The confirmation of those who have fallen, are only the example of ' those ' who are blinded in self absorbed ideals without foundations other than false ' hope,' who rein above ' the fallen.' To take the rains of any leadership role, is to be as ' real ' as one can be. As Texans would say, " For reals." Truth.
The reason that I mailed the letters, in reference to The Salvation Army, is simply this, for months I would hear in my mind " it's under investigation," amongst an onslaught of indecent garbage of a homosexual nature, including child imagery that was never requested by me. Perhaps cellphone networking along with a digital environment can also explain the constant assaults. All of this was and happened before the mailings to solve this problem, and to be quite blunt the man's voice and others I didn't recognize ( as if children ) were quite prevalent, even after he was reprimanded.
I regulated my use of my cellphone in response and disengaged my I-Pod and removed both from my physical presence and also to combat this, I used earplugs which deadened the ' noise ' to a degree, however, the constant mocking ' help me,' or ' how _ig is yours?;' I could go on with the verbal, but to vulgar, yet the frequent ' screen,' to the lower left of my field of vision, ever present until I forced it out of my mind. I always knew when I was ' watched,' and always battled this, in my opinion, child abuser.
Children and Families should never be allowed at The Salvation Army unless all it's employee's are drug tested and an FBI background check is made before ALL EMPLOYMENTS. The removal of all 'uniforms' who know nothing of grace or kindness, but only ' money and bars.' Then replacements who meet the requirements.
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Old ideas on the subject of ' mind control ' incorporated in ' new technology ' within broadband and it's use nationwide. The turning point and the core of the ' sixth district ' is of little difference in comparison with the capital area in Austin, Tx. The ' mind ' does not exist, but of course that would depend on who's side your on.
The Salvation Army is now being ' repaired,' at the expense of lost souls with no direction other than a ' prison mentality ' of by gone years and egos...from the streets to the Capital on both sides of the aisle. With ' hope,' to borrow a phrase, this will change all the way down to APD. This is needed in order to beat the child abuse problem. Why? Because we are the adults.
All children are GOD'S children, no matter race, creed or color.
I was told in my mind's eye as I looked into the eyes of a man who abused a child in language and in intent full terms as to sexuality. The rebutes were intense. As I stood in disbelief and when he felt my gaze, he stared back and I heard in my mind ' there's nothing you can do.' He then turned with a slight smirk and went inside.
I was about to discuss this with another man behind the lower level desk when I entered the building and I was immediately asked " what age do you think that kid was? " I shifted gears to answer " 15 ? " He replied, " about 14." The ' environment ' was that of a different bandwith.
When I first got into town, all demons knew who I was, thus the play on words is employed here correctly. All
art that was either sold or given to the homosexual community, from librarians to lawyers, from doctors to judges, from artists to scientist, even a capt. at the time, a dirty cop, I later found out, in Albuqurque, NM, are but trash, those made before The Protection of Prudence by Conscience, once a sculpture and idea, battled by cowards to protect paychecks and false reputations. I made alot of mistakes with some of the people I met, because I was raised to be ' open mined.' And yet I still try. All of you should of listened to me...I'm a natural when it comes to the ' mind.' But not for you.
Old ideas on the subject of ' mind control ' incorporated in ' new technology ' within broadband and it's use nationwide. The turning point and the core of the ' sixth district ' is of little difference in comparison with the capital area in Austin, Tx. The ' mind ' does not exist, but of course that would depend on who's side your on.
The Salvation Army is now being ' repaired,' at the expense of lost souls with no direction other than a ' prison mentality ' of by gone years and egos...from the streets to the Capital on both sides of the aisle. With ' hope,' to borrow a phrase, this will change all the way down to APD. This is needed in order to beat the child abuse problem. Why? Because we are the adults.
All children are GOD'S children, no matter race, creed or color.
I was told in my mind's eye as I looked into the eyes of a man who abused a child in language and in intent full terms as to sexuality. The rebutes were intense. As I stood in disbelief and when he felt my gaze, he stared back and I heard in my mind ' there's nothing you can do.' He then turned with a slight smirk and went inside.
I was about to discuss this with another man behind the lower level desk when I entered the building and I was immediately asked " what age do you think that kid was? " I shifted gears to answer " 15 ? " He replied, " about 14." The ' environment ' was that of a different bandwith.
When I first got into town, all demons knew who I was, thus the play on words is employed here correctly. All
Saturday, June 12, 2010
WHAT WOULD HAPPEN IF GANGS SUCH AS THE BANDITOS, THE BLOODS, THE CRIPS AND OTHERS, NOT TO MENTION, COPS ' ON THE TAKE,' ( if you think about it, the only way crime could exist; dominate issues ), and the fields of technology, all gathered in agreement that an ' enemy with in and with out exist other than that which is found on the battle fields of old ' theaters ' of mind. Then put an end to the ' Drug Trade ' and the the studies of ' mind ' based on these applications to divide and conquer ' the enemies.' NOW ? FROM THE TOP DOWN, AND THE BOTTOM UP.
