Monday, May 25, 2009


The ' Art ' of politics is the absolution of sin, another word for responsibility and the actions thereof. The Art of Warfare as a mental graffiti in any groups ' Mind,' as a collective, is the theory of Divide and Conquer, then when the ensuing confusion as a desired condition in result, is achieved, attack and destroy or simply retreat, with the knowledge of remnants of the dishevel achieved. Unfortunately, this application of ' responsibility ' is ' relaxed ' everyday in city life in the resulting pleasure of bathed luxury, remnants of ' responsibility ' left on the towel.
The ' placenta,' if used as metaphor, are the people of the desired form or structure of any civilisation. In some cultures it is used and prepared, abit of a ritual, and eaten after the birth of a ' child ' as an offering of goodwill and good foresight for the child's future years. A sense of connectiveness and belonging.
The Mental Art of Graffiti as an application in mark making, has always been an ' identity ' of passage, sometimes not, of groups of people left to the wastelands of civilization in abstractions of ' self ' as illusions; fighting for identity, against design. Used as example, if you don't follow ' THE CODE,' your service is thus.
The sometimes; the obscure nature of ' Art,' if you can call that in definition understood only in ' drug culture, ' and the hidden identities of those who rule it as a control, are but puppets of a people mislead to poverty and denied education in the support and further refinement of the ' drug trade,' and all it's subsidiaries as substitute and pacifier. ' A MOVEMENT OF COMPROMISE.' A movement defined in blood by Elders who knew nothing of innocent youth, compromised in illusion. A Right of Passage.
A compromise of responsibility left to the mentalities of the streets, overshadowed by example of Anarchical Mercenaries of Fortune as ' Cardholders of The Code,' all participants in the bath houses of civilization and the absolution of sin, by example. A purposeful education without thinking through thought, or...intented? City fathers are only the reflective measure of the people. Entertainment's value.

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