Wednesday, December 30, 2009


This post was censured once again.On this blog, there will be approximately seven posts left to go, as far as printing goes, most already written, abit more clarification, perhaps expressed better elsewhere, or not. I've learned quite alot, in the way of an education on abuse and have remembered things from my initial RV and self hypnosis sessions that are still on going.

I have no faith that the abuse of children will subside in the near future. I have complete ' faith ' that those who promote the behaviour as example and structure for living will succeed in all their endeavours; it's build in to the social fabric of society; all societies, by design and intent! The clarity of the situation is thus, I have absolutely no faith, or reason for faith, in our military, federal departments handling child abuse cases and even less for the police. Believe me when I tell you, that some soldiers should of never of left the battlefields...alive.

The last post I will include all the names that I have ' danced ' around for a number of years, and when the last of what I want to say is done for this blog, anyway, will be left up for a few months then deleted. My personal plans are to move out of this country, as I've found it is not the country I was raised to believe in. More than likely, I will change most of my name, but keep ' ownership ' of it...for personal reasons. This is in direct relationship to an issue my father had, nothing else.

The rest of the posts will soon follow as I ' answer ' my apparent calling in Austin, ' clear my memory of the city,' and move on with my life. By the way, the original height of The Capital was alittle over three hundred and three feet, not three hundred two. Your foundations are all messed up ( I wrote a poem 'bout it, maybe I'll post it ). As an afterthought, if you are truly in need, think twice about turning to The Salvation ' Army,' for The United States of America is gasping her last breath, and no one is paying attention; you deserve whatever aftermath there is.


to dance with the clouds while shouting aloud.

songed myths of broken repair;

caressed gentle, in kisses, should she dare.

a father brushed awayed in tear,

after the rage.

a father torn under street lights, crouched, broken of repair.

realizations distant, in moment, of many drops caught

and seen in rain; she wept.

myths of song found and given wings in breath, the child's heart beats.

the small face face that never felt wet milk,

kisses and mother's breath...

songed myths of broken repair

caressed gentle kisses, should she dare...

to feel and remember, again...

of abortion...and forgiveness and dream again.


God given in expansion, the stars in dust search

as she, the maiden, lay in wait.

A new life, yet to begin...Liberty.

Sparkling trail of dusted light

that never fell, together as one.

303 in heights of foundations,

lay there in wait, her truth;

one in measured truth and forgotten.

Thursday, December 10, 2009



I visited Google in Austin yesterday ( 12-9-09 ), and I was met with an almost transparent sense of ' adversary of nature ' from the female employees and a male of apparent Hispanic lineage, but insight spoke of middle eastern heritage ( bone structure ). Doing their job from the Corporation's perspective, I'm sure, yet I felt a ' gut feeling,' though intestines are closely related and configured like that of brain tissue, that some other hidden agenda closer to the animal might be detected as toxic, just under the surface. The women in a moment of egotistic bliss, one of the two, a brunet gave me a post-it note with Google's help .com address as answer to my problem with my other blog, ' The Indefinite One ' loss to thieves ( my E-Mail address was deleted and changed by someone who knew what they were doing, thus denying me access ).

I have no respect for these people, and those who pray on children, why of abuse, assault, example of illegal ( legal ? ) drug use and those in uniform who permit and endorse such behaviour, even out of uniform, or retired. I would report or turn in my own ' brother ' if I witnessed such behaviour, as example to and for children. I have no tolerance for crooked cops, pedophiles and drug dealers ( crooked electronics too: geeks ) too. THEY ARE ALL THE SAME PEOPLE.

Upon leaving the building, a blond woman in the foyer, punctuating my departure with comment, as if in response, " that psychotic camera eye," as if a reason for no satisfaction to my dilemma. Years of welding make your eye's so, I guess.

A man did offer help, he said his name was ' Nathan Smith,' and did go into some explanation as to the problems encountered with blogs and allowed me to photograph the entry way of Google, as proof to the extent that I made to resolve my situation. To be fair, he did offer apologies that he was not of further help.

Mechanisms, once thought as predators on all fours, we fought against for survival through the ages, also walk on two, offered no help beyond the labyrinth of confusion found on the very .com I sought help from in the first place.


Today ( 12-11-09 ), I had my teeth worked on by a ' doctor ' of whom I ' once knew ' in an unbeaten pathway of time that my brain created of the mind and telepathic overlay. " We are above you, calm down." About five years ago, soon to be six.

I now have front teeth again, where only stumps once layed in wasteful reminder of ' the drunkard ' that once occupied my time, my body and seemingly erased blocks and points of time for the pleasure of others in retrospect.

' A work ' of exemplary value, not yet fully appreciated in full comprehension as to my ' real identity ' of body and spirit and of repairs to ' the flesh ; often missed in the determination of a life given. To have lived in the almost complete search for the substance of my addiction and the denial of damage being done to the body as result, I can't begin to try to explain. The doctor, a dentist, asked me how long I smoked ' crack?' I had to explain that I hate illegal drugs, that I don't and told her that I drank alcohol for 26 plus years; this being the result, my teeth and thier current condition.

I feel that we all, to a certain degree, have forgotten who we really are in the mind's eye, of the pleasures of worlds unseen and yet to be learned in a full understanding of experienced delusion, for the sake of comprehension, to be passed down in valued concerns for our youth, as examples in ' near experience ' as to what it means to be grateful; to be alive and of ' world's of intellects ' of interest and concerns in near compassion. Yes I'm still somewhat numb, though now about four years sober, as to the examples of ' reality ' without benefit of rose colored glasses. This is but one ideal of learning to observing to learn, in order to understand the ' higher planes ' of not merely existence, but to live within a ' concern ' for ourselves, thus others. Or perhaps better worded, to live in service for others in order to ' better ' yourself. Old ideas, but perhaps, new lives.

PATHWAYS AND THE FATES-This segment has also been censured by pedophiles at this moment, or their followers. When found out they will be identified in the individual and or group.

The art of destiny as face value, I suppose, can be appreciated on the surface of our population as a form of narcissism, with it's roots found in defenses of Territorial boundaries of and from the animal. The clothes we wear, the smiles we do or don't offer. Yet the positive feedback of ' inner-judges,' not to exclude the ' self ' of others within a person's immediate environment, can only increase the ' worth of acceptance,' not only of the body alone, but the ' mind ' as part of something greater than itself, when excepted above ' the perception of a visual threat.' That's not say that there aren't wolves out there, but perhaps they might be better able to tame, other than the snakes.

The doctor I spoke of earlier, I've heard of, without description of appearance other than red hair and female, of a professional excellence not common for the poor and downtrodden. To ' the battle lines ' in a van her group went, as described by an acquaintance, she and staff made way to fight for better health and smiles, now almost exempt of ' drugged up excursions of those still looking for anything ' free ' or for the taking, in semiconscious states of mind and bad health. Because of location and the need of transportation the ' druggies ' seem unable to delegate the time needed. " Nothing is free," an old black man seemed to tell me in a glance expounding pity, yet concern; messaged of gods of old, and the many paths of experience, back in a parking lot in Albuquerque, New Mexico. I was unknowingly one of them, in a distant life, not so removed from so many ' normal ' people today, at any given moment, walking down any given street in any town or city in our nation at any moment in my life. The choice of pathways is always ours, and if seemingly not, the choice to make the best of it, is also ours. More later...

