Sunday, September 26, 2010
Sunday, June 27, 2010
The confirmation of those who have fallen, are only the example of ' those ' who are blinded in self absorbed ideals without foundations other than false ' hope,' who rein above ' the fallen.' To take the rains of any leadership role, is to be as ' real ' as one can be. As Texans would say, " For reals." Truth.
The reason that I mailed the letters, in reference to The Salvation Army, is simply this, for months I would hear in my mind " it's under investigation," amongst an onslaught of indecent garbage of a homosexual nature, including child imagery that was never requested by me. Perhaps cellphone networking along with a digital environment can also explain the constant assaults. All of this was and happened before the mailings to solve this problem, and to be quite blunt the man's voice and others I didn't recognize ( as if children ) were quite prevalent, even after he was reprimanded.
I regulated my use of my cellphone in response and disengaged my I-Pod and removed both from my physical presence and also to combat this, I used earplugs which deadened the ' noise ' to a degree, however, the constant mocking ' help me,' or ' how _ig is yours?;' I could go on with the verbal, but to vulgar, yet the frequent ' screen,' to the lower left of my field of vision, ever present until I forced it out of my mind. I always knew when I was ' watched,' and always battled this, in my opinion, child abuser.
Children and Families should never be allowed at The Salvation Army unless all it's employee's are drug tested and an FBI background check is made before ALL EMPLOYMENTS. The removal of all 'uniforms' who know nothing of grace or kindness, but only ' money and bars.' Then replacements who meet the requirements.
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Old ideas on the subject of ' mind control ' incorporated in ' new technology ' within broadband and it's use nationwide. The turning point and the core of the ' sixth district ' is of little difference in comparison with the capital area in Austin, Tx. The ' mind ' does not exist, but of course that would depend on who's side your on.
The Salvation Army is now being ' repaired,' at the expense of lost souls with no direction other than a ' prison mentality ' of by gone years and egos...from the streets to the Capital on both sides of the aisle. With ' hope,' to borrow a phrase, this will change all the way down to APD. This is needed in order to beat the child abuse problem. Why? Because we are the adults.
All children are GOD'S children, no matter race, creed or color.
I was told in my mind's eye as I looked into the eyes of a man who abused a child in language and in intent full terms as to sexuality. The rebutes were intense. As I stood in disbelief and when he felt my gaze, he stared back and I heard in my mind ' there's nothing you can do.' He then turned with a slight smirk and went inside.
I was about to discuss this with another man behind the lower level desk when I entered the building and I was immediately asked " what age do you think that kid was? " I shifted gears to answer " 15 ? " He replied, " about 14." The ' environment ' was that of a different bandwith.
When I first got into town, all demons knew who I was, thus the play on words is employed here correctly. All
Saturday, June 12, 2010
WHAT WOULD HAPPEN IF GANGS SUCH AS THE BANDITOS, THE BLOODS, THE CRIPS AND OTHERS, NOT TO MENTION, COPS ' ON THE TAKE,' ( if you think about it, the only way crime could exist; dominate issues ), and the fields of technology, all gathered in agreement that an ' enemy with in and with out exist other than that which is found on the battle fields of old ' theaters ' of mind. Then put an end to the ' Drug Trade ' and the the studies of ' mind ' based on these applications to divide and conquer ' the enemies.' NOW ? FROM THE TOP DOWN, AND THE BOTTOM UP.
THE WAR CRY-On the cover Jesus Christ holding a black sheep. I tore the first one up in Albuqurque, NM., just before I left. The second one mailed to me, I didn't. In between the deliveries of the first and second, I was working in my garden in the morning and suddenly felt sharp, burning pains all over my chest and stomach area. My eyes, my sight darkened, then saw clear. I was clearing the ' sweet peas ' away from my Maxamillion Sunflowers when this occurred.
About three weeks ago, I was told of a mother who was brutally stabbed in front of her baby child, by her boyfriend or husband... to feel the sight of a mother's child in the soul of light... as I worked the soil. I was told that she lived. The woman who told me of this has my mother's middle name, a street person, also the name of a town very near ( within 9 miles ) of the land in New Mexico that ( the remainder, was stolen and, hand in hand, I sacrificed the rest, to name and call a ' pedophile ' in court, to all who would listen and judge )
Women by far, and children, are sold to the streets, willfully, even by judges in full knowledge of all outcomes and the predators that lay in wait from top to bottom and even in ' salvation,' support this ' economy ' without conscience, sometimes even their women.
You learn and know everything about ' us,' but nothing is learnt of ' YOU.' AUSTIN and ALBUQUERQUE are now joined, will you help fight pedophilia and it's causes, or will you watch your children die in front of your eyes like your fore fathers.
When I left Austin, Tx. in the month of May, 2010, I found myself in a small town, with whispers in my ear. I checked my oil, and found that there was none. The dipstick was dry. I looked under my vehicle and found everything sound, but remembered the clothes hanger that somehow found it's way under my vehicle before I left. How is this possible, I wondered. When in El Paso, I tryed to answer a few texts from a person that I met in The Salvation Army, we texted back and forth and ultimately met back in Austin, Tx and I gave her a ride to Dallas for a ' working interview,' this before I was allowed back in The Salvation Army. And this time ' allowed ' ( I'm at odds with my friends ' case worker ' as per her description of him. ) in the worker dorm, when before I wasn't. ( What was going on on my cell phone in El Paso, Tx. I'll save for another time. It has to do with the ' ownership of the air ways.' A prison mentality of submission. ) What does this have to do with children,

The absence of applied values in the ' virtual reality ' is simply a ' transparency ' for the ' subconscious ' and ' unconscious mind.' In this ' trapping ' of assumed ' ownership ' ( what is focused upon or viewed ), a replacement of ' imagination ' may and often does occur; short version, people forget how to think and follow the ' impulse '-' 0.2 sec., rule of thumb ,' of others with intent, or fooled as intent. No thought process regarding the well being of children.
The cities of the mind; places people go to converse, learn, admire, make love and unfortunately war with one another, are being built upon foundations of the ' body ' only, excluding both mind and spirit in the equilibrium of the tangible, and God will speak.
