Monday, March 15, 2010


The picture on the right was taken at the LBJ boyhood home. His mother would use it to teach the ways of the world to her daughters. When examined closely it might surprise you. I like it most espeacialy because the park ranger explained, when LBJ was asked how he made his decisions, he answered " From 23 different perpectives."

For myself, I was amased, because I have tried to write about child abuse in different ways in order to strike a ' bandwith ' in different people of all ages so that something might stick in thier brain or mind or both, and still remain truthfull and as honest as I can.

The first, is a street that people of supposed high intellect in Austin know. Reserch ( or maybe it was the bus ), something or the other. I thought it was an interesting picture even if it was taken sixty years ago. UT-Dr. Hal Putoff and Dr.Russel Targ ( I will correct spelling later, please forgive me ). Both photos are ' raw,' please forgive me if they are out of focas.

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