Friday, December 4, 2009



I will undoubtedly die one day at the hands of those who have no heart, yet by those who profess to. I have written already of the landlord who ate a good chunk of money, not to mention whoever was in his truck a few years back, in order not to proceed to district court in Albq. NM. and of the land he and his Army buddies and drug dealers stole with APD's blessings.

I have also already pointed out the constant interference with both my blogs as a result of those very people who wish to promote their preference for children by way of my ' enablement ' of their behaviour as ' wrong.' Of course, this I can only wonder of the ' truest heights ' of complacency by arrangement in order to direct , I'm sorry, to allow my ' buttons,' to be pushed.

Never in my life have I ever imagined the degree to which ' old greys ' will push the young for all unseen pleasures of the darkest of ages as ' normal common ground ' for Birthing Rights of norms and standards, that were once deemed offencive.

Today, I have learned that once again, I will not be a Bell Ringer in order to ask for money for the needy in behalf of The Salvation Army; a good rendition might of been had by one and all of ' ' White Christmas ' or ' Here comes Santa Claus.' Now, the good people of Austin have been spared my ring-a-dinging. My time in Austin will be short it seems. I've gotten a good look at the homeless, nothings really changed much on the streets, drug dealers, broken ' ladies ' and cold shivering children, all trying to fit the Regulatory Golden Path, without sucking a dick to do so. Thanks be to Grace.

I find it amazing, nothings really changed, the same old people, some really bright, some mentally handicapped or physically, pushy sadistic cops and their brothers and sisters of the illegal drug trade, the regulated.

I saw a young girl today, she was black, holding in her arms as cradle, her child; a newborn. Both with running noses; Espirito, Grace of all bonds...of all threads, held in light.

The Salvation Army, Thank God they took them's too bad the politicians downtown and the Capital way, find it ever increasingly difficult to get off there fat asses and find money and make programs ' Real ' for all that seek of need, and exercise EXTREME DETERMINATION and erase the cities drug problem if it doesn't cut too deeply in ' your profit margins.' This isn't Albq., NM. after all, or is it? Ask their City Hall how 11-12 young ladies ended up in graves at the cities bequest? Up to the challenge Austin, or do you let people rot in graves too? Work would be nice, at least enough to leave.

Mayor Buttross, why can't The Salvation Army have a few more Bell Ringers, I promise I won't apply for the job anymore or show interest...or we homeless can always look up the addresses of our legislators and visit them for the Holidays!!! Home cooking, yum, yum, in Cancun!!!

Thursday, December 3, 2009


" What neurofeedback begins with," John told me, " is valid neurobiological measurement. How it's used is a function of the individual practitioner. Some of it, frankly, is pretty questionable-and some of it is extremely interesting."

John warned me away from untrained therapists who simply bought a neurofeedback kit and taught themselves to use it ; he suggested that practitioners should be judged by their qualifications and credentials. Then he cited a number of studies showing how neurofeedback therapy can relieve the need for medication in children with ADD, help stroke victims regain mental functions, and treat moderate depression, alcholism, and sleep disorders.

" I think twenty years from now," he said, " it'll be a widely used branch of medicine."- page 194, second column, paragraph two. Gentlemen's Quarterly, October 2008, ' Train Your Brain,' by Kevin Conley, in the Self Improvement Column.


" The New Realness has found popular expression not only in so-called torture porn but also in the revival of the zombie film. The problematic distinction between dead and undead can, among other things, allegorize the ambiguous relation between analog and digital imagemaking."- page 218, Art Forum, December 2009, 21st Century Cinema: Death and Resurrection in the Desert of the ( New ) Real, by J. Hoberman.


The actual fact of a person's blood being pumped through the body, relieves all misconceptions of all misunderstandings of whether that individual is alive or not, body not withstanding; in actual fact the body and brain are doing well.

The reality of ' what is real ' is an understanding of dominance over ' states of mind ' given to the populace in forms of choice; often their ( populances ) control. The ambiguous nature of ' blood,' a new realization, or rather ' state of mind,' that only has an emerging ' mass identity,' as ' One,' but is rather, billions of eyes connected to brains and no clear ' identity ' of generation, other than ' mass,' all by design; weight.

What distinguishing ' attachments ' might a generation raise with little regard for anything other than ' techno toys ' in a New World ' othered ' from celebrities, now only digitalized in aftermarkets of ' proper ' measurements of chins, pined back ears and a nose hear and there, all pieced together to create a ' single ' beauty, a near living object, in beat with ' humanities ' rhythm of perception.

What has been taught as the value of our soul, as kids, when we were children, depends largely on who you are when you are born, and to whom you are born of, in this world. The lessons of imprint and histories as knowledge given ' impact ' of one's leaving the thread of life in final moments to younger minds in need of adaptive ' measure ' ( knowledge ) in order to survive as a ' human being,' can now, be questioned fully, in that which is left behind in various virtual realities, if others do not not have the key; a concern to succeed.


I have always known that I was an artist. I was told by my mother and father that I was born an artist; the Artist, as the description of ' terms ,' should always be capitalized.

My mother told me once that my father was afraid of me because of my talent. I think now, at the age of fifty, although mentally, I feel that I picked up from about the age of eighteen, or there abouts, of a ' time ' that I used to be. I've retained the value of asking questions and in doing so, rediscovered the questioning nature of ' my mind,' that which is of beauty. What is beauty? At what age is beauty determined to be a survival mechanism and for the benefit of who's biological or social organism concerning the individual ( ities )as to and of others; if taught, not breed?

The elemental concern as meme in ' determined ' volume, a ' value ' of soul as worth, when elements are observed and which, depending on degrees of use and applications that are to be used. The building blocks of societies and future economies to ' hold value ' in futures to be made 'real ' in mathematical expressions yet to be held in ' theories ' of expansion; of concern to a new ' individualism ' living or not. But, we do not question, what is beauty? What is the ancestral ' value ' of beauty when seen in younger eyes, or bared of this sight in youth, this observation in expression on ' any ' level of the biological, hence, the ' New Order;' a reality beyond the printed word, the book or the printing press, a ' real ' comprised of elements in ongoing psycho-bio-circuitry's in rehearsals comprised in a loose electromagnetic weave; of all fantasies shared in our species of history, and now, a new ' cleanliness ' approached in robotic virtual realities never in touch with ' a human heart.'

Monday, November 23, 2009


The morning sky is low at the cloud; I stood in front of a dumpster of many meaning and all warnings implied. One can only wonder of sleep without dreams of any real relevance, only consequences of full lives on the streets; those who knew nothing really of home life, many. Childhoods broken in poverty; left unresolved in memories.

A poverty hardly imagined by those who live above, in the clouds, with thresholds and doors and windows that can be closed at late of night, and sometimes, light of day.