I once told a friend ( ? ), long ago in Albqureque, NM. who once worked as an ' illustrator ' for the C.I.A. before she continued in art, that my idea of time was that of a spiral or spring, when she accused me of going around in circles. I explained that I chew up ideas and observations in order to get at the truth. I aways had to know why? How? To what end?
My idea if placed in a geometric format would exist in a pliable, bridged, thought, comprised of infinities. Boundaries would exist in the idea of the bridge. I suppose, that I use this metaphor because of my experience.
Today, there are no boundaries because there are to many laws. ' Hate laws,' exist today because not only are there truly hateful people, but also because there are truly irresponsible judges who never in forced the existing laws to begin with, thus segments of society such as gays and blacks, both repressed in certain degrees, exist in the moment, protected, yet one has showed ' promise,' depending on your perspective; power exists outside of vacuums to greater extent, a reliable depending on intensity of ' focus ' due the forces, and one ' group ' is left the IDOL. Gays most particularly, already had rights, as do blacks, or African Americans.
Add another component in the form of ' enhancement,' drugs to be exact, and you have a ' sense ' of control over the Idea of IDOL. This is the controlling factor in ' recessed areas ' such as The Salvation Army, children include. And the women, men included, conducting ' roll playing,' ' good cop, bad cop, mental scrips, repeated over the years to the point of imprinted patterns, then the future is predictable, the paychecks keep coming decades and decades to come, ON BOTH SIDES. I only mention this because women are hardly mentioned and the men are imprisoned to a greater extent.
The ' good ' done in the day time is often not the ' good ' implied in the night, or experienced. It's all about the money...if allowed.
Allusion, as opposed to illusions of grander are the surest path to hell, and the fault lie in the ' uniforms,' where they are hidden in memories of oppression and DOMINANCE, " as the eyes shine bright...but are not clear and white."
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
My sister's voice reverberates in background, while ' demon's voices call in ' playback,' as if on a Sony Walkman. My landlord is speaking to a man man with white hair, somewhat taller than him, on the sidewalk, in front of 5417 Alice St., a house that I once lived in. I ' saw ' this threw a door, covered with VHS tapes from top to bottom, as I never used it as an entryway to my home. Upon later reflection, I realized, ' magnetic tape.' ( The blanket, was one that I used to own. I threw it away when I discovered various other items that my ex-girl friend owned and had tucked away at the end of our relationship during her remodeling of her house, were the same and exact in all ' titles.' I could never shake the idea that my landlord or police might of allowed her access to my home.)
" What are monsters daddy ?," a child asked it's elder, and many examples where given to this child. Heard and warded off with all my mind and heart, five to six years ago, while riding my bike home from a friend's place of business; a job I had. An on going dialogue heard to this day, but not in the original ' vision,' just various ' demons ' of various skin tones and agendas, trying to ' utilize ' a voice that they have found.
I remember this and many more dialogues, within, what can only be described as an ' inner ' blinking of the eyelids, that somehow somehow see in an endless ' perpetual vision ' that is beyond my understanding of 360 degrees. The eyes of white light. I must emphasize that in this description, this is not just one ' race,' but all races of man and woman; mankind. It felt as if ' all ' that is meant to be the ' Ideal ' of humanity, given by example, a teacher, the teacher of ages.
Part of ' me ' was left somewhere else in light, as guidance ( ? ), I can only wonder of ' my ' sun and her mate, so many light years away, the ancient collision of solar systems that brought a continuation of life to Earth and planets in ' our ' future, not yet seen.
Accidents of travel, and ' mental rape ' from others, may explain this abundance, though hardly understood in any definition of a correct comprehension of the words, our countries or world's responsibility, and for my part, in the telling, maybe...To know that a world is being judged and examples given, Bangkok and New Orland's, not mention major areas in China; a knowing that is profited by Hollywood's investors only. The giant's eye is wandering again, as exampled in global pattern of social engineering and ' knowingly understood,' as being observed.
I ' watched ' my landlord talk to this man, a stranger? I heard him ask, " Is he in there now? " Then I heard, " What figure? " The ' melding ' of what was said and what was spoken ( of the mind ), are sometimes so closely related as to no clear boundary between the two and many realities to yet take shape, derived there of.
I think of my viewing of this small event, in my life about five years ago, seen ' through ' a closed door, with bookcases in front, filled with VHS tapes and DVDs of Hollywood's best offerings and worst, as I stated earlier. I never questioned as to how I was able to ' view ' this through a solid. I simply, did. Without question...and in doing so ( after the nights prior ) almost went insane. I pushed my mind to the very limit within that moment. I remember even turning on the cameras
( erected to protect the sculptures, mainly ) to check ' reality.' Enough said, there they were, the meeting now ending and departures taking place, my landlord pulling a small white trailer and the other person apparently already departed. My mind left to questioning as to ' HOW ?'
The intermingling of my ' sister's ' voice and those of other ' women,' " Something happened in El Paso, you don't want to know about," they said. They said this for years, often. To this day I don't know what, other than some family members might of been in Albuquerque, during this time.
To see yourself through the eye's of those observing you and their minds content, as if a dissection of time, until a ' grid ' is placed upon ' space ' of the memory ( moment ). More later...Oh, and yes once again, someone censored this post.
My sister's voice constant in my head, the only rational being with exception to ' another ' and a few minds below, lying in wait, some for encounters they can profit from. " It's not your fault Bart " she said as a reminder for years. I think of my younger brother, praying.
I see all ( that was and to be; that which ' is ' ), I understood in the telling of the story, this reality, to myself. I met myself in the minds of others, of who ' we ' once were, in the lives lived in our past and today, and have met those, who in the boundaries of time ( as it is taught ), the personalities speaking to me then ( when I was child and young ), many fractalized in digital encasings of bits against the organic fabric of ' all,' and to sense, separate the footprints of ' blowback.'
