Water, bathroom update, on the 16th of this month my 30 day notice was given verbally, along with my complaints of past of past indignities and infringements of my rights and privatises that were broken. I was also given, in response, to a ' mirror ' in my kitchen ( Ha! I know. Train of his eye.), 30 days to move by my landlord. I will probably speak of this abit more in the future, on this blog or some other.
Within 3 days of this event, the water situation has ' kinda ' been resolved. I have running water, though the water heater is in disrepair, leaks and red tagged since 2006. My landlord broke the old record when I was training for ARCA, and began work too, by half a month. Two months.
20 acers were given to him, a few years back for back rent, ' forcefully,' maybe, but at the very least, an advantage was seen and, well, outside of being a teacher, a ' National Guardsman,' or so he said when I first met him. When the land was signed over to him, I now remember one of the very last details in my lawyers waiting area, " I don't want my wife to know about this land." Inside the car, I should of never accepted the offer for a ride, he slugged me, or rather his cupped hand in front of my face and caught his fist, when he asked me where I wanted to go next. To pick up my 38, of course. It is possible that he walked into a situation ' Static, as if distant, an operation ( ? ), police, " What do you want?" Stress was on ' you ' as if known. It seemed to come from outside, but ' telepathic overlay ' was almost a constant.
( All of this started when a neighbor of mine had a home invasion, from my perspective, given thus, in partall recollection. " They are not Police! Call the Police!," about 7 to 8 years ago. Hindsight is great. )
Of neighborhoods, firecrackers and gunshots, used to psychologicaly intimidate and encure and prolong a head injury, well, this is just the beginning of my response. You haven't won, you will never win, you will end up in prisons with longer sentences, and you will be traced based on your records, where you rented, where you ate, and who you date, and dated, and who you worked for, because you interfered with probable ' alleged ' sexual ( ? ) child abuse. And to any military personnel or otherwise, you leave the policing up to the police, if you can. You pester them until the wrong has been righted, even if it takes Internal Affairs, then the Mayor, then the Governor, and if that doesn't work, than the Executive Branch of Government. A ship isn't sunk unless you sink it.
Within the span of about two years, 2005-2006, I learned ' The Code ' of the streets does not work. If you do not take drugs then you are a ' criminal ' to the streets, and if the police are on the take or ' don't have the time, or police themselves,' then you are a criminal to both. The Code does not work, and pedophilia prevails, as determined and directed by drug induced violence and observation thereof. One of the many ' prosecutors ' of this mental illness and criminal behavior. The problem is and has always been guys ( leaders, look it up. ), Downtown profit.
Alot has gone on in my neighborhood, Alice Ave and Marble St. No one has never spoken up out of FEAR. Both streets should be completely bulldozed over and property reclaimed by the city. This includes some business's on Lomas Blvd., between San Mateo and San Pedro., the NE side. At The Fairheights Neighborhood Association, renters are not appreciated or listened to. At this juncture, I might add, about five maybe six years ago, A Capt. of APD told us that, he had given up an opportunity to work for the FBI, instead. Gee, imagine our surprise. Outside of looking at each other, no one said anything.
The remainder of my land, of which my landlord apparently receives bills for, his own admission, will be given back to the people who all but gave to me, for as they put it when they sold it to me, for ' being loyal.' I stuck with them, even when I thought they were crazy. All I did was buff jewelry and be a friend. I'll say this much for them, when I thought that they were making things up, on or about his brothers death, a lawyer, that just about every single lawyer revolving around his estate liquidation has been put in prison by Federal and District Prosecutors since. Not to mention the paper trails of ownership of lands, since the death of Richard T. Mosher Jr., might prove to be interesting. I never believed that the attorney was forced off the road purposely ( and a witness, a truck driver, who witnessed the ' boxing in,' of Mosher's Mercedes, then ' accident.' It was believed two other vehicles were somehow involved. ' After the initial report, the truck driver, disappeared, both for Police and victim's family member's further inquiries. This is what I remember of the events back then. ) as my friends did. That is until it happened, or nearly happened to me. Of course, I fought back and my vehicle is abit bigger and the red flatbed diesel truck that staked me from El Paso, when ' approached ' aggressively in defensive response to threatening actions ( didn't stop because I didn't know how many there were and if armed ), finely sped off. This happened a few years back, returning from El Paso, looking for a family member in the hospitals, based on ' insights ' that something or someone was gravely ill or dead in El Paso. I learned later that my father had major heart surgery about that time.
The remainder of land, I no longer want because of the people of a state that I no longer respect, out of experience and company kept as a drunk, across the board. I see who you are now. You refuse to voice your concerns of CHILD SAFETY. You refuse to take responsibility of your children seriously as parents and adults. You, as a whole, concern indifference as a SOUL underlying imprint on the state's young. As I always heard in her description ' THE LAND OF ENTRAPMENT ' when I first arrived, as the final definitive description of her ( the state's ) ADULTS teachings for her youth. Jailed in ' Animal Ethics ( ? ).' NO HOPE FOR THE YOUNG, AS LEARNT OF THE ADULTS.
On a different topic, years ago I used to throw away magazines, alot of porn, some not. Tightly boxed, sealed with tape and thrown away in my garbage for one reason. Alot of ' suits ' would go throw his ( a friend who owned a magazine shop ) dumpster for the porn, he saw it, I saw it. Until one day the garbage guy, truck driver, ' accidentally ' spilt the contents of my garbage in front of me. A squad car, parked down the block on the south side, at the end of the street. I helped the truck driver, garbage guy, pick up the mags. and he asked if he could keep a few for the guys. I said sure and didn't think much of it. Until I started to think about it, and remembered another ' neighbor ' picking through trash the week before along with the driver of the garbage truck. I thought it odd, then ' the code.' The garbage truck, once pick up is achieved on my block, goes around the block. When you live in a neighborhood filled to the brink, then, with criminals, I guess this is to be expected. I don't know about the neighborhood much now, the gunfire and firecrackers showed me who you side with. Lets just say ' they ' have a real interest in the children's lessons. How to ' Press,' or force a realization as to who ' owns ' the neighborhood and streets.
I always waited for the garbage truck for that reason, just in case it spilt, but to be done so purposely? I have abit more faith in the city's training for garbage truck drivers, at least the mechanical end.
I'm sorry, I don't buy drugs. It was always beer, and I can care less about your ' economy.' I've nothing to really hide in what I throw away. The kid's eye's were my concern.
As for the porn, well my friend and I have parted company. His experience with life and advice have proven to be near right. My only problem with his magazine store, or him, is the selling of ' Family Sex Stories, ' and a few magazines of a similar nature. Last time I was there, well, profit; family has to eat. Decision made.
In the end, I defended a house, a rental, against drug dealers and probably a few pedophiles, and I know no one will talk. The Code=Drug and Raping of Women and Children and even Murder... them at ALL COSTS. THAT IS YOUR CODE, PROVEN IN THE SOIL OF THE LAND THAT CARRIES THE BLOOD OF INNOCENTS CALLED NEW MEXICO. NOW RELEASED.