Thursday, January 15, 2009

Parcel list of people I mailed Lit. to ( 2006-2007 )

Joseph K. Ingram
Special Representative of the 
World Bank to The United Nations
and The World Trade Organization
The World Bank
3 Chemin Louis-Dunaut
Post Office Box 66
1211 Geneva 20, Switzerland

Alaska Governor Sarah Palin
State Capitol
P.O. Box 110001
Juneau, AK 99811
Tel: ( 907 ) 465-3500
Fax: ( 907 ) 465-3532
Arizona Governor Janet Napolitano
State Capitol
West Wing
1700 W. Washington, 9th Fl.
Phoenix, Az 85007
Fax: ( 602 ) 542-7601
Tel: ( 602 ) 542-4331

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