( I've had this key on my key chain for about 25-30 years, when I had the misfortune to represent management of a 30 unit property )
Ingo Swann once stated that there were 17 separate realities or dimensions to this ( his perspective universe or perhaps 16 major political and economies civilisations of the past and one dreamt of ) and all worlds. I beg to differ and state that no matter the current theory there is only one, if that. That which is based on the primary sense of ' being ,' that of the mind. Or, only five, but then we would have to discount religion and science and all thought in between. An argument for the ' mind.' The ' mind ' above the brain, the one true idea of ' sense ' depending on how the experience is taught, and to whom and of what ' experienced lessons ' to those under the age of seven, or the current ' legal ' definition under international intellectual property law 12-13.
As I stated above, there is only one and it is between the ears, behind the eyes. To do away with all law was never the intent of the ' light of the world,' perhaps those who encompassed the power structure of the then, known world.
As for the power structure of the 30's-the late 70's and the early 80's, that which we know of, I feel that the real mother's of those whose children where agonized at the very least, deserve a better explanation from our government and our military in The United States of America as to the hiring of a man who once wrote ' sex ' novels for the mafia for 200.00 a book and then was hired on to the the countries Intelligence Services.
Prior to the national elections in The United States of America, there was an internal and external attack to this country from without and from within. The necessity of the attack is incomprehensible in light of our freedom to vote with a clear conscience. To know right from wrong. But this is just politices. NOTE: I had another photo to insert here, but my card to my camera was stolen, from the camera, but not the camera. I had taken a couple of photo's of the salvation army's parking lot, as an accident happened in the client's ( homeless ) parking lot and the staff's side is always near vacant. I took the pictures because the woman driving the truck which ' outsizes ' her tremendously and her capabilities to control it, might of blamed me as her friend's car has a ' gay equality ' sticker on it. We pack our vehicles in like sardines and only ' security ' parks with us from time to time, for what reason, I don't know. I also had a debt card stolen a week or so before, so I'm sure whoever is censuring this blog and networking a different belief system, which I'm sure includes adults and children engaged in sexual situations and it's promotion, is to blame.
" If a child knows no sin then wouldn't sex with an adult be not sinful ?" I then threw the Bible to the floor. ( Telepathic overlay ? ) This seemingly endless dialogue went on for weeks to months, along with everything else that was happening at the time, as I've expressed in the past on my posts in this blog.
The ' projection ' was from the direction of Barton Prince's house, about half a mile away down the road in Albuquerque, New Mexico. The ' mental ( ? ) ' networking of threw the bandwidths expressed all views of possible acceptance of the Gay Agenda to gay's ( homosexuals ), ex-cons, drug dealers who were ' altered ' ( abuse in prisons, or at the hands of women; the hands of women is a good assumption, as I've listened threw the years and read ), and, lastly, sensitive people ( throw not all human beings ) around him.
This was intercepted by my ' senses ' during a frequency of meditations to combat this DEMON of the past and present, in our world and I fought it and swore to memory to tell of this experience ( pictures soon ).
The Justice Department ( and family members of Paula Hughson, PHD, a ex-girlfriend, some of her children ( lawyers ), The Art Therapist Howard ( last name soon, his daughter works for the Justice Department, if memory serves ) homosexual, friend of Barton Prince and others. The expenditures in my personal past, Paula when I was a child, under the age of ten, a maid then ( or her exact double in appearance and temperament ), employed by my father, and extremely abusive to all us ( my brothers and sisters ). She showed me a picture at the end of our relationship of her self when she was younger and lived in El Paso, Tx. This is how I came about this recollection, and I was dumbfounded. ( Two ' voices,' projections I'm sure, one of my father when he thought that he was dying, " You will hardly recognize her after all these years," and, in real events and experiences in the moment, or after, " That woman is responsible for peoples deaths," and " Stay away from that woman." The later, I'm not sure of the source.)
After our first ' night ' together, I kept hearing in my head, a female voice, " I _ucked the father, now the son." An almost hysterical, crazed woman's voice, filled with hate and insane laughter filled my head. I thought that I was going crazy at the time, but fought back, ' always calm, colder than anything known, always calm... I have no idea whether or not my father would substantiate my memory. Because, Paula stated that what broke up her marriage was an affair she had in El Paso,Tx. A man that she met in a bar, or maybe, that was part of her agenda . What I do know, is that my mother was suddenly ' ill ' ( at the time of the picture Paula showed me and the age of my brothers and sisters at that time back in El Paso ) and was at a friend's house, vacation and finally the hospital. Paula might of worked at the hospital too, I don't know. My father since that time has made it clear that my mother was not well in the head. A couple of years after, the divorce. ( When I first worked for Paula, I remember distinctly, " Remember to take my pills." When you learn more methods of ' seeing,' other than what you understand and what is proven to you by experience, this I'm sure will help induce ' Telepathic overlay.' I feel what has saved me to an extent is the fact that watches have never worked correctly when I have worn them, only one, a Luminox that Mr. Finemark sold to me at a greatly reduced price. Thank God that I've always known that time is an illusion by my childhood's experence and ' the other's ' to some extent.
AFTER THOUGHTS-Education is important, in so much , as one has to examine all intelligence from all angles. My father is highly educated in law, Paula is highly educated in ' brain and mind,' she has studied a great many religions too, she claims to be Palestinian and part Black as her father. As a gentleman I have not mentioned her family's past discretion's. Men rule this world with absolute will to do anything that they please, and women, if educated will ' mirror ' the same absolutes, like children.
I will always remember the strength of my mother.
Marina, by Carlos Ruiz Zafon, copyright 2009, Amoldo Mondadori Editore S.p.a., Milano.-( a book that I found in front of a computer at station 4, the picture is that of a memory or ' projection ' I had when Paula told of the time when she joined or was taken to a Convent when she was but a girl, and after a short period sent back home to her mother, a single parent, as her father was shot for having an affair when she was even younger. The cover of the book and image depicted is 95%, #4 represents a time when my entire family was threatened years ago, when I tried to report sexual child abuse in Albuquerque, New Mexico. )
Wired magazine, page 112, J
Thursday, March 18, 2010
I have met a great many people in Austin, Tx. I have listened and observed it's beauty and blasphemies in disgraced astonishment of the occurrences, and the fact that these occur in every city in our nation and those in every village, town and city in the world.
In Albq, NM, I've known people who have been approached face to face with accusations of child abuse and when asked and or ' pressed,' have ' hidden ' behind a bad upbringing and ' shrinks.' I witnessed one occurrence and was dismayed at the outcome.