In The Blind of White Light, hardly missed, seen of and for all directions in ' her ' light.
Seen from above, a star that never fell, and lightning bolts within the ' round ' of swans, as reminder of all promises given and implied implied,implied,implied,implied. Excalibur, in Ideal and Legend; a power heard in word, some of memory...Released ' inside ' as if in regulation and refinement in tone, a voice given to light, to the ' Round.'

Waterfowl and fish in endless streams of transparencies of concept, in current with communications of a need for a stronger shield. A shield needed for guardianship and guidance for all thoughts given life, of the elements of her breath, the star that never fell. The first recognition of concept given life, then memory and ' pattered ' as example, would be to ' step over,' the broken paths of discard.

To swim in light and shadow of all atmospheres, is to understand all the atmospheres and lights therein, and old separations in education as one, for one people, as all that will come to be; life on the discarded streets; as seen from the ' Heavenly Clouds Above, ' a young man reading ' The Good Book,' thrown from above and songs for tomorrows...a child imagines a picture.

Friday, November 6, 2009


I bought a book a few years back; Mason. It's interesting because of the Antique store's location. What's also interesting is the number of my License plate, when I recognized it to belong to one of a set of numbers in the book. I told a friend who I trusted, not realizing my telephone was compromised at the time, ' perhaps local thugs,' height of power and influence, unknown.

I find all this interesting because this friend and his wife, put me up for a week after my old neighborhood's ' play ' and ' sneaked ' in concert with others, on me on Feb, 14, a few years back ( for those in the know ). Roughly, as to time framework, they received phone calls from people claiming or implying, to be me. Then taken for a good amount of money in an Internet scheme ( I hope the FBI, caught them ). I was asked by an old patron as to, "what happened to that old man that used to help you move the sculptors? " This ' old patron ' I wish I had never met.
I include this page of a book quoted prior*, a couple of posts back, as you can see, the page is 707. The diagram to the the bottom left is the main structure in design of business cards, the old patron, a person of which I wish I'd never met; his cards are also elongated in the manner of the graft, that this man would hand out. How can this happen, cards used are older than the book.

Of further interest, while working a number of years ago, after being ' played,' I removed a small dead tree, the roots of which formed FB. THE TREE WAS LOCATED IN BACK OF MY FRIEND'S BEDROOM WINDOW. The man of ' illusion,' the old patron used to address me as ' Fake Bart.' I might add, a Mac user from the very beginning, the reason I own one, I was showed what they can do by the old patron, years back, when I owned a new Doss based PC. I do not think Apple Computer Company promotes the enticement or ' enlistment,' a method of which can be addressed in argument as the promotion of Pedophilia. However, as promoted in use as tool for the education of the world, not to mention The United States of America, it is my hope that further safeguards in certain bands of radiation output be addressed, including, but not limited to the hz rate and other possible ' Binders 'of brain, then mind. Other than government contracts applied in research, I feel that Apple is on the forefront of these technologies. Footnote-I kept the root and shaft of trunk to branch for a year, then I destroyed it.

Technologies as observation, in Laue of, progressions given thought ( ? ) as compromise to standards in place, and future standards needed to safeguard protections for children, must be applied to the further marketing of ' product ' networking in the world of ' fractals ' as hook. To further enable dis-assemblage of family structure as a ' rule,' then you are placing machine above ' soul,' much like the atrocities of recent and past ages.

Furthermore, I am from a family of long association of The Knights of Columbus, and having said that, also of memory as a child, of two Sphinx's, a pair witness of Mysteries, as the Knights; today misused.** I might as well add, that for a Pope, of a church that I was baptized and confirmed, a church in spiritual leadership of untold millions, perhaps billions, I find it a BLASPHEMY that a Cardinal is allowed guardianship of a flock, who does not believe in the ATROCITIES of the JEWISH HOLOCAUST of WW II. WHAT FAITH OF WHO'S ' PROJECTION ' TO PROVIDE A FUTURE OF COMPLIANCE OF THE LIGHT AND OF THE WORD, AS INFLUENCE TO WHO'S ' FLOCK ?' REMIND YOURSELF. BY ' WHAT ' DESIGN OF QUARTER AND DARKNESS ? WHAT MAGNETISM COMPELS SUBMISSION TO A BOX ?-TO BELIEVE THAT YOU HAVE FALLEN IS TO CREATE THAT FUTURE. WHO'S LIGHT ' EMANATES, OF ' THE BOX ? WHO'S IMPLIED PEACE ?

World War Two's history is important, to change it while survivors are still living, is to construct as necessity in declaration for Future Genocides. Who's Necessity? Furthermore, to reconstruct vision's of ' Light And Their Messages ' ( through the ages ) as structure for encasement's of ' dweled ' Icons for the masses as prayer to the very ' Doctrines ' of proper behaviour sermoned AGAINST, AS WORD, such as rape, child abuse and murder ( all of which took place in the Nazi camps ), is also a blaspheme to the messengers of light that you have misused and guised as DEMONIC to serve your own PLEASURES IN BLASPHEMIES, all religions globally included. In the Faith I was raised, DID JESUS APPROVE ? This is against the law, how can this not be seen ?

Has the patterning of Homo Sapiens only goal been determined in the consumption of thoughtfulness, back to the ash where we were made, of the two; death before childhood. Experienced. Then there is no SPIRIT, thus no belief systems, globally.

* page 707, A New Kind of Science, by Stephen Wolfram, copyright 2002, Publisher: Wolfram Media, Inc.
" There are no warranties, express or implied, made with respect to programs, specifications, models, instructions or information contained in this book."

** It might be of interest to some, that during the time of the writing of the second letter to The White House, I was strongly ' influenced,' almost to the point of physical pain, not to send a copy, slightly different in composition to The Queen of England, or to the ' movers and shakers,' The Scottish Rite in Washington, DC. This ' occurrence,' more than once; I decided later, the UN. I thought of my uncle Cleofas Calleros, more than once to counter. The specific ' feeling, strong, ' was to keep it in Albuquerque, NM.-After thought, the friends of, or the children of The Anunnaki, have never been such, in this current misuse of power against children in abuse, rape and murder. Hint; ' Even the children were asked to carry the wood for the building of The Arc.' An implication made clear of God; even before hand.

Thursday, November 5, 2009



My grandfather who worked for the El Paso Newspapers, saved his money and started American Printing Company with the help of his brothers, he had sent for from Ocampo, Mexico. On the way, the brothers ran across the Pancho Villa gang and were almost killed. Hard work and diligence payed off in the service of his community in efforts, sometimes employed in work of all family members to publish and other work for, The Fort Bliss Newspaper, most, if not all El Paso School Districts school papers, El Paso Community Collage, Southwest Art prints of Hispanic and Anglo heritages, Chicano literature and books.

He had four sons, one of which drown while attempting to save the life of another youngster like himself. Jesus, Eduardo, and Louie, ( my brothers and sisters worked there also, as did I ) at one point or another worked and carried on the ' shop ' until it's closing.


