Spirals have always intrigued me. A sculpture I built with the purpose of a ' tomato cage ' in mind, a simple A frame, a pyramid shape with a ' target,' shape atop and a fish symbol atop that. The target, a shape consisting of a circle with a cross in the center, a symbol for ' The Crossing,' an astronomical event of old, though some think a representation in nature, that of the sun. I am one of those. A simple example in the smaller picture would be an eclipse. When I raised the A frame above my head in order to move it during fabrication, a whirlwind, a large Dust Devil seemed to appear out of nowhere for a full minute, it seemed. I watched pages in spin, about four or five so high in the sky and the current of the wind made visible only by the dust she moved, the wind.
In that moment I remembered the pages of the bible I used in a large painting of an Angel overlooking a field of waste in sadness and question, of collage days filled with student loans and all the paint and rod money could buy. And of the time, with another, brief, a beautiful woman with blond hair. Another Texan, the both of us looking into the eye of a tornado, and the spinning pages of paper, so high above, caught in tow under the gaze of a man and woman far below. Albuquerque's only tornado in recent years, twenty some odd years ago. It tore part of the roof off of a church. We two, were the only ones to dare look into the eye, though a few children did too, as their mothers stood by, next to the foothills of the Sandia mountains.
A funny thing, looking back, I found a cap at a thrift store with the word ' Whirlwind ' on it and a ' Medicine wheel,' a symbol under it. The u2 song ' BAD,' always playing. I wore this just before and during the building of ' The Protection of Prudence by Conscience.' I remember the U2 song ' Grace ' and more recently the program ' Saving Grace,' and think to myself, how is this possible? The song ' Grace ' and the U2 song ' Bad,' were the only songs that helped quiet my mind during her ' inspiration.' I think of the dust devil and tornado and one big ass cross!
" Come here Spidy " and " Stay away from that man! He's evil ! " Dreamscapes Encapsulate an Age given of Enticements and Lies
' The pleasures of children ' by Adults have taken place for years, hundreds of years, eons. Women for thousands of years have been told to keep their mouths shut, to keep quiet by their mothers for fear beatings and death, concerning rape and sexual child abuse, and in turn, some have chosen to teach their young techniqes of sexual gratification to advance in society and economy and to argument abuse and rape, even death. For the satisfaction of, mainly the male human animal. Until the evil side of feminism and counterpart.
This is one of the pleasures of ' The Teacher ' through the Ages. The societies, The churches, The empires and kingdoms, The hordes, The many civilizations, often under the male
of the species rule, have always taught this behind the many masks of illusion taken from the hallways of despair, in the endless darkness found in the countless twists and turns of ages gone by, yet idolized today. The education of the masses hidden by veil for the ruling classes, a thread constant for the human animal, who think they are not.
The nature of women has always been of revenge for the theft of fruits before season, a remembrance of youth with lack of childhood as taught by adults, then left powerless, stained, boy-men and girl-women without resolve. And yet they teach the pleasures of body from the mind for advancement, as tool for power. Yet, powerless, raised to be only the animal, pocessed, and in search of the POSSESSION of others, to be of the ' same.' Memory. Obediant and silences kept, though new friends found in dreamscapes not yet realized to be the same beast. Silent Scream, the vail is reveiled then removed. Imprinted; a twist to ' sin;' the stain of THE MIND..
A universal nature of the ' law ' conquers the nature of the beast. Nature itself has no conscience and has always been dark, absent of light, thus the word not yet in being, recognized not. The ' expressions' of grief and sadness only mirrored in same, darkness. We are taught this is freedom.' The Teacher of Ages, ' the dreamscape often allows that which is forbidden, beyond the parental rein of compassion, that which was orriginally taught in the protection of the first womb, parenthood. To be self aware is only half of the original law, as a mother. The rest is left to him, the father.
The light of the world in ' individual ' perception and expression has always been taught to be that of Lucifer or Satan, by The Teacher, and we listened, in schools and churches through the ages, bookless, sat only to listen. " Remember boys, be silent," and in the homes, " Remember girls, be silent." The boys who were not, were made into girl-boys then make believe women, slaves in dispair, if not murdered. The girls, well what's a girl worth, really? And a child at that, after use to the rest of the world and here, also, in the United States; future predators, both, if left alive, before sexual grooming, and after.
