As promised The Protection of Prudence by Conscience, a sculpture is being dismantled.
One more piece will be made. It should take but a day to construct. I will utilize a sculpture that is already made. It will be altered. Remnants of the sculpture ' Conscious ' will be added.
I was once told by an ex-patron about four years ago, that the pyramid represents sex. He is an atheist; he is a homosexual. This is his religion.
While moving a sculpture in the company of others and
him, I ' witnessed ' direct influence by a stronger mind to a ' lesser,' weaker mind. A child. What his mouth produced in the way of words, was not what his ' mental projection ' was. Can this be proved? I don't know. You decide.
The ex-patron also told me just before this period, within the space of a year, that Henry Ford said " it's all about perception. " I guess he could of told me this directly, " without the quote. I felt that I had been ' attacked ' in my sleep, his response was " it's all in your mind." I now know the loose determining constraint within the context of the conversation, fractals. Today I understand it's full meaning regarding human beings. Are there hidden agendas within this theory if accepted? You decide. ( A New Kind of Science, Stephen Wolfram, copyright 2002 -This book has nothing to do with the mind, I don't think. But can ideas be projected and retained on a subliminal level of the conscious? Do we as individuals have a choice? Or is it an illusion? )
Far right fanatics ( left wing too, for that matter ) have never been people that I have admired. However, the honest ones who record lit. from various cultures and subcultures should be respected. No matter how graphic the opinions and information is.
Ms. Magazine, March 1974. Gloria Steinem-Editor. Number 7. " A child's bill of rights."

When I first studied self hypnosis I was soon bombarded with mental attacks and ' self examination.' The intensity was almost beyond my comprehension. I have now separated the identities, interrogations and memories. Some were outside, some were projections.
A very short time latter, I was ' approached ' by a mind that spoke clearly, in english, with a vocabulary and use of words that I would associate with academia. I eventually looked where I was told ( this happened several times until I gave in ) in the holy bible to the chapter and verse. What little I will remember is a thousand years of light. That I was the one and don't you know who you are. ( he attacked my ego. I remember a female ' voice ' or projection too. ) And an argument in length supporting sexual child abuse with children. " If the child does not know it's sin..." I will say no more. I threw the bible down to the floor and broke the spell or state of mind.
I have read bit's of the bible since. KNOW THY SELF. That is the first line of defense.
Whoever that was, had a powerful mind. My ' perception ' served me well. I had a good mother and my fathers lessons served me well. The Bible has no value if someone is using it to project evil and false ideas. It can be thrown down and retrieved later. It is an important book.
Whoever that was, he and his ' kind ' and like minded companions are SICKER THEN HELL. Do not be mislead. There are laws protecting children. I believe we need stronger laws. The ' higher mind ' ( if you can call it that ) in some people is not what you would expect.
Major Ed Danes once stated in an interview " You don't want to be in the head of a Pedophile."
Don't be afraid of them. Do not be afraid of them. The mental door swings both ways when opened. They can be tracked. Do not fear those who should be imprisoned and will.
I believe in God, the unnamed. I believe in Jesus Christ. I have seen all arguments for disbelief that one can learn. I still chose to believe. I am also a secularist, a realist. Pedophiles don't belong in ether world.
Also of note: http://scarleteen.com
1. Blinders off: Getting a good look at abuse and assault.
2. Emergency Contraception
3. Saving Sarah? Or not.
I'm fifty fifty in regards to this site, however I have known people when I was younger who might of benefited from a site of this nature. I am pro choice, but I don't believe in mid term and of course late term abortion, it is murder unless the mother's life is in extreme danger. My opinion. For what it's worth, based on what I read, the name of the site is in need of change. In my mind I refuse to refer to young women in terms of ' Scarlet ( A ) letter.' It is an important site based on what I read.
I haven't made up my mind with first term.
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