These pictures I took and chose to share with the world were not contrived. I chose to share them with the hope that those who view them might too see and feel that there is something greater then themselves. The reason things of this nature astound me is because we as a whole are taught ' what you saw is not real.' Tonight, on Christmas eve, I will tell of a story when I was about one. An experience.
I remember, clearly, crying, screaming; afraid of the water. A river below. Rushing water. A rail of some sort. I was handed from one parent to the other. I saw a couple below, one holding a child. I looked up and the sky was ' alive.' Thousands if not millions of voices, meaning
languages that I almost understood. I too was somehow 'realizing' becoming, somehow ' aware '? My mind grown up? The languages that I almost understood, that I could almost 'see', all ( underline) were very familiar, yet my understanding just beyond grasp. It seemed to last for minutes.
Then I was handed to my other parent. I was with the feel, the voices I knew. The sky, or whatever was in the sky was beyond compare. I have tried to paint it, sculpt it and though others have tried to' take ' it, ' imprint 'over it, my memory serves me well. In ' my ' mind I have been told to leave it alone, it's ' unexplained,' a few years ago.
My father told me' that your mother told you that.' I only wish she did. One night before I left for Albq. we spoke for hours. The talk was dealing with her family, marriage, sex, kids, alcohol, work, being alone and everything else of her experience. God I wish I asked her of that night. I didn't go out and drink that night, I talked with her all night long. Maybe in another blog I will go further. I really do wish I had asked her.
I will always remember the sky and that which is still in my memory, my experience. And will be. How simple words are, how simple numbers are. Numbers that are somehow like letters. I've never seen or felt that again but in a few ' messages ' posted here. And everything so far in this world that I have seen, including in science has not even come close. I have told you what I heard within and without, " A little more heart ." A few degrees right of east. What I haven't told you is about a year before, in a strong ' male?' voice I heard something about ' Abraham ' from the west. Stick with the plan? Somehow ' he ?' sounded exterior.
My answer to those who played my ' mind ' don't know shit from door knobs.
I now know that what I saw below me is triad. One.
Triad, part of the title for the new sculpture.( This time without anger. )Loosely based by a distance past, lessons learned the hard way. The thirteenth month calender, a constellation and the gods their in. We are not listening. The universes and beyond and within the firmaments is watching.
I am not playing God here. That is what I saw, something that I can't explain.
'Equality' is earned by man and even now 'given' to women. Equality Has and Was already Given by that That Has No Name. Children mimic those who 'master' them.
When the universe is viewed as a whole over the period of four billion years, would it not seem as that which is in a petri dish? Alive and moving as if breathing. I wonder sometimes if the stars above are as the stars within, as seen in the eyes of a child within a mothers womb, waiting patently to look upon the face of the father. All those stars as if bolts of love felt; seen.-----------( all definitions of the word, through all known ages, all measurements of tone, all senses realized as commitment, as if one, from the first ' sound ' uttered by a human soul. Union.)
That which is watching. Merry Christmass! Happy Hoidays! Love your children and protect them as mother and father IN PEACE - Bart.
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