In today's world, a value of a body ( person ), is the sum attraction of what is concealed between their legs. The democratic means of pimping women and children as allowed by city government, can have a stark effect on a person, not to mention a community regarding the appeal liable a city of such conscience as evidenced by her votes and lapse of memory of promises given, by any politician elected. So, the allocation of crime allowed a city, really has nothing to do with the public or so it would seem by the vote if the above were not true and thus a lie. It would then have to do with the unseen balance of power between the youth of a community and it's elders, ' Senior Citizens ( ? ).' Youth of any given given social grouping, no matter the diversity of the group, as predators in mass. Of course, they would have to be because they are youth, and know no better, and we as adults who do, justify the definition of terms as standards as to where ' wrong ' must be addressed. We are adults, therefore, youth must be wrong because they are youth. Criminals and predators and valued as such. Otherwise people within the community would have to redeem themselves solely in the churches, synagogues and mosques for spiritual leadership and all entertainment, and enforcement of all laws in order for her youth to be obedient and lawful as her adults. Of course, they would all have to get along and give each other respect as today's youth give each other in like and kind as a complete social network in ethics and brotherly harmony. Of women, well this reflection is in progeny of value as stated in the first paragraph that I suggested might be an illusion of truth and even a lie. So this is settled then, youth are to blame for all the ills of the world. They are the ones responsible for all that is, ever was and ever to be evil, thus Satin and all the multitudes of sin. Thank God. We as Adults are pure!
Although,we do, kind'a glorify terrorism through violence as acts of acceptance, born of Hollywood and a lack of parenting, in the real. On the one hand, if it's the future ' a presentation,' then there's a slight chance wrongful death can be avoided by a ' copycat,' on the other, than it has already been executed in time and those guilty can be brought to Justice for the knowledge. The Ideal. If this is the case than it would be an entire neighborhood, if not a city, who bought into an ' idea,' of the Ideal. Be ' Quite ' and all is well, all is good, until it happens again, and again, and again, and ..,' The Code.' Who can argue with Hollywood's rendering of American life ' In the Real ' as contrary to the rest of the world, in terms of main stream ethics and public acquittals in mass conscience and the youth in offerings of ' burnt ' to the god's of a Nation Under God. I know, because, from time to time, when I do look upon the ' green cloth like ' instrument of masturbatory dreams of goo, I'm pretty certain that on more than on occasion, I've seen the word God. Though, I might be mistaken, but I'm pretty certain. So, if we get rid of God and let the god's of cities, towns and nations rule in individual ' mind sets,' without ties in currency as what ' God in Ideal ' as an cohesive instrument of thoughts and values in teaching and learning for the youth in the towns and cities of a nation, then we had better do it soon because the youth, as a whole have grown rather accustomed to the provisions provided by their caring Elders as custodians of All Standards and Means of The Arc; structure. As they have been taught. Because the gestures of gratitude are nearing the point of appreciation in kind; responsibility dictates response.
The pivot of responsibility dictates the pace of revolution around any mass in relation to the judgement of the gravity imposed and implied in relationship to action. The actions in unison with the governing forces, usually in pair, but not always, dictate the davit. The pivot point imposed on youth today, may be judged as careful management in economy in relation to each other in a desired purpose as directed by the force applied by use of the davit of ' mind, ' thus responding in a desired use. The revolution is crime in anchor, in place of ' leverage ' as the vote, in example. And no skills of use in economy other than replication of behaviors learnt from static and of no mind; skills as crime, as entertainments as judgements witnessed of adults. We have forgotten how to teach value in economy, in terms of ' worth,' and any level and compass, in terms of direction. At this juncture you might agree with this assumption, though it's path in reasoning you might question. I believe, that the outcome serves the means in purpose as example set forth in society, and now her laws broken, are viewed as ' badges of endearment and courage,' given of examples of Our Vast Culture as portrayed in agreement with Hollywood and it's employee's, YOU. ' Lets mimic the coasts or big city values in their value judgments, ' as directed, for our economy in innocence and servitude.
The addiction to violence and drugs, all drugs, are in service to you for your comfort and pleasure, are now provided by your youth for you, in appreciation for the ' anchor ' of responsibility and all that pivots on gratitude, ' prostitution. ' The loss of meaning and delusion of words in today's economy is over shadowed in the ' philter of consequences ' taught as the rule. The ideal. The sad fact is, that youth today are taught to be criminals and that it is good. Cool. Bad. The value placed on youth today is the ' criminal mind ' as currency for use as worth. Nothing, as reflected by the people and the law's they enforce.
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