Old ideas on the subject of ' mind control ' incorporated in ' new technology ' within broadband and it's use nationwide. The turning point and the core of the ' sixth district ' is of little difference in comparison with the capital area in Austin, Tx. The ' mind ' does not exist, but of course that would depend on who's side your on.
The Salvation Army is now being ' repaired,' at the expense of lost souls with no direction other than a ' prison mentality ' of by gone years and egos...from the streets to the Capital on both sides of the aisle. With ' hope,' to borrow a phrase, this will change all the way down to APD. This is needed in order to beat the child abuse problem. Why? Because we are the adults.
All children are GOD'S children, no matter race, creed or color.
I was told in my mind's eye as I looked into the eyes of a man who abused a child in language and in intent full terms as to sexuality. The rebutes were intense. As I stood in disbelief and when he felt my gaze, he stared back and I heard in my mind ' there's nothing you can do.' He then turned with a slight smirk and went inside.
I was about to discuss this with another man behind the lower level desk when I entered the building and I was immediately asked " what age do you think that kid was? " I shifted gears to answer " 15 ? " He replied, " about 14." The ' environment ' was that of a different bandwith.
When I first got into town, all demons knew who I was, thus the play on words is employed here correctly. All
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