Monday, May 11, 2009


FLAGSHIPS OF THE SOUTHWEST Who's ' CODE ' do you follow ?

The possibility of organized crime in conjunction with a city's government, hand in hand, may seem the assumption of many, yet I wonder if the ' have's ' of the country have any idea as to what's at stake. Does the average person know how, or is interested in, how anything works, meaning mechanical or technological, defined as thinking or to ' think.' Or have the passions of the people been so down beaten over the years to feel they have no more opinions other than misery as options and submission to a fallen system, uncaring in nature as those with there hands tied behind their backs, some not for a lack of effort, but dealt a bad hand in the form of laws and enforcement due the judicial system operating on a sixties ' dead head ' mentality, as that found on the streets. Do we hamper them ? ' We don't want people to get hurt, but...?, a judge might think, and furthermore, ' How can the people, youth mainly, be taught, not to be taught the ' sins ' of their parents and authority figures, if any in today's ' economy ', just like any generation's economy when you really stop to think about it. A DA, Defense attorney, Head of a Corporation, Teacher, and any number of professional peoples in this country, thus cities, have or had parents, I assume, who raised them.
The current teachings, a form of make believe ' Knowledge, 'as the undertow of the streets and also taught in collages across this country, in the form of studies of histories of defunct cultures used as excuse to entice the young in a life of open mindedness as reflected in today's culture as example; there is no sin. So every thing is legal, and not limited to the drugging, rapping and, not to mention, killing of children, young men and women; babies.
I can't help but wonder, with respect felt, how the parents of the fallen young ladies feel about the options they had in regards to the raising of, and not limited to, the progression of their education's in the ' reflective eye ' of the cities father's and professionals downtown and ' their ' law enforcement, as even I have been subjected too, in the form of arrests and the ' Prophets ' of the streets, as to how thing's work; and scars shown. The blemish of the sixties and later seventies, ' Albuquerque's Muscle ' as one neighbor put it, as told from a police officer of his line of work, are still seen from the vantage point of those without money, despite occupation, as the forebear's of dead hopes and liberties lost. ( Reflection. If you have 10 police officers, and one is bad. What's the problem? ) Why would such a thing have happened in an orderly society from the vantage point of a common tourist seeking the comfort of the beauty of the southwest.
Were they, the young ladies, to drugged up to acknowledge danger in the company of ' environments 'they sought or did they ' snitch ' a drug lord or pimp? If drugs are to fault, then the President on down is to blame no matter which one, and when, or ask Congress. Due process of law is not plausible deniability, in terms of children. If the term ' snitch ' was applied and then executed as ' punishment,' then, maybe all, including family members and not limited to friend's and society in general, are at fault. But, to my way of thinking, more likely friends. Friends follow ' The Code,' eleven graves filled with youth who, if we are to listen to ' the talking heads,' hadn't a life but filled with misery of those who enticed them from the outside of drugs and sex, probably in that order, in the drink of economies transparent and accepted as peers; a culture of media with unlimited access.
I have fought to trust police for most of my life, and I'm sorry, the people they are proposed to protect, too. I was taught not to, I have read not to, yet deep in my soul, I know most are there to ' keep the peace ' and to help. I have met some who would give their life to protect you, I have also seen through the eye of those who don't belong ' to ' the uniform. The old bully mentality is not desired in Albuquerque; it is not valid. This is how ' Terrorists ' on both sides of the fence are created. And for what? Economies of babies murdered in order to promote and sustain environments of induced insanity as pleasure for profit at the expense of trust on both sides; populations and the city governments that govern them, entrusted by vote, no matter the party as victor. To be safe. If there is no trust between all of society and the laws we agree to abide by within society, then the child, who's mother's womb contained, was simply put down, and I'm sorry, like an animal; a dog. One of the eleven or twelfth; ' The West Mesa,' Albuquerque's ' Urban Legend?' ' The Code 'of the streets, as mirrored by our cities employees, the population; FRIEND'S, and a first breath never to find a mother's love. And I imagine, as plea in whisper " Please don't hurt my baby,"only found a Thunderclap in return.
FRIENDS.., FRIENDS ? Is that all we know? Of , ' THE CODE ? ' In history, the sands of time are still soaking with the blood of babies cries, still gone the waste of dreams never seen and a taste of milk, not; and we have no excuses. NONE IN THE CODE.

WHO DO YOU SERVE ? We as a society, glorify TERRORISM in the acts of acceptance of emulation born in Hollywood as pacifier, and most Religions are no better, all found on children's cellphones in exemplumpla, exemplified as History in peer. Children are ruled by the tool's their parent's employed. Then, interface and interacted with as adults without supervision due ignorance, in a society where machines and the technology employed far outweighs ethics in duration given youth today. Simply put, children have the edge in today's technological age and the educational system as we know it today, because they are taught from day one, and are still learning. Historically speaking we are still in a grey area of undetermined lack of balance and damage. When nature is added to the mix of technological advancement and supervision, if any, that is outweighed in and by the groupings of ' peers ' and the mimics employed by those taught by an industry without peer, then the animal wins. Simply because ethics were thrown out as ballast because society can't keep up. Advancement serves no one without ethics.
The Educational System serves you first parents, then, your kids second, then any industry. IDEA: Would society find it ethical to offer classes for parents, for no added cost, in order to educate the DURATION OF PARENTING in a rapidly growing atmosphere of indifference and further widening of social ' class standing ' in our economic system, by offering and teaching computer courses for all parents at the vary schools their children are taught ? Or, are we done with childhood altogether? Don't you get it? Get rid of parents first (participation? ), and childhood is no more. Peers then rule, and alot of them are not ' peers,' and TERRORISM wins.

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