As I sat lessening to my I-Pod, dealing with and dispensing with ' demons ' of the moment, I relized that I was looking at my fathers old T-Bird, and inside there appeared to be a head of an Eagle or that of a Thunderbird of Legend. I wondered if I was mistaken and took a closer look, it seems that condensation of recent rains and of those years gone by, maybe sweat, though doubtful because we as kids would earn extra money cleaning it, Q-tips and all; of a day when the damn car had big old ugly green and yellow flowers plastered on the doors. There was truly a head, of tyranny fought outside or ' I'm part of this country, as are my people, Goddamn it! ' On the inside, and the EYE, for those wish to see.-I took one picture, enhanced one in order to bring out abit more contrast.


What do both these men have to with children? Hard work and the EDUCATION for children. The printing press did change the world after all and with it new law. All children, as example in a people in need of reassurance, that a day will come.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009


" Raging beast and raging flood
Alike have spared the prey;
And today the dead are living;
The lost are found today.

The troubled river knew them,
And smoothed his yellow foam,
And gently rocked the cradle
That bore the the fate of Rome,
The ravening she-wolf knew them
And licked them o'er and o'er,
And gave them of her own fierce milk,
Rich with raw flesh and gore."*

" It happened that they had not an equal share of money; but as the sailmaker, who had the best stock, was, besides his being lame, the most unfit to expect to get anything by working in the country, so he was content that what money they had should all go into one public stock, on condition that whatever any one of them could gain more than another, it should without any grudging be all added to the public stock."**


A printing company that my grandfather Jesus Bartolme Ochoa Sr. established after working for the El Paso paper for a number of years, after saving money sending for his brothers, from Ocampo, Mexico. In the future I will write of my memory of him and his brother's near murder by Pancho Villa's brutal ' gang AND CROWD."

American Printing Company printed at one point or another, at the time, Newspapers and work for Fort Bliss News, most if not all school newspapers for the El Paso School District and the Community Collage at it's creation to further serve the greater El Paso's knowledge base for individuals and their family's needs. Not to mention Chicano Literature, book's, Art Prints of Southwestern Heritage both Hispanic and Anglo. My grandfather was the first, if not in the top two, Hispanic owned and operated printing establishments in The State of Texas, at the time.

*page 312, Myths of the Greeks and Romans by Michael Grant, copyright 1962, Mentor; New American Library, 1633 Broadway, New York, New York 10019
**page 96, A Journal of the Plague Year by Daniel Defoe, Copyright and note copyright 2001, by Dover Publications, Inc.
*** copyright 2009 by Jesus Bartholomew Ochoa III

Footnote: This will all tie in to International Intellectual Property Law ( as value ? ) in the end, or the beginning? The New Age is Digital, and all that lie behind the door. What lie behind is also...colorblind. Think ' Hyperbola,' with respect to all.

Sunday, November 1, 2009



" The system works by partitioning the sequence of cells that exists at each step into pairs, then replacing these pairs by other pairs according to the rule show. " page 460, A New Kind of Science, by Stephen Wolfram, LLC, copyright 2002. Publisher: Wolfram Media, Inc. **, *

" There are no warranties, express or implied, made with respect to programs, specifications, models, instructions or information contained in this book. " *

Science and ' her ' research is based on the search for 'God,' that which is beyond context or understanding; faith. In recent centuries, I believe, in England. This is my understanding based on an episode of yes, the Art Bell ( It might of been George Noory ) late night radio program. I believe the episode was more lecture than entertainment. I fumbled to record it, but alas the information was just to intriguing, as I had already missed the guest's name. What some of these old gentlemen have to offer in later years, sometimes can be staggering. I alway's had a knack for finding the real scientists. People, who for what ever reason, did not agree with the Status Que ( My father comes to mind; a fight against racism ). I guess, because there used to be laws against the airing of real information in the day time, maybe still is. I have often wondered if 9/11 would of had a chance for it's success, if those law's were not in place at the time. The Patriot Act, may, one day know no bounds, no matter who is in Congress or who is The President of the United States, and if so, The World will fall.

Major Danes comes to mind also, and other giants in the ' field,' including one in particular in England, who have been on the forefront of the fight for our country and her kids. What would the world be without this knowledge offered? Who would of had complete control, complete dominance, unknowingly to parents of our Nations children, put ' at risk ' and doomed to a future's failure. Major Danes published...for better or worst, the choice is ours now. He charges for his team's services. Other's don't, maybe for a reason,...they know that a ' lifestyle,' as example ( theirs ), then ' questioned ' in ' acquisition ' of the abductor, on top of those ' experiences ' of the abducted child found, by the use of RV, without an 'energy ' binder: money. NOTHING IS FREE, INCLUDING THAT LEFT BEHIND, ALSO AS EXPERIENCE IN OBSERVATION. This example can also be used for any number of questionable lifestyles as ' imprint.' Money is a double edged sword, as knowledge, beware of terrorism. Pedophiles know terrorism well, remember there is no interest in their world, just ' exchange and imprint left.' The illusion is ' Honor,' and sexual grooming as hook, ' ( un? ) knowing ' given by the ' hero.'

I printed this because if we as a people do not move forward, pushing the ' bar,' so to speak, then ' their ' would of never of been a United States of America, or England, or Europe, and lastly the wealth the Middle East now enjoys as service to The World.

What does this have to do with children? The sands and topsoil of the world, not to mention the bottom of every body of water on the planet, is STAINED in MEMORY of the BLOOD of God's, thus Natures innocent as testimony to that which we as an ' IDEAL ' of Humanity, that we all...serve...DESTRUCTION.

What lie behind the ' Wall,' the Blind of White Light, the ' frequency,' the idea to grasp, if only we could; a notion of perception, beyond the fractal, the double helix, the quad helix ( ' trash ' DNA ), the idea of True Equality, unhindered in scope as example to be Real Human Beings and the complete guardianship of the World's young, and our own love. GIVEN THOUGHT BEFORE IMPULSE-TO UNLEASH THE MIND ONLY FOR THE GOOD OF THE CHILDREN, CONSTANT IN CARE AND PROTECTION WITHIN AN ONGOING FUTURE FOR ALL

This post, I may return to, in order to expand ideas, and the past ' use ' of fractals in structure, lent as art in order to gain power in networking, seen in background of media in order to divide and conquer any notion of marriage and parenthood in service of ' NOTHING; INDIFFERENCE,' a ' probable ' result of terrorism?

Thursday, October 22, 2009


Al-Qaida ( terrorists ) and Pedophilia in new mexico have won. Your children have no value in the blind of law.


' The Christo ' may have been taken by a man, if so, you may know this sculpture placed First at the new mexico state fair in 2002, I believe. The workers in the yard had my permission. The other head belongs to ' Prudence ' the child.

There are no martyrs in life, only victors. ' Of The Heart,' A man stood in a courtroom, hand in gestured motion to his chest. God Bless.' The man ' was not me. Money and corruption in the ' blind ' of law, won.

I fought this battle with all I had after being attacked by my neighborhood of ' silence ' and drug dealers and the few police they serve, including ' you,' because somebody had to. That is the reason why. God Bless the meek.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

The Regina Dream-My Mother's Middle Name

As a man said, years ago, I think, by my window, " By the time I get done with you, you wont trust any one, even your friends," about five years ago, sometime in the night.