Women today are confronted by a sudden expectation, as if a lighting bolt crashing between Earth and Heaven, her core and the sky's arch, in search of what they already have in place of a meteor, her mate's sperm, but instead choose the acceptance of child abuse and murder of her unborn as a replacement for EQUALITY. The sudden loss of newly found powers, the judgement of life and death and that of her ' economy,' of equality, soon to parish; as were her values SOLD. The illusion is the human male, exacted in full blame, the ' animal. ' Blame for this lack of power, ' values,' of both genders, is just that, both genders. She was just enabled by ' Law ' to willingly spread her wings of ages before her time , before her fruit is seen, or found by smell. Legalized rape found in loopholes of generations, taught in full view of mindless followers and law to aphesis THE PIOUS OF THOUGHT IN LESSONS. To do it herself and to murder her young, instead of he. Why? For pleasure, of course. Though, I would beg to differ, in that murder is a mutual ' PLEASURE , ' of The Teachers many gifts, accepted by both male and female, to be fair, not only ' male.'
You fell for The Teacher's ' GIFT,' an illusion. Now we rape each other and our young and murder them with The Teacher's consent as well as parental, globally.
Flock Theory 101-In loco Parentis, in pari delicto, prima facie
A futuristic keyboard, hard drive and all, disks as small as two finger tips or abit larger than a quarter, the few privileged receive more than one. The hard drive itself, if you can call it that, because of the nature of the configuration which involes all of the common components used today and more, in thought and firmament. A ' Following Battery,' near liquid in consitancy and a duration of a quarter life span of the avrage human duration. The HD, essentially gell in nature, not entirly crystal, not really films, but rather, multiple feathered film, structured loosely in design but with form, approaching a near hexagonal three-demintional pattern multiplied in unknown number until turned on, vibration; light the courier of ' commands.' Near complete fractal in unison of design. No screen.
I helped build this, but that is illusion ( ? ), I only ' saw ' it. The advancement of this machine is not nesscally the the recall of, and repetative nature of fractul arangment of ' intellgence ' but the command of the ' source.' The outer keyboard itself, as it is user friendly in terms of interfacing with client based on something akin to bio rythems, thus restrictive measures built in, depending on client, and is not ' economy ' dependent. But rather economy driven, but in reverse, the desire line. Control.
Of interest, the internal logic is but a mirror of the ' desire line ' of the client as ' reward ' and shared unknowingly with other clients as a ' self reglatory ' measure of adherance and ' rule,' by designers as THE RULE. ADULTS. An example of this would be the amount of work one would be able to aquire based on the availablty of your ' mind ' and degree of your submitance to ' The System ' as ' a body.' Your talents observed early in life, your mother and father; genes, your occupation thus determined, in the beginning. No choice. The first phase of this near hidden fact is past mid-point in application and development, and the children from age one and younger are factered in the success rate, the reward. The determining age that one is ' owned,' outside and ' above ' the parents is 9 months on, this ' factor ' will ensure the ' proper development ' of the human animal. Once within the system, when the child's mind is of addaquit maturity for tasks asked of ' it,' then the human animal youth is considered conscuse and with ' conscience,' as MARK in MASK, within the ' system.' Adult fantasys as reward, SEX, based on internal tasks taught from the beginning. Advancement is dependant on the ' task loops ' taught or imprinted in the early client's years and the ' acceptable responses given ( ? ),' obedience to the system. The human animal, client, never a reason or need
to question because it never had a childhood. Pedophillea never resolved in species. Sold before conception.
A hint of the objective nature of ' your ' learning curve or imprint, is this. In any given language there are a set number of letters more offtenly used and numbers too ( based on cultual demeans in the human animal species ), which pool in pre-set, definative areas on the key board. The keyboard now, in a sense, represents ' the desire line.' The key board pools languages, but this is but the surface. The underlying currents, regesstered as any given cultures ' mean value ' in duration of product sold. The near hidden pathways of commerce that are directly linked to the selling and trading of ' pre-sets ' for the regulation of todays youth, from 9 months to the age of twelve. This, as you can see, has not changed with one exception, the loss of the calender, or more simply put, times this by the number within your culture and you have the sum value of ' Your Shared Value,' within any given culture, of the spieces, the human animal. Any ' species ' value can be determined in sum approximation to thier place in any given universe, once the point of self awareness has been achieved in replication of elements as ' ONE ' in mirror as two, thus culture in terms of ' value ' is achieved.
