Thursday, January 8, 2009

Important Web Sites: Protective dictates due children?-The United Nations-vs-The United States-( just an idea? )

This is of great interest when you read it through. I took a quick glance and found a few questionable objections as some of the rights would affect The United States if implied. Now you must be 18 years of age in order to serve in the armed forces in the US. The UN states, or suggest the age of 15. This of course begs the question: how many wars today and in the past are/were legal.
In some states in the US the age to consume alcohol beverages were lowered to the' draft ' age a while back and then repealed later. What constitutes child abuse if you can (are forced to ) join an army and drink at the same age/time because ' YOU ' have the RIGHT to do so under UN dictates, if it ever comes to that in this country, The United States of America. Or would you be to ' high ' to know the difference? Why would any parent allow this? So, is it one step at a time ( bringing third world countries up to par ), or lowering the age of ' childhood ' allowed by law? And who's 'state' , I might add. Who is directing who?
My other question, as it might apply to us, is: can drugs be compared to religion in the sense of enlightened state of mind or absence of mind. Which ' state of mind ' might define Childhood depending on which country you live in. And I might also add, if torture, rape and separation of norms and standards within the theater of battle dictates unlawfulness, shouldn't Adults fight their own wars? Or, Adults refrain from violence?
Do we as a nation love our children by example properly? What is international property ownership due children in the international MEDIA? What is Pornography ? Scary, huh? Definition:?-Follow the money trail or there are no REAL laws protecting children because war would then be illegal and we would have nothing to entertain us in thought or otherwise? What and who are we marketing or marketing us ?-Just ideas and questions on parenting, governmental laws and the world. Who are we? Who are we all? Are children able to make their own choices? Do we as
Adults? Site.

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