I went to court seven days ago, simply because my conscience in the form of a ' female voice,' said " If you don't go to court, then everything you have worked for ( the children ) will not count." It will be lost. Tonight or tomorrow morning I am leaving town. Thank much...for paying your bill. The state made it's determination, keep it. The hearing was taped, evidence was entered, one piece, here. I never lied; I fought people, you can't win against, but you have to if change is to be brought about.

Another thing, Sheriffs deputy's with badges around their necks who yell ' hello ' and forcibly open the door, twice, the first, perhaps placing or stepping inside a dewling, should be aware of their surroundings. Directly in front of him was a pistol ( BB gun ). If your going to act like a ' jerk,' and break the law, how are we as people of a community to feel when one of our officers are wounded or killed? Please be careful in the future, strong arm tactics might not work with other people, you can thank God that I woke up to my landlords behavioural traits and accompaniments.

On a different topic, I once heard, " Barty, do you want to see some kiddy porn?" I turned my head and saw ' her ' ( a one time friend ), in total shock-horror at what she saw. For a moment, I thought she had said it. It wasn't though, it was her son from a prior marriage. The voice was real, said out loud. The ' direction ' " We need more proof," and other suggestions, were ' mental.' ( And to whoever you were, I can't remember if I saw genitalia. The child was nude, standing in the bathtub, wearing black high top boots.) Her son's voice came from the direction of the bathroom, where he was given a bath by her boyfriend. Her son was seven at the time.

I could say of other events that I witnessed with these people, however, I must cation that this is a DIRTY business BEYOND COMPARE. Also, the ' mental health,' of all concerned, mainly the children, is to be considered first. Sexual grooming is a Dirty business. This is far worst than porn.

All the ' interference ' caused by you people, a near two week delay in reporting the alleged abuses. ' You people have no idea what you did to me.' I forgive you. Yet I am still responsible for the delay. When you practice the skill of remote viewing, most people are unaware of the doorways that are opened to other minds.

Major Danes, Thank You and fuck you. You are right, you don't want these people in your head. Yet I am still proud of what I was able to do. In my own way, I'm a mean ' Son of a Bitch.' I would do it all over again. I came across ' Social Engineering ' in my observations, of a lifestyle that is readily available to all children, yet no one wants to talk about it IN DEAPTH. The ' HOW TO END,' the dirty end, the ' grooming end.'

Not ALL people are bad and I'm no saint, BUT I WILL STAND. I HAVE AND WILL ALWAYS TAKE A STAND. I leaned my lesson one night, " please don't hurt my baby," " please help me," then the thunderclap of the gunshot, a sigh; the quiet. " This is insane." I spun the ' world ' in my head. I lit it ' afire.'

Fear and the weight of my father around me, in the hallway, grasping my thirty eight, alone; the quiet. " This is insane." The gunshot came from outside the house, as did her voice silenced. I have asked God's forgiveness, and despite any number, I will defend, even though ' told ' to stay down and all that went with the ' command.' Father or not...

Remote viewing is real, what I did was ' study ' more than one method. also with, lets say, ' brainwave ' EEG, technology along with others. RV is not a toy. And no, I've never looked into peoples bathrooms or bedrooms.

If you should find yourself in a ' dream,' and the other is uncomfortable, leave. I have done this, more often than not, depending on consciousness. That should be the goal.

As far as New Mexico goes, you got what you wanted from me. You pushed, and I shoved back. I was right. Now your land is worthless to me and your ' Army ' that you serve and bow. Don't come knocking at my door or ' barring my way ' or projecting ' don't come back,' you are a Pedophile State until you PROTECT YOUR CHILDREN, and parents, having kids, doesn't mean LEAVING THEM WHEN THEY ARE GROWING UP...YOU ARE THE ADULTS!!!



I am an Artist. I create. I'm going to do this somewhere else. Maybe Austin, Texas. I did what I could...I will rebuild her as mother again, in defense of childhood.

Thursday, October 8, 2009


We recently had an election in Albuquerque, New Mexico. The city and her people now have a new mayor soon to take office. Mr. R. J. Berry.
I am certain Mr. Chavez's resolve for the furthering of protection for the city's youth is secure and perhaps not gone unnoticed in the world's eye. THIS IS THE FUTURE.
The idea of Faith, tempered with all that can be bared with concern for this city, can be a lesson that if faith is practiced above hope, with reason, then prayers in plea for a safer city for all including her children can and will be answered. All peoples of all cultures and languages. All peoples of age and interests ( legal of course ).
I voted for major Chavez two times in my life, it is not important when. I've always felt I've voted my conscience. Thank you, Major Chavez.
In my neighborhood, the last name Berry, is well known. It has been for years. R.J. is of lesser known duration to neighbors, other than a probability of being filed under ' Home Invasion.' He lived because he fought and then asked for help. I helped him; I called the Police. As it should be,' Defend those who can not defend themselves.' One of the men held an A-K rifle. I can make this ' Triad ' in examples of Faith sought and observed complete, but I choose not. Keep the Faith; have faith. I am not the only one. SHE STANDS WITH CHILD IN TRIAD.
A Navy Seal once told me that " Art serves no purpose in life," that it has no value. It is my belief that if Art serves the unity of Humanity, apart of which is the observation of God in all things seen and unseen, then it serves purpose. LIFE.
2012-2012-2012- the last of which is white or black, but this has nothing to do with race. The choice has been and always been yours...WHAT IS YOUR PERCEPTION? END CHILD ABUSE!
In my opinion, the right to vote in primaries as INDEPENDENT or GREEN PARTY is needed and JUST under Constitutional LAW. The future is INDEPENDENT and GREEN; YES, DEMOCRACY IS ALIVE AND WELL.
We are at a crossroads again, duration unknown. So it is also my belief that GREEN is the ABSOLUTE DURATION OF CHILDHOOD set to the stone of MEMORY in all of HUMANITIES children as GOD GIVEN AND WITHOUT ABUSE AND SEXUAL ABUSE.
We as human beings must choose between our ' animal nature ' and that which is God given, our brain and ' mind.' Both are gifts, one is of Grace and of the Divine.
This is beyond and above all issues of race, sex, dominance issues and religious and cult belief systems. From within and the sky, " WHY DO YOU KILL YOUR CHILDREN? "
Any Army that unleashes on ' his ' citizenry with all ' his ' tools and skills is a sin. The sin is against that which God gave you; your ' Mind, ' your heart and your intellect. YOU WILL LOOSE THAT BATTLE, the country, ' SHE ' will see to it. ' HIS ' must never become ' IT.'
Mayor Berry, this city needs 500 more Police officers, with the refection of those to retire in the future in order to bring up the total, within two years time to a number of 1,500 officers on the streets, constant in overlapping shifts. Those who have served our country with honor, should have a waiting period not to exceed two years, but not less than one. It is my belief that a ' public interfacing ' and enter acting with family and loved ones and the public at large will be a benefit to APD and public issues of fairness and abuse. The image of APD has improved somewhat through the years, however, issues of abuse and a disregard ( old issue ) for returning solders cannot be allowed in war time circumstances, much less ' peacetime,' if there really is such a thing.
The drug trade will be severely damaged if the wartime combatants and home educated police are unified in understanding and honorable purpose in the complete erasure of ' hard drugs ' despite the ' undergrounds ' use and it's money laundering fences, so flagrantly displayed in Albuquerque's subcultures and now her mainstream ' foundations,' as everyday common occurrences, ' just business ' in full view, as if raised to be so, of her children, who have never really seen or felt a real sense of PRIDE. Anglo, Hispanic, Native American and African American, not to mention Asian Americans. ' Beauty ' as strength, seen as pride or ' Machismo,' is only skin deep.' A little more Heart.'
You carry, as address and as a date of birth and in part, of an idea, hard fought by my father and my mother, as is my experience and that of my brothers and sisters as remnants of and within a family that serves and perhaps, helps to bring about CHANGE. This will be Peaceful and yet with all the force of many mixed bloods of our shared violent pasts. The birth date is mine and others who have ' seen ' the world shaken as if held by an unseen hand. Have Faith; faith requires Hard Work.
Behind the center are the railroad tracks and the city's second city within, of which many Latin's have written about, the culture; here stands a sign. Within the sacred Zia Sun, is my time of birth; denotes a track for all to follow in the light of day and the night, the End of Child Abuse. All my brothers and sisters prayers answered, as was my nickname, ' brother,' as a child...serve well. Leadership. We are all of the same blood.