No one has ever tried to do anything about it, other than complain or be satisfied with the abusers lies. No one that I have ever met and a very few that I have read about have ever tried to ' drive ' the ' stake ' so to speak, to the heart of the issue. This is because of the nature of our government, the path of process to the other side of the founder's dream of this great nation, The Puritans ( and I might add with great expense to all who weren't ).
There just doesn't seem to be any middle ground regarding child abuse. There is Child Abuse and then there are those who Enforce the Law against it.The children caught in the middle and a few parrents who are so uneducated as to the law, maybe even common sense, it simply breaks the heart.
I know a person who's child was taken after the person turned in the spouse and never the less, what the hell, The State ( Texas ) took the kid. Now this person's life is progressing in a willful and determined path to ' free ' the child, after many attempt and employments of lawyers and their bills. THE WALL. How can this be in The United States of America? HOW DO YOU MEND A WOUND OF THE HEART AND WOMB? HER EYES ARE BLUE. My guess is the lawyers and jugdes are red, if this person's life story is correct, if not, my apologies. However, I mean to address the issue of taking a child away simply because the government can. I believe we have been through this before in the late seventies and onward. The many mistakes made, yet the power of the shrinks and social workers, even when proved wrong in court, were never taken away. Quite the opposite has taken place. Am I to bold to suggest the mass obstruction of justice, when common sense and quiet observation of our culture suggest that we are addicted to ' ourselves ' and the ' power ' to change anything, if we so desire...on a whim?
Child abuse is more a product of social enginering than you think. Yet if anyone tries to addess this issue or the doctor's abuse of power in our society as a whole, you are then censured.
Monday, March 15, 2010
When I was a child through my teenager years, I would often have a ' repeated ' dream. A stationary figure, holding a star to chest ( between her navel and heart, the upper belly ) and I was being taught to fly with others. My sense was that most of us were children of the same age.
The terrain was that of beautiful hills, green and with many waterways and lakes. I would often dive and lose myself, away from the crowd. I would fly, skirting the hill tops and water at great speeds; to skim the water in the face of the sun. I often thought of the area later on as being somewhere in lower Mexico or perhaps upper South America. This dream was so real as to taste the air. Many, many times.
My memory of the glimmer of the sun across the water, I can see in now tonight. I remember the other ' students ' telling me to stay with them. I thought nothing of it, no anger, no rebellion or remorse. I just left and flew by myself, not well at first, but then, later, the sky was mine.
I had this dream countless times, and almost without exception, most especially when I was entering my teen years and through, my Grandmother Ochoa would call. She would ask how I was, and tell me that she was praying for me at that moment and just prior ( before I called ). It got to the point that whenever I would wake from that dream, she would call and say, " Brother, I was just just thinking of you. " ( Brother was my nick name when we were young. )
I guess, one can say that Austin, Tx. might be that ' representation ' in my dream. I doubt it, but maybe. Or one can say, a memory ( cellular, as opposed to spiritual memory ) of an old world left to past, in mother nature's beauty, further south. Or, even of a place in the distant future's of reclamation ( natural or political ) of all God's grace ( depending on perspective and who's god ) as ' she ' was before vast destruction put to her by men and women alike.
In any event, these are, more or less, positive explanations of this MAN MADE ' communication.' The negative would be, the use of children for other's purposes and means. Possibly the promotion of ideas ' foreign ' to the child's development, without proper consent, under guise of a representation of an idol ( that which may be seen and felt as such. example: we all have mothers and live under the sun ). The foundation of ' travel,' perhaps only a metaphor.
I only mention this, because the figure holing the ' star,' a real sun, thus star, was dressed in black or a dark grey cloak with a hood, no veil, but there was no face, nothing was there but darkness. The blackest of black. Nothing. I remember and have always felt ' it ' was feminine; a female perhaps.
A recent ex- woman friend, gave me a poem in regards to a shield given to a warrior, with swans as emblems on it, for his protection, given of the gods.
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
The new efficiency, a newer and more improved version, of intervention in the dealing with, and freedom of speech, is the enhanced capability of the government's ( The United States Military Apparatus ) concerning the capturing and quieting of all the ' terrorists ' in the United States of America, the common citizen; those who go against the grain and report child abuse.
I might one day ask this of Patrick K. Ware and Kim Parker, a couple of whom I place and hold such admiration for, like that of Mr. John X. Gonzales; theirs, a profession of such high regard in the United States of America, ( as they are all teachers, and, of both the males, ex-Army; retired. Ms. Parker's parents, CIA and NASA.-I might also add, that about this time, I was also asked to speak of my knowledge of another Patrick, a couple of friend's thirty-plus kid, about what an assistant district attorney thought were probable reasons for child abuse, and at the bequest of the defense lawyer for Patrick, in fairness. Gee what are the chances?) Of course, I tried and did the right thing, all the while putting up with drug dealers and their benefactors, their landlords, or at the very least, the holders of the title and or mortgage of the house they're tenant's were renting to buy. When David Barry ( Not to confused with the Mayor of Albuquerque, NM and APD , just a ' neighbor,' ' mafia on motorcycles,' Albq. style) screamed from a parking lot that he was going to get even with me, I guess he meant it, or at least, about, eleven people will never be able to talk about it. Gosh, a baby too!
So, Patrick and Dave, how does it feel to be in the same league with black cocaine dealers, and all the glory and family support systems, you people, along with the police who are on the take, along with the never ending ' line,' pardon the pun, of politicians who profit from your hard work, sorry, there I go again, and revenues? Makes your mother's smile and fathers proud, I Bet! I guess when these people's children grow up, they can tell us of the ' TASTE ' of...victory, that must have been instilled in them. And Gosh! Proud of Dad too, as the girlfriends, wives, or what ever this sub-cultures definition of caring spouse is.
Perhaps, the architect, Barton Prince should design a monument for all these like-minded ' suitors ' of likeness, East Indian ( really Iranian ) ' gentleness ' and concern for children, especially the baby girls and dump all the sculptures bearing my signature, and do me this honor and quiet privilege. I no longer care to be in ' the mental whore house,' now that I know of ya all's ' rules,' an open mind really isn't all it's ment to be.
