and Her Young is because of the Animal Nature of ' it's ' People ( ? )
The women found thus far, in the ' West Mesa,' like those in Jurez, Mexico, are of no value to society, in so much as ' a hole ' to be filled, and they were. In two ways, drug addiction, heroin and crack cocaine, and occupation, then final punctuations. The urban legend of the West Mesa is paramount in both law enforcement and the streets, often blurred between the two. What is known, but never spoken of is the intimate relationship of the two in relation to the enforcement and regulation of narcotics in this thoroughfare for the Nation's Addiction's, other than the streets, Hollywood and soon to be New Mexico in the film industry, as to what is cool and who to emulate; both parents, adults alike as their own children. Gangland Mentalities.
A couple of days ago a baby boy, hispanic or Indian, was found in one of Albuquerque's parks, particularly buried with exception to a shoe, the talking heads, stated. My impression is, a form of retaliation for God knows what. When you have lived as long as I have, so ( far ), meeting people, some ' animals,' some helpless ( ? ), you begin to ' see ' a pattern in relation to cause and effect and a denial of responsibility in terms of observation, intervention and just plain ' trying to do something about it!'
The people have erected a ' shrine,'of sorts, and all the mother's interviewed by the talking heads, can't understand the brutality of a child left to be unearthed one day. In a ' public ' park, well it's AlbuquerQue. Why do these people feel the need for expression, most especially if white, when the Hispanics, their youth caught of doing wrong, even murder, express, " He's a good boy, and he, or she, would never do anything wrong." It's kinda like the Gay Nation ( Ha! ), of it's purples and rainbows stolen from Woman's Suffrage ( I guess with HER consent; the rainbow, I guess, HIS ), search for more protections, more rights in the pursuit of elitism, yet their ' NAMBLA ' is still around for all to enjoy, a PEDOPHILE SITE, of which there is no interest to take down; simply because it is still there. It may seem that I'm picking, not really, just the observation that what the talking heads tell us, is not the worst of the ' reality ' of this city. Everyone knows of the ' West Mesa ' urban legend, like the sickness of a ' man boy ' site in rumors, most especially if of the New Age Movement. But everyone chooses not to believe, therefore it does not and never did happen. So there never were ' any bodies ' dug up on the West Mesa, or homes built upon others, maybe? There never were any threats, to and fro, from law enforcement and gangs, street people and just people, you know, ' real ' people, caught in between. And young boys and girls are not molested by good Catholics, Protestants and most of all anybody employed by the city, state and federal governments, therefore, New Agers and all within it's heading can not have a site with young boys in the ' possession ' of adult males as a societal fascination with an enlistment clause.
AlbuquerQue is ruled by Nazi whites; and Spanish, as opposed by ' Mulhouls.' The fortunes made of slavery, land, silver and now, the NEW GOLD, drugs and human trafficking. The people have been behind this for decades, if not centuries. One wonders why the tourism? Entertainment value? Brown is good, in style and of good taste, even if they be' pretend ' whites; we forgive the difference, as long as you follow ' THE CODE.' And kind'a have a brownish tint. Get some sun!
In the end, will a ( make believe ), scape goat be found? And the good people, men and women, downtown, on both sides of the aisle, Democrat and Republican, gleam with self praise in the joyest occasion that justice was not only served but the monies will remain constant in flow, but of a quieter nature, God willing.' Thank God for drugs and regulation!' to be heard across the land? Is this real or ' URBAN LEGEND?'
Thank God AlbuquerQue's people, her trusted servants; cattle, understand this. It should be of no surprise to a nation of the slaughter in The State of New Mexico, The United States of America ( really ), The ' Fatherland,' of such murderous actions, payed for in blood, for ' They're Fix!' So, as I have learned and been warned, from time to time," Keep your mouth shut!" The NAZI'S know of what they speak. Trust in God and raise the second or third, as the first, or the first, second, as the third or the sixth as the first, basically, who ever is ' prettier and with the same value systems as the one ' missing,' it seems to work in that order. Until they are found, dead.
It doesn't matter how the baby died, society will always approve in deeds and actions set forth in reflections of those they serve. As it will happen again and again in their control of service rendered. In my opinion, The State of New Mexico killed all those stated above in the pursuit of monies as entertainment, Thank God, Hollywood is coming, and the people never had a clue, it's just politics as always; they're too busy following ' THE CODE.'
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