THE WAR CRY-On the cover Jesus Christ holding a black sheep. I tore the first one up in Albuqurque, NM., just before I left. The second one mailed to me, I didn't. In between the deliveries of the first and second, I was working in my garden in the morning and suddenly felt sharp, burning pains all over my chest and stomach area. My eyes, my sight darkened, then saw clear. I was clearing the ' sweet peas ' away from my Maxamillion Sunflowers when this occurred.
About three weeks ago, I was told of a mother who was brutally stabbed in front of her baby child, by her boyfriend or husband... to feel the sight of a mother's child in the soul of light... as I worked the soil. I was told that she lived. The woman who told me of this has my mother's middle name, a street person, also the name of a town very near ( within 9 miles ) of the land in New Mexico that ( the remainder, was stolen and, hand in hand, I sacrificed the rest, to name and call a ' pedophile ' in court, to all who would listen and judge )
Women by far, and children, are sold to the streets, willfully, even by judges in full knowledge of all outcomes and the predators that lay in wait from top to bottom and even in ' salvation,' support this ' economy ' without conscience, sometimes even their women.
You learn and know everything about ' us,' but nothing is learnt of ' YOU.' AUSTIN and ALBUQUERQUE are now joined, will you help fight pedophilia and it's causes, or will you watch your children die in front of your eyes like your fore fathers.
When I left Austin, Tx. in the month of May, 2010, I found myself in a small town, with whispers in my ear. I checked my oil, and found that there was none. The dipstick was dry. I looked under my vehicle and found everything sound, but remembered the clothes hanger that somehow found it's way under my vehicle before I left. How is this possible, I wondered. When in El Paso, I tryed to answer a few texts from a person that I met in The Salvation Army, we texted back and forth and ultimately met back in Austin, Tx and I gave her a ride to Dallas for a ' working interview,' this before I was allowed back in The Salvation Army. And this time ' allowed ' ( I'm at odds with my friends ' case worker ' as per her description of him. ) in the worker dorm, when before I wasn't. ( What was going on on my cell phone in El Paso, Tx. I'll save for another time. It has to do with the ' ownership of the air ways.' A prison mentality of submission. ) What does this have to do with children,
the imprinting of children that are not yours and their families in need of help. Common Sense. ( the photo of my imediate ceiling above me, has been the same since the day of my entry into the ' worker dorm.' ) Nothing has canged at The Salvation Army since my first arrival in the later part of last year. It's all about the ' dumbing down ' of youth as mules in the drug and pedophile rings,...and it is known and promoted with little disception as such and an accepted fact on the streets and above them, unless you speak out. More later, unless I'm kicked out.
The absence of applied values in the ' virtual reality ' is simply a ' transparency ' for the ' subconscious ' and ' unconscious mind.' In this ' trapping ' of assumed ' ownership ' ( what is focused upon or viewed ), a replacement of ' imagination ' may and often does occur; short version, people forget how to think and follow the ' impulse '-' 0.2 sec., rule of thumb ,' of others with intent, or fooled as intent. No thought process regarding the well being of children.
The cities of the mind; places people go to converse, learn, admire, make love and unfortunately war with one another, are being built upon foundations of the ' body ' only, excluding both mind and spirit in the equilibrium of the tangible, and God will speak.
I once told a friend ( ? ), long ago in Albqureque, NM. who once worked as an ' illustrator ' for the C.I.A. before she continued in art, that my idea of time was that of a spiral or spring, when she accused me of going around in circles. I explained that I chew up ideas and observations in order to get at the truth. I aways had to know why? How? To what end?
My idea if placed in a geometric format would exist in a pliable, bridged, thought, comprised of infinities. Boundaries would exist in the idea of the bridge. I suppose, that I use this metaphor because of my experience.
Today, there are no boundaries because there are to many laws. ' Hate laws,' exist today because not only are there truly hateful people, but also because there are truly irresponsible judges who never in forced the existing laws to begin with, thus segments of society such as gays and blacks, both repressed in certain degrees, exist in the moment, protected, yet one has showed ' promise,' depending on your perspective; power exists outside of vacuums to greater extent, a reliable depending on intensity of ' focus ' due the forces, and one ' group ' is left the IDOL. Gays most particularly, already had rights, as do blacks, or African Americans.
Add another component in the form of ' enhancement,' drugs to be exact, and you have a ' sense ' of control over the Idea of IDOL. This is the controlling factor in ' recessed areas ' such as The Salvation Army, children include. And the women, men included, conducting ' roll playing,' ' good cop, bad cop, mental scrips, repeated over the years to the point of imprinted patterns, then the future is predictable, the paychecks keep coming decades and decades to come, ON BOTH SIDES. I only mention this because women are hardly mentioned and the men are imprisoned to a greater extent.
The ' good ' done in the day time is often not the ' good ' implied in the night, or experienced. It's all about the money...if allowed.
Allusion, as opposed to illusions of grander are the surest path to hell, and the fault lie in the ' uniforms,' where they are hidden in memories of oppression and DOMINANCE, " as the eyes shine bright...but are not clear and white."