What extraordinary taste and judgement I've had in people, in the past. This is going to be a long post, with the likes of ex-underwater demolition experts and public safety officials, shrinks and various other make believe people of soulless concern for the well being of children nationwide and the globe over. So, there will be more, and yes, I will leave it up to you, you decide whether or not you can discern the difference between truth and, shit! I just can't believe this is true.
In a sense, this isn't even worth writing about because I have been censured so many times by ex-military, Fem-a-Nazis and proponents of child molestation and their offspring, no doubt, who know no other life. What's probably best for myself, is simply to move out of the country and watch the country that I was born in, simply disintegrate from within and dissolve away from without, all brought on by the very people who in the beginning were those, who by way of revolution, yes the American Revolution, to protect us. Perhaps that's the reason, by way of acceptance to the Union as a State, Texas left a clause in their Constitution for ' countryhood,' in an uncertain future.
In general,( pardon the pun John Gonzales ), the X generation-children, want Anarchy, so why not give it to them; ceased economy and all that it entails. In the end, cannibalism will suffice for a month or two. Then what? They're a smart bunch, teach them to eat the cheat sheets, that which has always been sacred; why not eat their drugs too and while doing so , figure out how everything works. Of course this might lend a need of knowledge, once found in books. Oops, no electricity. Oh well, Rand's ' Anthem ' never had it so good.( Ha! Inside joke for those who read it. )
I find it incredible that the ' well meaning,' long haired credants and the their oppressors, the short haired credants of the sixties found offspring, now of even less conscience encapsulated in a full knowing of a new slavery, held high to the alters of flat screens everywhere for acceptance of ' faceless peers ' as to what is right or wrong, or perhaps, better put, right and wrong, therefore, right, and not only in ' concept ' alone. The difference between thinking for yourself and the unknowingly ' accepted;' the unseen mouth of ' direction,' lent to many a ear, is simply that, ' reason ' in opposition, to simply following.
How can we possibly know the difference in today's world of millions of bits of information, bits of ' broken ' bites of little one's and zero's; can our minds comprehend this unseen competition between flesh and machine in search of audience. Why might I ask of the necessity to question? Well, did we question the necessity in the fifties ( forties too ), of the ' Mecca Boxes' in every home, where they were pumping out tons of bandwidths of radiation , a nice cross section too, for every child, mother and maid, not to mention babysitter, in ' unison,' as GOOD, but more importantly, quiet consumers. How many forms of abuse, adult or child was reported back then. We as a country were taught to BE and KEEP QUIET. In all definitions of the term brain washed, your brains were imprinted, thus the ' mind ' altered; repatterned: brain washed. Think of Hollywood's accomplice, the government, then ask yourself why, after anything you watch, anywhere you see it, and teach your kids to ask why? Commonality? All energies desired; profit or otherwise, at any cost. Ask soldiers what happens on battlefields and in towns and villages abroad; you shouldn't have to ask school teachers or antique dealers, retired military what happens in classrooms, their homes or their property in the West Mesa in Albuquerque, New Mexico, although, the children learn well...don't they?
The divorce between my parents, in all it's apparent lackluster, was presented to me one night, when my father explained, quiet eloquently, the deceptive and evil nature of women, within a smile; gave me a poster of stars, that said: " you are a child of the universe, no less than the trees and stars' you have a right to be here," (as opposed to, " I raised you as if you were my own," in my junior year in high school. What can I say, I'm a product of racism; he declined a blood test back then.) he then said that he would explain later, told me to go to bed, and I didn't see him again for about three years; all five of us kids, that is. This took place about the time of the Apollo moon landing ( 1969-70).
Gee, if IngoSwann could only ' see me now,' or the ' like mindedness ' of a ruling elite's panderings to any checkbook at hand, for any researcher with need to fill his or hers bellies as compromise for ' food for thought,' and any ' misgivings,' a literal concern, not to mention, conscience.
I mention this, only in passing, to further distance any obligation he or his friends, mafia and government employees, at the time, might have in way of responsibility to a handful of children ( I'm sure ), who by way of their talent, or who their parents were, and a good hardy, ' How dare those kids pick on the poor adults! How dare they!.' Government employees and subcontractors, who after all, are only trying to protect the world, and our poor country, from the meanies and then exact enough proper ' guidance ' so that we may know the ' right way' in which to travel then correct direction and destination. Economy.
Imagine my surprise, when I chanced a glimpse of an Artists painting, that Mr. Swann has on his web page; a piece of work with a couple of hooded figures, one of which is extremely reminiscent of a figure who placed a star in my chest a couple of times, years ago as an adult, and even further, a similar figure, when I was a child, more times than I care to remember. A woman wearing a scarf, or the hood of a cloak, a commonality in many cultures and religions, yes, but upon closer examination of the Artist himself, his life and work, which was comprised mostly of large scale sculpture and ' my ' memory of seeing them all before, but as a child in my childhood, as I was growing up, presented me with a problem. I didn't remember, and don't remember viewing this as a child; that is to say, that, I never saw this Artists work in any of the books that I grew up with, at home, at school or at relatives homes. I never saw his work on television either. How is this possible? Where did the memory come from? It took me almost a year to figure out the possibility of mental imagery, mental footprints, if you will, by way of ' exchange ' of data ( perhaps even feelings ), in the subconscious and unconscious mind.
If what I have described is true, and I believe it to be so ( I have no ' wants ' in this regard, or even ' needs, ' just complete understanding ), then what else could it be other than ' conversations ' with ' elders.' How can this be possible? Again, I suppose it would depend on who you are and how your brain is ' hard wired.'
To be so engrossed in a project or game as a kid, with other kids, to the point that nothing else lends interest at the time, is common for most children with inquisitive minds. Objectives within the game, and of the ' game ' might ' jump out,' the next day at play. The ' melding of minds ' is common during this age. ' Wow! I just thought of that! ' ' Me too! ' The children said, at play.
