a mile away down the road in Albuquerque, New Mexico. The ' mental ( ? ) ' networking of threw the bandwidths expressed all views of possible acceptance of the Gay Agenda to gay's ( homosexuals ), ex-cons, drug dealers who were ' altered ' ( abuse in prisons, or at the hands of women; the hands of women is a good assumption, as I've listened threw the years and read ), and, lastly, sensitive people ( throw not all human beings ) around him.
This was intercepted by my ' senses ' during a frequency of meditations to combat this DEMON of the past and present, in our world and I fought it and swore to memory to tell of this experience ( pictures soon ).
The Justice Department ( and family members of Paula Hughson, PHD, a ex-girlfriend, some of her children ( lawyers ), The Art Therapist Howard ( last name soon, his daughter works for the Justice Department, if memory serves ) homosexual, friend of Barton Prince and others. The expenditures in my personal past, Paula when I was a child, under the age of ten, a maid then ( or her exact double in appearance and temperament ), employed by my father, and extremely abusive to all us ( my brothers and sisters ). She showed me a picture at the end of our relationship of her self when she was younger and lived in El Paso, Tx. This is how I came about this recollection, and I was dumbfounded. ( Two ' voices,' projections I'm sure, one of my father when he thought that he was dying, " You will hardly recognize her after all these years," and, in real events and experiences in the moment, or after, " That woman is responsible for peoples deaths," and " Stay away from that woman." The later, I'm not sure of the source.)
After our first ' night ' together, I kept hearing in my head, a female voice, " I _ucked the father, now the son." An almost hysterical, crazed woman's voice, filled with hate and insane laughter filled my head. I thought that I was going crazy at the time, but fought back, ' always calm, colder than anything known, always calm... I have no idea whether or not my father would substantiate my memory. Because, Paula stated that what broke up her marriage was an affair she had in El Paso,Tx. A man that she met in a bar, or maybe, that was part of her agenda . What I do know, is that my mother was suddenly ' ill ' ( at the time of the picture Paula showed me and the age of my brothers and sisters at that time back in El Paso ) and was at a friend's house, vacation and finally the hospital. Paula might of worked at the hospital too, I don't know. My father since that time has made it clear that my mother was not well in the head. A couple of years after, the divorce. ( When I first worked for Paula, I remember distinctly, " Remember to take my pills." When you learn more methods of ' seeing,' other than what you understand and what is proven to you by experience, this I'm sure will help induce ' Telepathic overlay.' I feel what has saved me to an extent is the fact that watches have never worked correctly when I have worn them, only one, a Luminox that Mr. Finemark sold to me at a greatly reduced price. Thank God that I've always known that time is an illusion by my childhood's experence and ' the other's ' to some extent.
AFTER THOUGHTS-Education is important, in so much , as one has to examine all intelligence from all angles. My father is highly educated in law, Paula is highly educated in ' brain and mind,' she has studied a great many religions too, she claims to be Palestinian and part Black as her father. As a gentleman I have not mentioned her family's past discretion's. Men rule this world with absolute will to do anything that they please, and women, if educated will ' mirror ' the same absolutes, like children.
I will always remember the strength of my mother.
Marina, by Carlos Ruiz Zafon, copyright 2009, Amoldo Mondadori Editore S.p.a., Milano.-( a book that I found in front of a computer at station 4, the picture is that of a memory or ' projection ' I had when Paula told of the time when she joined or was taken to a Convent when she was but a girl, and after a short period sent back home to her mother, a single parent, as her father was shot for having an affair when she was even younger. The cover of the book and image depicted is 95%, #4 represents a time when my entire family was threatened years ago, when I tried to report sexual child abuse in Albuquerque, New Mexico. )
Wired magazine, page 112, J
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