WHAT WOULD HAPPEN IF GANGS SUCH AS THE BANDITOS, THE BLOODS, THE CRIPS AND OTHERS, NOT TO MENTION, COPS ' ON THE TAKE,' ( if you think about it, the only way crime could exist; dominate issues ), and the fields of technology, all gathered in agreement that an ' enemy with in and with out exist other than that which is found on the battle fields of old ' theaters ' of mind. Then put an end to the ' Drug Trade ' and the the studies of ' mind ' based on these applications to divide and conquer ' the enemies.' NOW ? FROM THE TOP DOWN, AND THE BOTTOM UP.
THE WAR CRY-On the cover Jesus Christ holding a black sheep. I tore the first one up in Albuqurque, NM., just before I left. The second one mailed to me, I didn't. In between the deliveries of the first and second, I was working in my garden in the morning and suddenly felt sharp, burning pains all over my chest and stomach area. My eyes, my sight darkened, then saw clear. I was clearing the ' sweet peas ' away from my Maxamillion Sunflowers when this occurred.
About three weeks ago, I was told of a mother who was brutally stabbed in front of her baby child, by her boyfriend or husband... to feel the sight of a mother's child in the soul of light... as I worked the soil. I was told that she lived. The woman who told me of this has my mother's middle name, a street person, also the name of a town very near ( within 9 miles ) of the land in New Mexico that ( the remainder, was stolen and, hand in hand, I sacrificed the rest, to name and call a ' pedophile ' in court, to all who would listen and judge )
Women by far, and children, are sold to the streets, willfully, even by judges in full knowledge of all outcomes and the predators that lay in wait from top to bottom and even in ' salvation,' support this ' economy ' without conscience, sometimes even their women.
You learn and know everything about ' us,' but nothing is learnt of ' YOU.' AUSTIN and ALBUQUERQUE are now joined, will you help fight pedophilia and it's causes, or will you watch your children die in front of your eyes like your fore fathers.
When I left Austin, Tx. in the month of May, 2010, I found myself in a small town, with whispers in my ear. I checked my oil, and found that there was none. The dipstick was dry. I looked under my vehicle and found everything sound, but remembered the clothes hanger that somehow found it's way under my vehicle before I left. How is this possible, I wondered. When in El Paso, I tryed to answer a few texts from a person that I met in The Salvation Army, we texted back and forth and ultimately met back in Austin, Tx and I gave her a ride to Dallas for a ' working interview,' this before I was allowed back in The Salvation Army. And this time ' allowed ' ( I'm at odds with my friends ' case worker ' as per her description of him. ) in the worker dorm, when before I wasn't. ( What was going on on my cell phone in El Paso, Tx. I'll save for another time. It has to do with the ' ownership of the air ways.' A prison mentality of submission. ) What does this have to do with children,

The absence of applied values in the ' virtual reality ' is simply a ' transparency ' for the ' subconscious ' and ' unconscious mind.' In this ' trapping ' of assumed ' ownership ' ( what is focused upon or viewed ), a replacement of ' imagination ' may and often does occur; short version, people forget how to think and follow the ' impulse '-' 0.2 sec., rule of thumb ,' of others with intent, or fooled as intent. No thought process regarding the well being of children.
The cities of the mind; places people go to converse, learn, admire, make love and unfortunately war with one another, are being built upon foundations of the ' body ' only, excluding both mind and spirit in the equilibrium of the tangible, and God will speak.
I once told a friend ( ? ), long ago in Albqureque, NM. who once worked as an ' illustrator ' for the C.I.A. before she continued in art, that my idea of time was that of a spiral or spring, when she accused me of going around in circles. I explained that I chew up ideas and observations in order to get at the truth. I aways had to know why? How? To what end?
My idea if placed in a geometric format would exist in a pliable, bridged, thought, comprised of infinities. Boundaries would exist in the idea of the bridge. I suppose, that I use this metaphor because of my experience.
Today, there are no boundaries because there are to many laws. ' Hate laws,' exist today because not only are there truly hateful people, but also because there are truly irresponsible judges who never in forced the existing laws to begin with, thus segments of society such as gays and blacks, both repressed in certain degrees, exist in the moment, protected, yet one has showed ' promise,' depending on your perspective; power exists outside of vacuums to greater extent, a reliable depending on intensity of ' focus ' due the forces, and one ' group ' is left the IDOL. Gays most particularly, already had rights, as do blacks, or African Americans.
Add another component in the form of ' enhancement,' drugs to be exact, and you have a ' sense ' of control over the Idea of IDOL. This is the controlling factor in ' recessed areas ' such as The Salvation Army, children include. And the women, men included, conducting ' roll playing,' ' good cop, bad cop, mental scrips, repeated over the years to the point of imprinted patterns, then the future is predictable, the paychecks keep coming decades and decades to come, ON BOTH SIDES. I only mention this because women are hardly mentioned and the men are imprisoned to a greater extent.
The ' good ' done in the day time is often not the ' good ' implied in the night, or experienced. It's all about the money...if allowed.
Allusion, as opposed to illusions of grander are the surest path to hell, and the fault lie in the ' uniforms,' where they are hidden in memories of oppression and DOMINANCE, " as the eyes shine bright...but are not clear and white."
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