A group of children is always at an ends with it's self, as are adults within a grouping of the same size and under the no different life pressures. In a sense, the bosses are our parent figures who demand of us to ' perform,' and if we do well, we are then ' payed.' Both, are examples of ' a peaking order,' until an outsider is introduced or intercedes. And to what end, malice not withstanding; who we prosper, are our elite and possible ' idols.' Example: Michale Jackson, and the late singers ' relationship ' with his fans, despite all his troubles with children, media and his family.
I have tried not to judge, in the sense of condemnation, but rather to fully understand , now, a ' mind ' in conflict with a ' knowledge ' given of only a predominate male perspective as ' possible and historic ' standard and measure of all that is ' good ' in the world, as historic value. We are all products of segmented history, reflective of the ages written and taught thus; hence, a basic understanding of social engineering as ' cause,' to justify ' purpose.' But, does it really work this way? What would be the ' root ' of the ' cause?'
We are living in an age, where bandwidths of data are carriers of memes, translated by brains who's foundations in education is becoming ' narrowed ' in an service oriented economy that finds relaxation in the ' gaming environment.' Thinking is becoming a thing of the past. It's not that people aren't learning, it's the sensibilities that are being copied ( the Hadron Collider never had it better! 17 miles around and everything! Huh, Ingo! ).' Thought process ' defined in replication only, has all but superseded all; without question. We are not asking questions due conscience, and history will prove, limiting ourselves; but, how will you know?
If you are lucky enough in breaking threw ' the wall ' ( some would say, bad luck ), you will recognize the rotation and ' world's around you, as you have been taught and all the choices for action and even non-action ( non-reactionary ? ), all per your will. That is to say, what you will is your reality beyond your perception. What you do with this ' gift,' this ' time ( ? ),' may allow you as compass and ' bearing,' a reset, if you will. What is interesting is the near absolution and consciousness, including ' conscience,' retreading of a life already ' seen.' I am just a layman, but my ' gut ' tells me that this is not telepathic overlay, in the sense that one is ' talking ' to one's self, a ' futuristic path ' already taken. Somehow the ' time ' that you ' allowed, ' was also allowed you. As to how the ' many realm's that, may or not be influenced, all depend on your value systems taught you when connected to your mother, father in the original triad, including that ' gifted ' you by your ancestral heritage.
We have not reached the the ' comfort ' of an ' idealization ' of proper definition of the word ' human,' in the truest purity of the word's identity in definition yet. I've met no one, so far, of those I've met in my life, loved and observed; those few who until death, never gave up, in cause or passions; those who never gave up trying, never gave up trying to teach, by example, the best they could. I am a lucky student. The contradictory nature of the human species is at best, confounding.
Prayers were answered in 1962, not so much by our wanting intervention of those before us, as reasoned by the upper field's of government and academia, least of which their ' employers,' no matter governmental mechanism. The realization that a teen, at the hands of ' the button ' brought down a bird of prey, in regards to data, plus pilot, brought a situation to a close, by way of leadership from an elder, although a cold war enemy. This was a beginning to the end of ' the cold war.' Cuba's aliment of missiles on her soil by the USSR, allowed by Castro's permission. This, I believe to be the time framework of my OBE ( Out of Body Experience ).
A pre-cursor to the Navy Seals, an underwater demolition expert, Dan Finemark, once told me that " Art, thus Artist, serve no purpose in today's world " and " that Art is only Idol worship." A man of self emulation, and education ( how much I really don't know ) and military skills learnt of the elite, in his chosen field, wounded and layed up for a year in hospitals; his mind made up in his ' clarity ' as to ' purpose ' in his remaining years and the police who glorify him as ' Hero ' of correct conduct and ' denial ' of anyone's life in the civilian world, as seen threw their ' Utopian ' perception's, and ' Heart felt ' understandings of how everyone should, and ' Will ' live; seemingly all ruled by the ' Drug Trade,' though they will tell you, it's ' The Peoples Drug Trade.' I can only wonder of ' choices ' made, and of probable knowledge and ( maybe ) actions of human trafficking, kidnapping and murder; in the service of whom? And, furthermore, in example of youth wearing a variety of ' uniforms ' in the service of the common good of a society governed by the people, home and abroad. Well, I certainly hope it's not soldiers, maybe the police know the answers.
In today's world, how are we to judge the actions in ' peer ship,' the actions of ourselves and the actions of those in uniform, representatives and protectors of our ' social contract,' when we, not only do not listen, but we choose not to act for, and in defense of our children. Why do we kill them instead, and for what?
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
This post was censured once again.On this blog, there will be approximately seven posts left to go, as far as printing goes, most already written, abit more clarification, perhaps expressed better elsewhere, or not. I've learned quite alot, in the way of an education on abuse and have remembered things from my initial RV and self hypnosis sessions that are still on going.
I have no faith that the abuse of children will subside in the near future. I have complete ' faith ' that those who promote the behaviour as example and structure for living will succeed in all their endeavours; it's build in to the social fabric of society; all societies, by design and intent! The clarity of the situation is thus, I have absolutely no faith, or reason for faith, in our military, federal departments handling child abuse cases and even less for the police. Believe me when I tell you, that some soldiers should of never of left the battlefields...alive.
The last post I will include all the names that I have ' danced ' around for a number of years, and when the last of what I want to say is done for this blog, anyway, will be left up for a few months then deleted. My personal plans are to move out of this country, as I've found it is not the country I was raised to believe in. More than likely, I will change most of my name, but keep ' ownership ' of it...for personal reasons. This is in direct relationship to an issue my father had, nothing else.
The rest of the posts will soon follow as I ' answer ' my apparent calling in Austin, ' clear my memory of the city,' and move on with my life. By the way, the original height of The Capital was alittle over three hundred and three feet, not three hundred two. Your foundations are all messed up ( I wrote a poem 'bout it, maybe I'll post it ). As an afterthought, if you are truly in need, think twice about turning to The Salvation ' Army,' for The United States of America is gasping her last breath, and no one is paying attention; you deserve whatever aftermath there is.
to dance with the clouds while shouting aloud.
songed myths of broken repair;
caressed gentle, in kisses, should she dare.
a father brushed awayed in tear,
after the rage.
a father torn under street lights, crouched, broken of repair.
realizations distant, in moment, of many drops caught
and seen in rain; she wept.
myths of song found and given wings in breath, the child's heart beats.
the small face face that never felt wet milk,
kisses and mother's breath...
songed myths of broken repair
caressed gentle kisses, should she dare...
to feel and remember, again...
of abortion...and forgiveness and dream again.