Sunday, October 4, 2009


From the children of the well to do, the children of the less fortunate comes word of an indifference, perhaps of their parents only. Reflections of the imprints of their childhood's and of peers of the expressions and the ' mimicked ' opinions of an uncaring society based solely on ' left ' dollar bills to be found, and of course, of those who picks them up.
I found a ' million dollar ' bill in a parking lot recently, and gave a chuckle in response to it's placement and it's new ' owner.' I almost immediately gave it away to a youngish mother with a child in arms and a ' kinda ' teen at paces side. " Don't spend it all in one place," the ' kinda ' teen said. They were on their way to the dollar store.
The ' placement ' of assumed value, based on color and size of any ' object,' whether it be paper or not, whether it be left on pavement or placed in hand and then looked over by a younger person and determined a certain ' worth,' is, well, worth observation.
I once dated a doctor, who in the middle of the night, left me in the guestroom alone in bed, with a book entitled entitled ' Worth.' I pondered the ' awakening ' in the moment, and then returned to bed, in her bedroom. Gee, I must of had a headache, and alas, was unable to ' perform ' again, as ' duly ' expected. It must of been the books of Rome and Greece and Picasso in her bedroom, as in mine. I find it funny, that in the moments which one should find serenity and that ' feeling ' of what most intelligent people would call serin, is now only a name ' for ' a tile ( another doctor's choice for a tile used in a bathroom. At least the makers didn't color it brown ).
The transparent nature of peoples and their societies can often be found in bathrooms and if lacking of one, then nature herself. ( I for one, used to have soft porn, books, tapes and various science magazines, no computer though, and plants. ) We all ' shit,' Thank God ! But, where's the love? Toilet paper. Labels. Well, Thank God for toilet paper and societies class structures.
What is terrorism? Shit. Yes, just that, shit ( for those who are under the age of 21, ' poop ' ). We create it. We create it all the time and don't be fooled by a simple ' flush.' I was recently asked by a man, who is letting go, dying, if you will, " Who where those ' people ' who abducted us? Who were they? I know this man, I know the meaning of his question. "In this moment of lucidity, I thought ' before ' the entry of mind, a thought, old hags and old goats. This is what I know of now, the ' werewolves ' of legend, yet I wonder of the young who now process the ' wavelengths ' as taught by teachers and tools given. As to how this abduction was induced; I wonder of members of staff at the hospital or maybe the patients themselves? At this time I had found myself in nightmares and had awakened in the mist of a ' given,' a question of " what's your social security number? " From another mind. My ' feeling ' was and is, within a close proximity of the observed family. So much for legends.
Terrorism is an interesting transparency in a world where almost and probably more than half has not experienced toilet paper. I can't help but wonder of the expectations of parenthood in environments of exacting expectations due our current understanding of worth.
How much are your children worth? How much are your neighbors children worth? There not yours. What's the value of this mirrored quality? I was once given a mirror by a ' friend ' with forty dollars atop it. I trashed the mirror and have forgotten the valued paper spent. But I know I bought toilet paper.
Daughters and sons are an interesting ' commodity,' given the educations, thongs and ' Masks,' if not imprints of their mothers, if not both parents; those who would dress there child in a blouse labeling her as ' pimp,' sorry, I saw this again. What is the value, the real worth of education and mirror as imprints given to life, a whole ' species ' in earnest worth, in order to, not just to survive? As pimped? A ' broad band ' of youth ' pimped ' in a ' rewind.' WHY?
What would it be like to have 7 years of PEACE, worldwide and constant. Who's peace, that is to say, who's idea of peace? Would there be war after this peace as reminder for future generations as to the ' correct ' meaning and definition in application of this ' IDEA ' of PEACE. What NEW constructs in design for all, meaning the world, would be, if it enabled us to experience absolute peace. I have faith it will not be the aftermath of war that enables this experience. Lets hope that ' humanity ' will work together in order to achieve unity in the coming Earth Changes in order to gain abit more comfort than mere survival. Abit more than nero linguistic mind tricks of language in order to work as a whole in this transitory earth transition we all are facing. You will not survive if you don't; mirrored in children. When Rome hit bottom the temprature change in climate was about 7 degrees, plus or minus a degree.
The War of Terrorism is only a reflection of ' our ' children. At least, for now, they have the luxury of toilet paper in this ' war,' in a digital age, rewound.
To be genius is to be able to rise above all realms of terrorism in any given ' chord.' But even ' chords ' are of the human voice ' hear.' Here to listen to mother earth and all that is above; to hear as if sight. I believe that every child has the right to, at least be given the chance to try, globally. This is the REAL nature of VALUE, not worth. TO FIND MUSIC, if not to create it.
Proof of mailing to ' OUR ' President, the ' ruling class ' and bureaucracy, not to mention, victims of our Patriot's Act and those who employ it ( lawyer's soldiers ), of a letter meant to help to further the protections of children in a WORLD of Pedophilia and Terrorism. This the second of which was sent to The White House, our Nations Capital; The United States of America and THE WORLD.
The Proposed Laws are soon to come, including a few more ideas. The imprinting of law is necessary for our children's value of freedom's worth. MEMORY. Some histories are best left alone until either asked about or until the age of 18. We have to be careful of what is taught and in what order due age. We as adults owe this and it is not easy.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


