The ' mind,' though recognized, will never be legitimatized by the government and those they employ. The brain is biological. The ' loophole ' between would be forever lost,' no control,' If anyone really cares.
The battle between the sexes, not to mention those who prey on children and ' ALL ' the fantasies therein read like pages from scientific lit. and the bible itself. Who's reality begins where ? Who's fantasies ends when ? Where is the line between reality and the projection ? This is important because projections have the potential of be coming reality. Who's monster is trying to get into your head or your children's. Who taught who? What is Heaven? The literature is there, it does work, but you will be called crazy. Most especially if you try to do good. We all ( most ), to some degree, know what Hell is. Terrorists have many masks. They do not know the word ' good.'
Over three years have passed since I tried to convey this need. No one listened other than those supporting pedophiles and all those involved in the disease's foundation, responsible parents? Only one reply. A list of established law. At least it felt positive; from The White House. Oh yeah, within my mind " there's an election going on." Three years ago.
Without fantasy there is no life, without an ' agreed ' reality there is no economy; money. We all supply the fantasy, who supplies the profit? I guess we are all ' goods?'
' That is your reality.' I turned two weeks ( at the very least ) of being used by ' assholes ' and having my head messed with, not to mention my own fear, into at least three years of addressing and trying to bring change. I lost everything. But, I'm happy with it. No one can erase the smile from my soul and heart. This includes Katrina too, NM State Fair. ( Whoever put that post, regarding my sculpture on Google can take it off. ) The Protection of Prudence by Conscience was the best sculpture I have built. So, I will put her back where she belongs, my heart. You earned your ' system,' you taught well.
I will publish the second letter I sent to The President and First Lady in a few days. I might also publish the list of all those I sent mailings to.
One more thing, what is porn? What is child porn? I believe about 75% of what I have come across on the net should be removed. Put out of business. SHUT DOWN. If adults can not regulate them selves regarding ' Ownership' and international property law regarding an image and representation of the human body due the ' Individual ' with regards as to what is ' DEEMED ' a child ( PROPERTY, WHO'S ? ), HOW IN THE HELL DID THE IMAGE GET ON THE INTERNET IN THE FIRST PLACE? THE CHILDREN ? If so, why do and why are children of all ages allowed cell phones with cameras? IF THE CHILD IS UNDER THE AGE OF 18, THERE IS NO POSSIBLE REASON FOR A CHILD TO BE IN NEED OF A PHONE WITH A CAMERA. CHILDREN, THE INTERNET AND CAMERAS DON'T MIX. ADULTS OWN THE NET.
If there is a question of age, why is there a photo? OWNERS. Try and report it sometime. In our state you are directed to pedophile registration. Unless, it's changed.-National, State and local hot lines are needed. Grow The Fuck Up! Or read your Bible. IF THERE IS NO ' INDIVIDUAL,' THERE IS NO LAW, NOT ONE, PROTECTING CHILDREN, IN REALITY. A CHILD IS NOT A DEAD FETUS. ADULTS OWN THE INTERNET. A suggestion, get the military out there off drugs ( prescription ) and oil interests for a short while and eliminate the people and or families that provide the child porn service. In prison for life; human ( child ) trade, Death penalty. Globally. Put their aggression to good use, learn from Vietnam.
I've got no problem with adult nudes. I've got no problem with child nudity within proper context due proper subject. EX.- Child Abuse. I have a real problem with child abuse ( child nudes, and in proximity with adult porn and child porn ) and all it's content and all sexual abuse to a child in the real world which it ' represents,' and is taught and dealt by adults.
Take Care, and keep up the GOOD FIGHT. And remember, I was raised to keep an 'open mind.' I was also fooled into saying " that I'm better off bisexual than dead." Oh well, self hypnosis and RV. I own my mind. Your dealing with me now and have been for awhile. I see nothing I respect much any more. Truth doesn't frighten me. Who ever you were by my window three years ago and whoever 'you' were in my mind...What were you looking for? An ally? I don't associate with pedophile druggy shit. And, I don't buy into social conditioning regarding one's sexuality, as it has been taught in our schools. Don't EVER try to recruit me again. I still have respect for human life.
Let all children decide when they are of age. And stop FEEDING them drugs. Who knows, you might end up with a better result( human being ), God knows you wont end up with a better consumer. Maybe that's the problem.
Outside of the letter I said I would publish, I am going to leave the blog alone for awhile. Watch over your kids, and research what happened in the late sixes and seventies as it will affect your children. You have no idea what you are up against.-Bart.
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