God given in expansion, the stars in dust search
as she, the maiden, lay in wait.
A new life, yet to begin...Liberty.
Sparkling trail of dusted light
that never fell, together as one.
303 in heights of foundations,
lay there in wait, her truth;
one in measured truth and forgotten.
Thursday, December 10, 2009
I visited Google in Austin yesterday ( 12-9-09 ), and I was met with an almost transparent sense of ' adversary of nature ' from the female employees and a male of apparent Hispanic lineage, but insight spoke of middle eastern heritage ( bone structure ). Doing their job from the Corporation's perspective, I'm sure, yet I felt a ' gut feeling,' though intestines are closely related and configured like that of brain tissue, that some other hidden agenda closer to the animal might be detected as toxic, just under the surface. The women in a moment of egotistic bliss, one of the two, a brunet gave me a post-it note with Google's help .com address as answer to my problem with my other blog, ' The Indefinite One ' loss to thieves ( my E-Mail address was deleted and changed by someone who knew what they were doing, thus denying me access ).
I have no respect for these people, and those who pray on children, why of abuse, assault, example of illegal ( legal ? ) drug use and those in uniform who permit and endorse such behaviour, even out of uniform, or retired. I would report or turn in my own ' brother ' if I witnessed such behaviour, as example to and for children. I have no tolerance for crooked cops, pedophiles and drug dealers ( crooked electronics too: geeks ) too. THEY ARE ALL THE SAME PEOPLE.
Upon leaving the building, a blond woman in the foyer, punctuating my departure with comment, as if in response, " that psychotic camera eye," as if a reason for no satisfaction to my dilemma. Years of welding make your eye's so, I guess.
A man did offer help, he said his name was ' Nathan Smith,' and did go into some explanation as to the problems encountered with blogs and allowed me to photograph the entry way of Google, as proof to the extent that I made to resolve my situation. To be fair, he did offer apologies that he was not of further help.
Mechanisms, once thought as predators on all fours, we fought against for survival through the ages, also walk on two, offered no help beyond the labyrinth of confusion found on the very .com I sought help from in the first place.
Today ( 12-11-09 ), I had my teeth worked on by a ' doctor ' of whom I ' once knew ' in an unbeaten pathway of time that my brain created of the mind and telepathic overlay. " We are above you, calm down." About five years ago, soon to be six.
I now have front teeth again, where only stumps once layed in wasteful reminder of ' the drunkard ' that once occupied my time, my body and seemingly erased blocks and points of time for the pleasure of others in retrospect.
' A work ' of exemplary value, not yet fully appreciated in full comprehension as to my ' real identity ' of body and spirit and of repairs to ' the flesh ; often missed in the determination of a life given. To have lived in the almost complete search for the substance of my addiction and the denial of damage being done to the body as result, I can't begin to try to explain. The doctor, a dentist, asked me how long I smoked ' crack?' I had to explain that I hate illegal drugs, that I don't and told her that I drank alcohol for 26 plus years; this being the result, my teeth and thier current condition.
I feel that we all, to a certain degree, have forgotten who we really are in the mind's eye, of the pleasures of worlds unseen and yet to be learned in a full understanding of experienced delusion, for the sake of comprehension, to be passed down in valued concerns for our youth, as examples in ' near experience ' as to what it means to be grateful; to be alive and of ' world's of intellects ' of interest and concerns in near compassion. Yes I'm still somewhat numb, though now about four years sober, as to the examples of ' reality ' without benefit of rose colored glasses. This is but one ideal of learning to observing to learn, in order to understand the ' higher planes ' of not merely existence, but to live within a ' concern ' for ourselves, thus others. Or perhaps better worded, to live in service for others in order to ' better ' yourself. Old ideas, but perhaps, new lives.
PATHWAYS AND THE FATES-This segment has also been censured by pedophiles at this moment, or their followers. When found out they will be identified in the individual and or group.
The art of destiny as face value, I suppose, can be appreciated on the surface of our population as a form of narcissism, with it's roots found in defenses of Territorial boundaries of and from the animal. The clothes we wear, the smiles we do or don't offer. Yet the positive feedback of ' inner-judges,' not to exclude the ' self ' of others within a person's immediate environment, can only increase the ' worth of acceptance,' not only of the body alone, but the ' mind ' as part of something greater than itself, when excepted above ' the perception of a visual threat.' That's not say that there aren't wolves out there, but perhaps they might be better able to tame, other than the snakes.
The doctor I spoke of earlier, I've heard of, without description of appearance other than red hair and female, of a professional excellence not common for the poor and downtrodden. To ' the battle lines ' in a van her group went, as described by an acquaintance, she and staff made way to fight for better health and smiles, now almost exempt of ' drugged up excursions of those still looking for anything ' free ' or for the taking, in semiconscious states of mind and bad health. Because of location and the need of transportation the ' druggies ' seem unable to delegate the time needed. " Nothing is free," an old black man seemed to tell me in a glance expounding pity, yet concern; messaged of gods of old, and the many paths of experience, back in a parking lot in Albuquerque, New Mexico. I was unknowingly one of them, in a distant life, not so removed from so many ' normal ' people today, at any given moment, walking down any given street in any town or city in our nation at any moment in my life. The choice of pathways is always ours, and if seemingly not, the choice to make the best of it, is also ours. More later...
Friday, December 4, 2009
I will undoubtedly die one day at the hands of those who have no heart, yet by those who profess to. I have written already of the landlord who ate a good chunk of money, not to mention whoever was in his truck a few years back, in order not to proceed to district court in Albq. NM. and of the land he and his Army buddies and drug dealers stole with APD's blessings.
I have also already pointed out the constant interference with both my blogs as a result of those very people who wish to promote their preference for children by way of my ' enablement ' of their behaviour as ' wrong.' Of course, this I can only wonder of the ' truest heights ' of complacency by arrangement in order to direct , I'm sorry, to allow my ' buttons,' to be pushed.