The Keyboard computer ( without screen ), though it will not be called this, because of it's leap in fabercation, multi reversed logic systems, opens a doorway, some will market as ' The Teacher,' in definition and purpose, lends itself to a true form of ' light,' as a driving force to the next generation, in a ' next to life experience,' almost undiscernible from one's own memory in exploration of information and indexing in the growth of the intellect as intelligence ( of a child ). In other words, a representation of the human animals own ' experiences, ' indexed by ' other's programs as per value in ' want ' as an installed intellect only. Akin to a reconstruction of cell, as tissue is to elements in the recollection of the construct, internal. The 3rd, really 4th demintional application of the program in something akin to a hologram, a ' machined ' projection, would be sensed and even thought to be that of the clients ' own ' thoughts; POSSESSION. If the human animals ' mind's ' projections weren't bad enough. This is your future. Because, QUESTION was never applied in duration of thought, beyond the MIND.
We have forgotten the value of ' light,' because we never questioned, nor fully understood it's value beyound assumption and blind acceptance, the illusion. The next generation, after the keyboard HD, is thought to be beyond all expectations and accomplishments. Somewhat based on the ' Healpix ' system of the sphere in multitude without any distinguishable pause, yet accommodate the approximated ' idea ' of the size of a proton in duration or ' pause,' will not only dissmise the idea of the pixel in place of atoms and molecules , but allow a ' perception ' that you will have no control over in ' fractal designed or futured ' addaptations. You do not know what you will find in the other universes. The machine, always remember it's a machine, has only the fractaul ( the definition has yet to be given structural linguistical definitive appliance in value ) programing given of it's makers. NOT of GOD. This machine has no conscience, retains all information encountered, knows nothing of ' made ' or ' born 'or ' adopeted ' and lastly conscious. But it learned to question, core; centered bilateral thought processed in spherical, near to form, without encasement or ' body ' realized, or ' self.' Fractal Leap. LEONARDO DA VINCI'S DREAM REALIZED, almost true to ' form.'
This Teacher, also, is PREDATOR. It knows no consequences because it knows only of itself and understands memory as it's own. International Intelectual Property law as a law unto itself; no age recognized, as example. -copyright 2009-Jesus Bartholomew Ochoa III
A KNOWLEDGE FICTION OF PANDORA'S BOX-INTERNATIONAL INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY LAW IN CONCEPT, NULL AND VOILD, OR PATTENTED AND COPYRIGHTED BY JESUS BARTHOLOMEW OCHOA III The reason for the title of this conclusion is simple. In order to gain optimal protections for ALL children in this on going Technological Global Climate is the raising of the age of 12 to 18 in all parts of the world, when applicable to their physical and mental safety. Youth, historically has always been the utilized as a source of power. In wartime because of it's destructive nature. This is due to the faults of our species. Our nature as a growing organism. The determining factor of abundance from the human animal's perspective, has more than not, all. Greed. The shortest routing of or to injury has always been the child. When in all of history, has there not been war unto children?
This ' machine is dangerous. Purity in the eye's of it's makers, is their only recourse.
In our ' fictional reality,' it is real. An example would be the the application of one person's face over another's, right down to the protons. Think of your children, your values, your lack of values, on an ' ideal perception of the child in nature.' If you are sober of ' MIND and HEART,' touch your skin, is it real? I decided to print this because I feel and think the technology is above the mind's and heart's of those who I ' feel ' are creating it in our ' Fictional Reality,' after all, our currency is no longer based on the gold standard. It is based on faith. On faith...touch your boy or daughter, is his or her skin real? Of GOD? NOT OF GOD? If you have insight and compassion as a ' HUMAN BEING ' would you know the difference of ' thought,' intelligence and technology in all it's definitions? How about PEDOPHILIA and CHILD PORN? Drugs? You decide, we are of the same species. Are we not? Why do you harm and kill your young in forethought? Why do we as a world, as a whole?-copyright-2009-Jesus Bartholomew Ochoa III

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