You have no idea how many people are blind. Tell all your friends about it and keep safe, there's more going on then all of us know. Freedom without laws (*rules) 'is' the animal. Sometimes you have to cut ties with people who don't or can't show proper restraint or judgment (*including myself, depending on your perception and judgment). The idea or movement of the 'animal', 'anti-christ', 'devil' or what ever you chose to call it, is the 'masses'. The uneducated and greedy under the guise of idealism, who are led by the insane notion that one want supersedes all ( I'll give to you, all you want and need , and furthermore, nothing is wrong, because 'I' will fix it all). Don't be fooled.
I was fooled in a big way awhile back. Stay away from ' Fanatics' on both sides.
It is my belief, that McCain/Palin will protect our country (*both within and without). He has gone through hell and remained civilized and still serves the good of the people of the United states of America. He has experience that 'can't be bought'. Palin is a MOTHER of five and (* with her husband ) CHOSE not to kill her last child despite handicap. She had five months to THINK and FEEL about it.
My concern is 'Late Term Abortion'. I believe in a woman's right to chose. However, I feel and think that late term abortion is murder. Google late term abortion sometime.
(* Sarha Palin ) She chose life above all. I think people haven't thought this out when applied to other belief ( 's * systems ) and or actions. ( And she knows how to hunt! Ha!) She has a mothers instinct, PROTECT my young ie. HUMANITY. Teach them yourself, then educate your children well within the family. * Then send them of to school. If life is a continuation of the conscious, are we not killing the ( idea of ) living God? Convenience of sex should NOT determine the convenience and the consequence of DEATH as a result of the actions of the parents. The idea of the underling foundation of Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States of America is based in the understanding of a higher authority
'Under God' that decree's ' All people are created equal ( by God ) under the law. Are we not people? If we as a people, as a nation, can not or will not protect our children in the womb and into the environment that we bring them in to, how can we possibly send our young into harms way when we as a people, as a nation never protected them in the first place. The 'convenience' of sex in todays world and the acceptance of loose norms as practiced by adults in the presence of children ( internet, TV, ect. ) without social justification regarding consequences determines fractured economies, thus the death of the underlying foundations within the nation itself. The precedence of life determines the end result; presence of mind. How far can we as a people, as a nation be pushed in the absence of conscience.? Do we cherish our children.
I am a minority as long as ' I chose ' to keep my name. I am a mix of different races. And so is every one else. What we are led to believe who we are, is not ' what ' we are. As a Mexican American I have been spit upon in the face as a white, by a Mexican American and turned down by ' whites '(* and ridiculed; women, jobs ) because I'm Mexican American.* I was raised in part by both my parents and by my mother ( German American ) and father ( Mexican American ). I am now better for it. I give my mother a great deal of credit; five kids and what she had as a person of limited education. Should I chose to change my name or ' Americanize' my name, I am still a minority within the construct of God and our founding fathers and I am my own person too, I give respect when and where it is due; when it is earned.
My father once ' protected ' our house from hoodlums next door by sitting in front of the house with a .22 rifle ( empty chamber ) single shot, and drinking beer. This is how I envision Barack Obama, minus the beer and probably the rifle.
My father did a lot of good for The Chicano Movement. He helped ' his ' people as a lawyer. A lot of people where helped by him and others better equipped then him.* He wore the uniform of which he earned from The United States Navy and along with a friend fought off ' low life ' whites because they would not serve him in a bar. Navy Whites; on leave.
Barack Obama is not my father and does not yet have the backbone my father had when the idea of protecting our house from the evils of the world entered his mind that day. Empty chamber or not, both men are a credit to their named identities, those they serve and the ideals they wish to protect, that is a fact. However, what is being taught by example?
Any man ( Obama ) who states that " I don't want my daughters to be punished for a mistake latter in life ", regarding abortion ( late term he pushed through and sighed on ) when the very right to ' exist ' as women and children, and when rape and child abuse is reported , women and children are met with severe beatings and/or death, from family male( s ) and the state, in the other half of the world ( and sometimes here in the United States ).
Any State, Race ( all ), Culture or person and those who support this behavior trait should not be allowed to take on any leadership capacity.* A ' mistake ' within the context of the 'right to chose' allows for only the worst of possible out comes regarding the consequences of ones actions and does not allow for the possibility of life. This reasoning can be applied to society in general and the handling of disputes overseas without regard to human life. This ' Mistake ' lends itself to genocide; intent.
A ' mistake ' is not a round in a chamber to protect ourselves from life. Anywhich-way you look at it, what you are aborting is a life derived from a behavior, the question is, does that life have the ' right ' to exist, most especially when vocal cords are present,* but unable to speak, or can they? Doctors were never meant to be soldiers, and soldiers need leaders who respect the lives of children unless under their attack: a clear and present danger.
Muslim fanatics have written and voiced and set their ideals and concerns to actions. The unborn and late term survivors until killed never had the chance to make a ' mistake '. We are a nation at war for our survival, for our ideals survival and for our children's survival.
Who are we protecting and who are we protecting ourselves from?-Bart.
*--- What was added or more thought given to, at this point in time.