ANOTHER THIRD Tonight at 9:25 ( 9-14-09 ), my landlord at 5413 Alice N.E., and I had a ' sharp, ' heated conversation in my front driveway, about past rent and that I was supposed to have been out of the house on the 6th of last month. I corrected him, it was the 16th. The near impossibly of moving tons of steel and trashing and donating furniture and about a thousand books, has played a factor in the delay, although no legal action has been taken.
He stated that I owed him 20 thousand dollars for back rent. I told him that I didn't. He later recanted his number figure to 16,000 instead of 20 thousand.
I stated that I didn't want him to bring young girls by my house. He stated that he had never done so. He later recanted that " that was years ago."
He stated that he would have the police kick me out. I'm sure ' history ' might repeat itself, if that was the case.
I told him that I didn't want him on the property. He and his friend's have never given prior written notice, for any ' entry,' in the last ten years. If you think about it, this is how millionaires make their money.
He also stated that my comment in my house ( 8-16-09 ) of me blaming or accusing him of setting his white truck on fire was crazy. None the less, it's what he said at the time of the young girl in his truck, a few years back. Thereafter I had to pay rent, if I had cash in the parking lot of a restaurant ( Popeyes's-10601 Central Ave N.E. ), close to Del Norte High School, at least once.
There was a morning afew years back, in which I ' felt ' that I was almost someone else, until I broke the trance. It took alot of effort. I was shredding my receipts for payment of rent, half of almost every receipt that I had, almost everything of a written nature of my existence in this house. My first lease was almost next. Too bad for some personal photos and writing. I almost even destroyed my high school yearbooks and all Art ribbons. It was a picture of and the ' voice ' of my father. A pen and ink drawing. I broke the spell of someone ' telling ' me to do this. If the night before, was like the rest, then I was ' told ' repeatedly to do so. I consider these people and their minds, some in unison, to be in support of, if not pedophiles themselves.
A woman pleading for help, " Please help me," almost a whisper, after being beaten mercifully and pleading for another person. " Please help me." A man and a woman, as if in the ' rafters,' speaking to each other in quite; softly, in observation? Then a climbing down, as if upon a ladder. The woman pleading " will you help me?" A woman's response, though not clear, not understood. The first, " Please don't hurt my baby..." Then the thunderclap of a gunshot. A very short, almost silent sigh, as if a last breath. It was so quiet afterwards.
I was on the ground with a thirty-eight in hand and something on my back, something not seen, in my hallway; heavy. For many years afterwards, in my mind, I've questioned ' the weight, ' the answer almost always " You would of been killed." " You might of gotten one, but you would've been killed." Threw the fear then and reflection now, I wonder if the heavy was my father."
That night was insanity. What people do. Another night, shortly afterwards, another woman beaten again, and taken away. The police were never called, yet the ' static ' was in the air. I ran out of minutes. Knowing that ' Downtown ' was somehow involved, lawyers; a complete loss of faith, yet I believe that freedom without law, is impossible.
A dispatcher once told me, never call us again ( The Police ). A Captain once told me, never call us again.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009


" The global and dynamic character of the perception of the child has been investigated by psychologists in many lands. The child does not perceive distinct objects. He sees an " ensemble of movements " associated with the object. He participates, probably unconsciously, in these movements. When he perceives, he really wishes to act, to join in some movement around him. Action precedes visual perception. It is as if the child played with his toys before seeing them. If he recognizes them, it is not because he recognizes the objects in and of themselves, but because he experiences again the repeated movements he associates with these objects. A box, even if it cannot be opened, suggests the action of opening. It is the objectified possibility of performing an act; in the case of the box, it consists of raising the lid.
Cousinet writes: " When a child holds out his arms towards a balloon with which a little girl is playing, it is not the balloon that he desires. He scarcely sees the balloon except as a detail of an ensemble. What he wants is the whole ensemble formed by the balloon, the little girl, her gestures and himself. To perceive is for him the wish to act, to make himself part of a more or less complex activity in which the balloon is only a ' pretext.' When one brings him the balloon, he does not recognize the ensemble that he had formerly perceived. One brings him exactly what he had not perceived."---------------Mind to Mind by Rene Warcollier, Preface copyright 2001, by Ingo Swann. Interpretive Introduction copyright 2001, by Russell Targ and Jane Katra, Ph.D. Postscript copyright 1975, by Arthur C. Hastings. Originally copyrighted 1948 by Creative Press. Pages 22-24.

" The effectiveness of political and religious propaganda depends on the methods employed, not upon the doctrines taught. These doctrines may be true or false, wholesome or pernicious-it makes little or no difference. If the indoctrination is given in the right way at the proper stage of nervous exhaustion, it will work. Under favorable conditions, practically everybody can be converted to practically anything."---------------Brave New World Revisted by Aldous Huxley, copyright 1958. Perennial Library, Harper & Row, Publishers.


"Devil Girl Choco-Bar, made by an upstart candy company, uses the reverse marketing tactic, boasting that the product sucks and that it's bad for you. Devil Girl is a cartoon-packaged chocolate bar covered with a bitchin' female charater saying " Eat me!" The so-called " nutritional facts " section on the back reads " 7 Evils in One!" and lists in order:

1. Delicious taste

2. Quick, cheap buzz

3. Bad for your health

4. Leads to hard drugs

5. Waste of money

6. Made by sleazy businessmen

7. Exploits women

Sound too nasty for you? The candy industry isn't the only business impressing youth culture with this reverse marking method. In a quirky new campaign, Miller beer introduces us to Dick, an underachieving advertising guy who apologizes constantly for not being creative enough, when you actually want to root for his honest, underdog style. Look for this marketing approach to appear on everything from cereals to ice cream to clothing and cars. Soon enough, reverse marketing won't be a tiny trend but a megatrend in advertising.

But how will freestyle and reverse marketing impact the future of traditional business? The big thinkers will think on their feet, not their seats-treading the streets, connecting to the mentality of youth. ( HERE, IT IS VERY IMPORTANT TO THINK FOR YOURSELF, INTERNATIONAL INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY LAW AS IT WOULD APPLY TO ' OWNERSHIP OF IDEAS ' AND AT WHAT AGE. ) Open up meetings; use brainstorming as a standard; celebrate ideas. Test in the trenches, not in the focus groups. It won't be about how big the company is, but how innovative, authentic and different the brand ' appears.' If the brand is number two or three or four-cheer it. If it's number one, play it down. This is what will get the brand accepted. Because a brand is an individual-it's all about the message. the packaging and the ' CORPORATE CULTURE THAT FUELS IT.' Get mental, get real, think small, think entrepreneurial. Better start now, because the DIYs are coming to your front yard."----------------Street Trends by Janine Lopiano-Misdom & Joanne De Luca, copyright 1997, HarperBusiness, A divison of HarperCollins Publishers. Pages 102-103.


The funny thing about allowing R.V.'s parked on private property, in the front of a dwelling, is that legally they seem to be an entity in and of themselves. They allow, depending on the owner of the dwelling, the possibility of all types of illegal activities from drug trafficking, prostitution and perhaps safe havens for wanted individuals, not to mention the vehicle for the flight of persons involved in human trafficking, sexual child abuse and kidnapping resulting from outstanding drug debts or ' snitching.' I'm sure this is not the case in all neighborhoods, but the possibility still remains; existing laws protect the main dwelling to some extent.

What is needed in our society today because of the growing problems of drug related abuse and child abuse as an exacting measure in need of societies concern, are laws that include the complete forfeiture of private property and not limited to the main dwelling, if a conviction is achieved in a court of law.