Never in my life have I ever imagined the degree to which ' old greys ' will push the young for all unseen pleasures of the darkest of ages as ' normal common ground ' for Birthing Rights of norms and standards, that were once deemed offencive.
Today, I have learned that once again, I will not be a Bell Ringer in order to ask for money for the needy in behalf of The Salvation Army; a good rendition might of been had by one and all of ' ' White Christmas ' or ' Here comes Santa Claus.' Now, the good people of Austin have been spared my ring-a-dinging. My time in Austin will be short it seems. I've gotten a good look at the homeless, nothings really changed much on the streets, drug dealers, broken ' ladies ' and cold shivering children, all trying to fit the Regulatory Golden Path, without sucking a dick to do so. Thanks be to Grace.
I find it amazing, nothings really changed, the same old people, some really bright, some mentally handicapped or physically, pushy sadistic cops and their brothers and sisters of the illegal drug trade, the regulated.
I saw a young girl today, she was black, holding in her arms as cradle, her child; a newborn. Both with running noses; Espirito, Grace of all bonds...of all threads, held in light.
The Salvation Army, Thank God they took them's too bad the politicians downtown and the Capital way, find it ever increasingly difficult to get off there fat asses and find money and make programs ' Real ' for all that seek of need, and exercise EXTREME DETERMINATION and erase the cities drug problem if it doesn't cut too deeply in ' your profit margins.' This isn't Albq., NM. after all, or is it? Ask their City Hall how 11-12 young ladies ended up in graves at the cities bequest? Up to the challenge Austin, or do you let people rot in graves too? Work would be nice, at least enough to leave.
Mayor Buttross, why can't The Salvation Army have a few more Bell Ringers, I promise I won't apply for the job anymore or show interest...or we homeless can always look up the addresses of our legislators and visit them for the Holidays!!! Home cooking, yum, yum, in Cancun!!!
Thursday, December 3, 2009
" What neurofeedback begins with," John told me, " is valid neurobiological measurement. How it's used is a function of the individual practitioner. Some of it, frankly, is pretty questionable-and some of it is extremely interesting."
John warned me away from untrained therapists who simply bought a neurofeedback kit and taught themselves to use it ; he suggested that practitioners should be judged by their qualifications and credentials. Then he cited a number of studies showing how neurofeedback therapy can relieve the need for medication in children with ADD, help stroke victims regain mental functions, and treat moderate depression, alcholism, and sleep disorders.
" I think twenty years from now," he said, " it'll be a widely used branch of medicine."- page 194, second column, paragraph two. Gentlemen's Quarterly, October 2008, ' Train Your Brain,' by Kevin Conley, in the Self Improvement Column.
" The New Realness has found popular expression not only in so-called torture porn but also in the revival of the zombie film. The problematic distinction between dead and undead can, among other things, allegorize the ambiguous relation between analog and digital imagemaking."- page 218, Art Forum, December 2009, 21st Century Cinema: Death and Resurrection in the Desert of the ( New ) Real, by J. Hoberman.
The actual fact of a person's blood being pumped through the body, relieves all misconceptions of all misunderstandings of whether that individual is alive or not, body not withstanding; in actual fact the body and brain are doing well.
The reality of ' what is real ' is an understanding of dominance over ' states of mind ' given to the populace in forms of choice; often their ( populances ) control. The ambiguous nature of ' blood,' a new realization, or rather ' state of mind,' that only has an emerging ' mass identity,' as ' One,' but is rather, billions of eyes connected to brains and no clear ' identity ' of generation, other than ' mass,' all by design; weight.
What distinguishing ' attachments ' might a generation raise with little regard for anything other than ' techno toys ' in a New World ' othered ' from celebrities, now only digitalized in aftermarkets of ' proper ' measurements of chins, pined back ears and a nose hear and there, all pieced together to create a ' single ' beauty, a near living object, in beat with ' humanities ' rhythm of perception.
What has been taught as the value of our soul, as kids, when we were children, depends largely on who you are when you are born, and to whom you are born of, in this world. The lessons of imprint and histories as knowledge given ' impact ' of one's leaving the thread of life in final moments to younger minds in need of adaptive ' measure ' ( knowledge ) in order to survive as a ' human being,' can now, be questioned fully, in that which is left behind in various virtual realities, if others do not not have the key; a concern to succeed.
I have always known that I was an artist. I was told by my mother and father that I was born an artist; the Artist, as the description of ' terms ,' should always be capitalized.
My mother told me once that my father was afraid of me because of my talent. I think now, at the age of fifty, although mentally, I feel that I picked up from about the age of eighteen, or there abouts, of a ' time ' that I used to be. I've retained the value of asking questions and in doing so, rediscovered the questioning nature of ' my mind,' that which is of beauty. What is beauty? At what age is beauty determined to be a survival mechanism and for the benefit of who's biological or social organism concerning the individual ( ities )as to and of others; if taught, not breed?
The elemental concern as meme in ' determined ' volume, a ' value ' of soul as worth, when elements are observed and which, depending on degrees of use and applications that are to be used. The building blocks of societies and future economies to ' hold value ' in futures to be made 'real ' in mathematical expressions yet to be held in ' theories ' of expansion; of concern to a new ' individualism ' living or not. But, we do not question, what is beauty? What is the ancestral ' value ' of beauty when seen in younger eyes, or bared of this sight in youth, this observation in expression on ' any ' level of the biological, hence, the ' New Order;' a reality beyond the printed word, the book or the printing press, a ' real ' comprised of elements in ongoing psycho-bio-circuitry's in rehearsals comprised in a loose electromagnetic weave; of all fantasies shared in our species of history, and now, a new ' cleanliness ' approached in robotic virtual realities never in touch with ' a human heart.'
Monday, November 23, 2009


In The Blind of White Light, hardly missed, seen of and for all directions in ' her ' light.
Seen from above, a star that never fell, and lightning bolts within the ' round ' of swans, as reminder of all promises given and implied implied,implied,implied,implied. Excalibur, in Ideal and Legend; a power heard in word, some of memory...Released ' inside ' as if in regulation and refinement in tone, a voice given to light, to the ' Round.'

To s

Friday, November 6, 2009