The reason this has not happened in New Mexico, Albuquerque in particular, is because, and perhaps only urban legend, the connection between the government and organized crime is almost without boundaries.

A public official who was recently tried, convicted and jailed, and though ' third handly ' heard to say, " I can have anyone 'offed ,' if I want." He was reportedly stated in laughter, but earnestly so. Yet his millions are safely stashed away and the public outcry of support was high before he went to prison, on both sides. What does this have to do with child abuse? You figure it out for your selves. Why should we care of children's balloons?

No one associates child abuse with Recreation Vehicles, yet many have been linked with illegal drug activities in other states. So it would stand to reason, that if this is so, then wouldn't statistics back up problems dealing with abuse, and then, perhaps child abuse also?

Not to mention the affliction of other problems dealing with other illegalities in some neighborhoods, until these neighborhoods ' prove ' themselves CHILD SAFE?

So, let me ask you a question, those of you who are of the reasoning type. When you were dating, what did you ' entice ' your date with in order to get her ( or him ) into the backseat? I bet it wasn't a house on wheels, coffee or porn and late night visits ' to go swimming in the neighborhood pool.'

How's that balloon doing? I beg your pardon,... adults? The absence of perception in relation to the size of the existence of abuse and Pedophilia in our neighborhoods.

The ' kidnapping ' of minds is an interesting idea, although an old one. In my neighborhood, it's the ' lifestyles ' and illegal drugs. Pedophilia is already here, it would have to be, statistics prove it's part of the mix, ' The American Dream.' Ask any ex-police officer or radio show host. R.V.'s are like refrigerators, harmfull and even deadly if ' left ' open for children.


I gave an example of one of the ' enticements ' or hooks; whispers in the night, in one of my posts. It wasn't " Eat me," and though I decided to post it, I did so with considerable thought as to how it might be perceived in example to today's youth, should they happen upon my blog. I considered an Adult Content Warning, but chose not to in order to give example in some public forum, simply stated, TO FIGHT BACK.

" It's because of Television that homosexuality is being excepted. So, what are you waiting for?" Bart Prince, 2002, a conversation. local architect. By gone patron. Beware of Pretext's lid. Money isn't everything, and neither is alcohol.

Monday, August 31, 2009


A shrink that I once dated, once told me, don't play with the Titans. Tonight, for the third time, of no particular pattern, after a ' neighbor ' had left for ?, at 3:23 am, I went on another night time drive. In no particular direction, to visit old neighborhoods were small titans sleep. The night air almost brisk, almost clean. A nice night. The memories of the founders of the cities economic powerhouses of bygone years.
The funny thing is, for the third time, no fire emergency response vehicles, ' dead plates,' or that ' ghost EMT vehicle,' rambling around in my neighborhood. No Fire Trucks. No shadowed escorts, no ' Capture the Flag,' that is unless this post is to be taken into account. My point is this, when you hire on with a city to serve in the capacity of either protecting those who can not protect them selves or emergency medical care for people of all societal economic classes, you do that and NOTHING else. You have no legal authorization to shadow anyone, otherwise you would take better care of your ' handlers ' at the midnight hours.
The ' ghost EMT vehicle,' and all that that implies, is this, if you can't leave the taste of war behind you, then you and your ' BROTHERS ' have NO BUSINESS, NO MATTER YOUR SKILLS LEARNT IN THEATER, to serve the public in that capacity or Law Enforcement, or GHOST a neighborhood in concern of your own mistakes and simple mindedness; leaving a full ice chest of pistols and ammo on your front porch in reach and possession of a neighborhood ' thug ' to assume responsibility of ownership. Then to respond with an ( alleged ) home invasion as reprisal. This is wrong, no matter the reception of the reported incident to APD.
So one third spoken to. Don't ever try to play me again. You are PAYED to ' mend,' YOU WERE PAYED TO KILL, OR MORE APPLY PUT, DEFEND. IF YOU CAN'T HANDEL THE JOB...QUIT!...OR IF THE PUBLIC EVER GROWS A PAIR, FIRED!

Saturday, August 29, 2009



Today, started with donations to The Salvation Army. A trip to Walmart to pick up chewing tobacco. In the parking lot I was approached by a young lady, who while crying, explained a need for monies for a motel room. She was beautiful, blue eyes and yet on the streets. I tryed to help by offering a shower and a floor. The brunet said in so many words within a maze of confused offerings, of what might be considered English; no. An Indian homosexual gave her a few bucks, I gave her 50 cents. I'm moving, and this was explained to her. Her name was Sandra. Her son's name, Scot, who is with his father for unknown reasons. I told her that I ' saw (?)' her and her son five years ago, or at least the names. Maybe she really didn't have a son. She asked me to pray for her. I did and she asked for help, I offered help.
At the steel yard, I delivered an old welder that O.K. Harris had given me. It was a dinosaur to move. The old, yet dependable Toyota SUV, that I bought with 250,00 miles on it, and still going strong after moving tons and tons of cut up sculptures and steel, even withstood, tailgate and all, the 440 pound, dead weight welder. All gone, all Art. I thought for a brief moment that the good in Harris might leave too. I remember. " Aren't women extraordinary," he once asked. I said, " Yes."
I chatted with the attendant at the yard and told her of the young woman at Walmart, how beautiful she was and how she was crying for place to sleep and clean up. How beautiful her eyes were, and how I've seen beauty in brown, black, hazel and green too. How important it is to be well educated and to take advantage of all you can in the straight and narrow. I winked at her and nodded to her daughter. The attendant smiled, " Maybe she did." I smiled brief as I shook the attendants hand. I ' heard ' the names Sonia and then Sandra as I left the steel yard, I then turned up my I-Pod and listened to Led Zepplin's ' Going to California,' and met Sandra. The people we as a society loose with thoughtfulness and purpose. Sandra said she was an orphan, foster homes, until an adult.
After my last donation of plants for the day, from my seemingly endless ' Forest,' I made a trip up to U-Haul It, and searched for an axle for the sculpture to see if making it into a ' Sculpture-trailer,' was feasible. I pictured it in my mind and came up with a design that included the springs, though of smaller dimension and hired a man to remove it for $32.50. Upon payment, the price for the the axle was well over a hundred plus. The same woman with a tattoo of ' JUSTICE,' on her lower arm, above the hand. Her price, two weeks earlier was $ 15.00, about the price, a little lower than a gentleman quoted in referral of this business as honest. Anger, alright,... over. New Mexican at heart, no longer. Will I deal with Mexicans in the future, remains to be seen. My last name, I think that's just about over.
The one thing I hate more than the word ' Nigger ' and the sorry ass white racist trash, is the RACISM that I have endured for a lifetime and more so, now that I can ' hear ' and ' see.'
Some days are just better spent asleep. The only thing worse than giving up your Art for awhile, are your plants. Everything else is expendable. The nature of green is always forgiving through out your lifetime. The beauty of plant life, infinite in color.
Someone told me once, a veteran, that Art serves no purpose. I suppose in New Mexico, he is right. What's the Navy for anyhow?